It's EA but they are stick to "no nerf" pollicy ruining EA experience

I never understood why people are crying for nerfs. You should be asking for buffs, what do you care what others play? As long as it does not kill the servers or make it so that everyone has to play the same build, let people try figuring out what works best.

There will be nerfs coming with the next economy reset as they answered in the last interview, which is okay. Doing this mid-season would be just plain wrong, other than fixing bug exploits. People running strong builds have invested dozens if not hundreds hours into that (I'm not one of those btw), why should they be punished for that? They are using systems that the game is allowing them to use and if the system needs changing, that's what new seasons/leagues are for.
Last edited by LaraGothica#5242 on Jan 15, 2025, 7:29:03 AM
saashaa#5518 wrote:
It's EA but they are stick to "no nerf" pollicy ruining EA experience. We should get ton of nerfs and buffs as it's EA but they don't nerfs things like arc due to they policy "no nerfs" during league. They only fixing bugs - but.. we really need it and reset of the league, which comes with druid and huntress in my opinion.

Trade is so ruined by those builds like arc and will be ruined even further as now we will know where to go on map to look for fortress. So they will get even more efficency on pinnacle bossing.

Are you agree with that during EA we should get more nerfs/buffs and it should be more dynamic - during the EA "seasons". Lets say we get EA Season 1 with Druid and Huntress so another 3months will be without big nerfs/buffs and bigger changes to the balance due to that policy EA will bring unblanced game asf.

For now we clearly see they don't playing warriors as they don't know how bleed works from QA which is similar to Blizzard Dev level absurd.

Agree? and please read all. Without emotional and only logical answers. Lets provide constructive feedback.

People consume game content like drug addicts. Slow down buddy. We just hit the 1 month mark 2 days ago and it's still early access.
saashaa#5518 wrote:
It's EA but they are stick to "no nerf" pollicy ruining EA experience. We should get ton of nerfs and buffs as it's EA but they don't nerfs things like arc due to they policy "no nerfs" during league. They only fixing bugs - but.. we really need it and reset of the league, which comes with druid and huntress in my opinion.

Trade is so ruined by those builds like arc and will be ruined even further as now we will know where to go on map to look for fortress. So they will get even more efficency on pinnacle bossing.

Are you agree with that during EA we should get more nerfs/buffs and it should be more dynamic - during the EA "seasons". Lets say we get EA Season 1 with Druid and Huntress so another 3months will be without big nerfs/buffs and bigger changes to the balance due to that policy EA will bring unblanced game asf.

For now we clearly see they don't playing warriors as they don't know how bleed works from QA which is similar to Blizzard Dev level absurd.

Agree? and please read all. Without emotional and only logical answers. Lets provide constructive feedback.

I don't understand the point of putting unnecessary strain on the process of identifying fatal flaws in a title that is yet to be officially released, something that should be important to both GGG and players.

How do you understand the position of a "mere game developer" in the computer game industry? Are you trying to make them realize the harsh reality of the world?

I mean slow down. :)
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3

Stop Bombing
Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】
Last edited by finisterre#5659 on Jan 15, 2025, 8:10:36 AM
I play SSF HC and I'm about to hit 86. I haven't done any pinnacle bosses yet and I would be somewhat devastated if they reset my progress right now.

I've been taking my time but I play a crapload because I'm not working right now. I am a special case. I imagine there is a massive chunk of people who only play 1 or two hours a day and haven't cleared the game yet.

Not everyone copies the meta and crush the game. People like me who just want to make their own build and gear, and have a good time with the game instead of just rolling stormweaver and trivializing or cheesing it with OP items they got for 2 exalts of the trade site.

TLDR lots of us are still progressing.
Rexeos#3429 wrote:
I vote for no nerfs.

And if change has to be done, lets buff other builds if needed.

What do you mean by "ruined economy"? People who trade are "owning" economy. And those who sell what they find, they can do 10 div per day just buy playing maps only.

And if there is reset of servers and all progress is lost I see no reason to play any more.

u know this will never happen; they started Poe1 that way, and it was fine, until there were too many skills and stuff to the question was "should i change/nerf 1 thing or change/boost 1000 other things"? u get the answer
I play SSF HC and I'm about to hit 86. I haven't done any pinnacle bosses yet and I would be somewhat devastated if they reset my progress right now.

they wont reset you.

they will start a new league which you can create a new character in. your old characters will still be in the old league and you can still play them. they will never wipe your characters.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
I play SSF HC and I'm about to hit 86. I haven't done any pinnacle bosses yet and I would be somewhat devastated if they reset my progress right now.

they wont reset you.

they will start a new league which you can create a new character in. your old characters will still be in the old league and you can still play them. they will never wipe your characters.

Normally yes, but it's not really a league. They are not adding any new mechanics or content so it's strange to me that they would have separate leagues in this case.

You may be right but that's not how I assumed it was going to go down. Seems weird.
I think I understand all these debates. The people that complain about changes tends to have bad builds or cant use the trade properly and the people that don't want changes are either veterans or know what they are doing with the game. Its so simple. If you learn the game then no changes needs to be made if you don't learn the game instead of changing your gameplay you want the game to change towards your gameplay! Hahaha
I never understood why people are crying for nerfs. You should be asking for buffs, what do you care what others play? As long as it does not kill the servers or make it so that everyone has to play the same build, let people try figuring out what works best.

Because any multiplayer game is supposed to be somewhat balanced ??? Currently this game got builds that surpass the 1 million DPS in their out-of-combat damage tooltip ( GGG is coming at you PoCG builds ) , in the meantime MF Spark farmers get a dozen of divs per map and did break the market to the point everyone been whining for the last weeks about an economy reset ?

Did you just spawn from D4 ? Welcome here , take a seat .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Jan 15, 2025, 10:16:20 AM
nerfs shoul come and they should be big. There are already enough of oneshot-screen/bosses builds and its a big problem because:
1. economy (droprates) will be tuned around top broken builds, ie other builds will suck even more.
2. all monster types, their unique attacks/spells/moves/other mechanics - will no matter due to screen oneshots.
3. if players oneshot screens and bosses - if the game is balanced around them, devs whould insert mechanics vs those builds - another oneshots/ground effecs/offscreens. And normal builds will suffer even more.

NERF HARD broken builds.

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