It's EA but they are stick to "no nerf" pollicy ruining EA experience

Looks like i do .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Sad to see a bunch of mega try hards in this thread obsessed about maxmising Div farming, that's not the point of this thread, it's about discussing the point of early access, not about maximising or having the most "fun" out of your cheesy builds that more grounded people really don't care about...
Last edited by TrunktenUK#3407 on Jan 15, 2025, 12:34:04 PM
I never understood why people are crying for nerfs. You should be asking for buffs, what do you care what others play? As long as it does not kill the servers or make it so that everyone has to play the same build, let people try figuring out what works best.

The game is economically competitive if you play trade, so what others play does matter. Thats why meta builds that are OP matter because in trade if you dont play whatever is meta, you fall behind the curve, and if you fall behind you not only make currency slower but theres an opportunity cost involved in not getting to end game as fast as people playing the meta build. For example right now almost nothing you find has value. If someone was reaching end game today, they would have a very hard time selling anything since nobody needs mid-level rares anymore, nobody is trying to fix resists anymore, nobody needs mid level weapons anymore. Basically the only thing people need anymore is near mirror tier gear or chase uniques, and thats it. Whereas 2 weeks into league I can get a 10-30 exalt sale every 15 minutes, now I get maybe a few sales a day and only for things valued at 1 div or more, since lower valued stuff simply doesnt sell.

And everyone IS playing the same build for the most part. Its all variations on HOWA/INT stacking usually combined with double herald interaction to shatter entire screens of mobs instantly.
Waitn4D4#0477 wrote:
I never understood why people are crying for nerfs. You should be asking for buffs, what do you care what others play? As long as it does not kill the servers or make it so that everyone has to play the same build, let people try figuring out what works best.

The game is economically competitive if you play trade, so what others play does matter. Thats why meta builds that are OP matter because in trade if you dont play whatever is meta, you fall behind the curve, and if you fall behind you not only make currency slower but theres an opportunity cost involved in not getting to end game as fast as people playing the meta build. For example right now almost nothing you find has value. If someone was reaching end game today, they would have a very hard time selling anything since nobody needs mid-level rares anymore, nobody is trying to fix resists anymore, nobody needs mid level weapons anymore. Basically the only thing people need anymore is near mirror tier gear or chase uniques, and thats it. Whereas 2 weeks into league I can get a 10-30 exalt sale every 15 minutes, now I get maybe a few sales a day and only for things valued at 1 div or more, since lower valued stuff simply doesnt sell.

And everyone IS playing the same build for the most part. Its all variations on HOWA/INT stacking usually combined with double herald interaction to shatter entire screens of mobs instantly.

I agree with your entire post, as it perfectly summarizes what the overwhelming majority of players will be experiencing. Especially the concept of a focus on efficiency taking the place of selling progression gear.

I would just like to add that there's a few other builds which are meta atm... GGG, please don't just pay attention to howa builds! PLEASE!
I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
Waitn4D4#0477 wrote:

And everyone IS playing the same build for the most part. Its all variations on HOWA/INT stacking usually combined with double herald interaction to shatter entire screens of mobs instantly.

The streamers do lately, true, but that's hardly all players. In fact I think the first popular stacker videos popped-up in my YT about a week ago. And those builds are 50+ divs alone for the gems, plus 130+ for astramentis and probably another 50 for the rest of the gear (though I'm surprised that ingenuity apparently crashed to 4 divs? This was much higher a week ago).

I play an ordinary ice strike build since the CoF nerf, 96k dps unbuffed, L93 and can clear T18 with two breaches simultaniously in a delirious map, atlas full +modified effects without breaking a swet. My most expensive item is my body armor at 10 divs, no ingenuity, pillar, astra. I have HOWA dropped from the breach boss but that only got me 15k more dps because I already had good gloves. Still not CI and about 150% rarity. I've done arbiter T2, breach T4 and am farming citadels for fun (if I could find more, 0.1.1 can't drop soon enough).

The reason I am not swimming in divs is not that I don't do 300k dps but because I have work and family outside of PoE, contrary to the streamers and others running around with top gear which spend probably 10x the time I've spend, either playing or swapping. And this will always be true, the more time you invest the more succesful you'll be. You need a good build yes, but you don't need to stack attributes to do every end-game content. Who cares if a boss takes 2 seconds or 10 seconds to die, important is only that it dies reliably and you don't. If you want to get rich you need one thing more than anything: time.

I for one am very glad that those insane costly uber-builds exist, gives me a reason to play more and maybe get an astra myself some day and feel like god for a minute. And if it doesn't happen it's fine too, I had fun getting to where I am now and that's the most imporat thing, the way is the goal. But I'd be quite pissed if they would nerf my build mid-season and I had to start fresh without everyone starting fresh. That's why I am much more in favour of GGGs stance to do nerfs only with a reset of the economy.

And everyone IS playing the same build for the most part. Its all variations on HOWA/INT stacking usually combined with double herald interaction to shatter entire screens of mobs instantly... That's why I am much more in favour of GGGs stance to do nerfs only with a reset of the economy.

Yeah nobody needs HOWA or heralds to clear juiced maps or even bossing atm. Most of the builds popping up now are very high investment, but HOWA has been a main focus of many people since like week 2.

And I agree on GGG's stance. Mostly. If they nerfed heralds Id be OK with that because it really does trivialize mapping and seems unintentional since the heralds are not supposed to inflict ailments, but outside of that I have no problem with them waiting for economy reset to nerf things.

Im hoping for next league by March at latest. If it came by mid February I think most people would be ecstatic. Hell it could come next week and most people would be happy with that if it meant Huntress was added.
Last edited by Waitn4D4#0477 on Jan 15, 2025, 2:47:29 PM
saashaa#5518 wrote:
Trade is so ruined by those builds like arc and will be ruined even further as now we will know where to go on map to look for fortress. So they will get even more efficency on pinnacle bossing.
Are you saying these builds can map super efficiently on 10-20 divines budget?

If they invested hundreds of divines, it does not matter which skill they play, it's normal to farm efficiently. And it's very likely that they have some divines in stash prepared for next patch, to play the next OP thing.

Right now, any nerf would only affect the players who are struggling to farm high tier maps. They will need to go back to farm low tier maps, or start over. Or wait for next league. I don't think GGG wants that.
Last edited by 6_din_49#4066 on Jan 15, 2025, 3:20:39 PM
Bowtye#7246 wrote:
Geez. GGG is screwed if they do something and screwed if they don’t.

Everyone just needs to relax and let them cook

You get that when you have a % of the userbase that thinks endgame should be as slow as Act 1 and loudly demands anything faster than a Mace build should be nerfed into the dirt.
PoE2 is a great tutorial for PoE1.
Lixy#2668 wrote:

You get that when you have a % of the userbase that thinks endgame should be as slow as Act 1 and loudly demands anything faster than a Mace build should be nerfed into the dirt.


But who the hell is asking for Sonic the Hedgehog speeds in their beautifully detailed, deep mob mechanics isometric game?

People like Souls Games, Elden Ring, Monster Hunter, DMC, games where you can actually see and interact with stuff. People want the ARPG to grow up.
Sad to see a bunch of mega try hards in this thread obsessed about maxmising Div farming, that's not the point of this thread, it's about discussing the point of early access, not about maximising or having the most "fun" out of your cheesy builds that more grounded people really don't care about...

Oh yes it does matter to nerf MF into the ground , if GGG fail to do so we are going to have long standing issues . The game is one month old and the market is already in complete disarray , this is not sustainable in the long run period .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version

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