It's EA but they are stick to "no nerf" pollicy ruining EA experience

Ashyev#5110 wrote:
You all cried foul when the first update nerfed Warrior & trigger spells lmao

Nerfs & buffs cannot be done at a hotfix frequency , one balance tweak once every month that's more than enough .

Then why was gas grenade nerfed with a hotfix, when it wasn't even that good?
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
auspexa#1404 wrote:
Ashyev#5110 wrote:
You all cried foul when the first update nerfed Warrior & trigger spells lmao

Nerfs & buffs cannot be done at a hotfix frequency , one balance tweak once every month that's more than enough .

Then why was gas grenade nerfed with a hotfix, when it wasn't even that good?

Sure it was never good ... oh wait :

Anyway I said they should not balance through hotfix and i'm glad they didn't do that since the holidays . But man i do hope that incoming nerfhammer is going to hit hard .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Didn't they mention in the Q/A that we would be getting a class like every month or so? Or did I hear that wrong. I don't think the cycles are gonna be 3 months each for EA
Ashyev#5110 wrote:
auspexa#1404 wrote:
Ashyev#5110 wrote:
You all cried foul when the first update nerfed Warrior & trigger spells lmao

Nerfs & buffs cannot be done at a hotfix frequency , one balance tweak once every month that's more than enough .

Then why was gas grenade nerfed with a hotfix, when it wasn't even that good?

Sure it was never good ... oh wait :

Anyway I said they should not balance through hotfix and i'm glad they didn't do that since the holidays . But man i do hope that incoming nerfhammer is going to hit hard .


first of all, this is gas arrow, not gas grenade

second, this is just a unique monster in the campaign, I can literally one shot this boss with 50 different builds, what does that prove?

if one shotting a stupid campaign boss, which isn't even an act boss, is hotfix worthy, why aren't they hotfixing all the builds that kill +4 Xesht in 2 seconds?

third, gas skills, and grenades in general, were already known to fall off later on, how many gas grenade/gas arrow builds have you seen after the nerf? show me a single grenade build that's killing a +4 pinnacle

"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
Last edited by auspexa#1404 on Jan 15, 2025, 6:35:06 AM
Rexeos#3429 wrote:

What do you mean by "ruined economy"? People who trade are "owning" economy. And those who sell what they find, they can do 10 div per day just buy playing maps only.

An extremely low % of the community are making over 1 div a day and a fairly low % even bother to player trade so what point are you trying to make?

This is a discussion about the actual gameplay and design, not about the very low population of all day gamers who are playing extremely competitively in a single player game.

"and if there is a reset of servers..." You'd actually complain about lost progress? What progress is there to make if you're already wizzing through monster content like a hot knife through butter. GGG have a game to finalize and no one should be caring about people who are addicted to cheap thrilled gameplay dopamine.

If you want to buy items for divines you also have to find ways to get them. Trading is fastest. Playing/farming is slowest. There are many great items for few exalts and you can do fantastic builds for 120 exalts which can do all content.

All players start at same position and only few are able to trade in mirrors. Even if there would be restriction to play PoE for 2 hours per day, few individuals would be able to pay in mirrors while others in exalts.

Once you have one mirror build worth you know, you still have a lot to progress in this game. Damage is not all.

I would suggest to look at PoE a vacation :). You play, enjoy what it is and than its over. If you see reason why to do that again, go ahead. I dont. Every league player from PoE knows game is over "soon". Some start a new, others dont.
auspexa#1404 wrote:

first of all, this is gas arrow, not gas grenade

second, this is just a unique monster in the campaign, I can literally one shot this boss with 50 different builds, what does that prove?

if one shotting a stupid campaign boss, which isn't even an act boss, is hotfix worthy, why aren't they hotfixing all the builds that kill +4 Xesht in 2 seconds?

third, gas skills, and grenades in general, were already known to fall off later on, how many gas grenade/gas arrow builds have you seen after the nerf? show me a single grenade build that's killing a +4 pinnacle

im talkin about GaS GREnAdE

Gas Grenade's explosion base damage has been reduced to 150%-468% at gem level 1-20 (previously 240%-749%).
Gas Arrow's explosion base damage has been reduced to 100%-312% at gem levels 1-20 (previously 250%-780%).

Gas Grenade/Arrow were nerfed the same way ( Gas Arrow even more so ) for the same reason of trivializing gameplay

iTs caMpaIgN sHoW mE piNNacLE

The nerf happened the third day after release , no wonder you didn't farmed pinnacle with it so stop grasping at straws buddy & get a grip LMAO
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Jan 15, 2025, 7:09:47 AM
Ashyev#5110 wrote:
auspexa#1404 wrote:

first of all, this is gas arrow, not gas grenade

second, this is just a unique monster in the campaign, I can literally one shot this boss with 50 different builds, what does that prove?

if one shotting a stupid campaign boss, which isn't even an act boss, is hotfix worthy, why aren't they hotfixing all the builds that kill +4 Xesht in 2 seconds?

third, gas skills, and grenades in general, were already known to fall off later on, how many gas grenade/gas arrow builds have you seen after the nerf? show me a single grenade build that's killing a +4 pinnacle

im talkin about GaS GREnAdE

Gas Grenade's explosion base damage has been reduced to 150%-468% at gem level 1-20 (previously 240%-749%).
Gas Arrow's explosion base damage has been reduced to 100%-312% at gem levels 1-20 (previously 250%-780%).

Gas Grenade/Arrow were nerfed the same way for the same reason of trivializing gameplay

iTs caMpaIgN sHoW mE piNNacLE

The nerf happened the third day after release , no wonder you didn't farmed pinnacle with it so stop holding on straws buddy & get a grip LMAO

I genuinely have trouble trying to grasp your thought process, think you should at least read what you're responding to

I'm not asking for a prenerf pinnacle kill, if they were so overpowered to an extent where they were trivializing everything and an immediate hotfix was required, they should still be good and people should be able to run endgame content with them. How come there isn't a single video on youtube where someone kills an endgame boss with a hit based gas grenade/gas arrow build?

And you didn't answer the other question, if they were nerfed because they were trivializing the campaign, why is GGG not nerfing the skills that trivialize pinnacle content? Is trivializing endgame content that less important than trivializing a stupid campaign boss?
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
People saying the economy is ruined don't know how to search on the trade site. You can get gear with which you can easily do T15 maps for few exalts a piece.
auspexa#1404 wrote:
And you didn't answer the other question, if they were nerfed because they were trivializing the campaign, why is GGG not nerfing the skills that trivialize pinnacle content? Is trivializing endgame content that less important than trivializing a stupid campaign boss?

I did answer that . How about you follow your own advice about reading what you are responding to ?
Projecting much ?

Anyway I said they should not balance through hotfix and i'm glad they didn't do that since the holidays . But man i do hope that incoming nerfhammer is going to hit hard .

"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Jan 15, 2025, 7:20:50 AM
Geez. GGG is screwed if they do something and screwed if they don’t.

Everyone just needs to relax and let them cook

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