Trial of Sekhema MUST change or go away.

For those who don't want to read further - that's it. The title says it all. It is the most stupid and frustrating challenge I've ever experienced in the gaming, period.
For those who wish to stay, here's my "little rant" about this BULL SHIT of a "trial". It is literally made the way to completely REMOVE your relevancy of your personal skill, replacing it with how good your equipment is, and how good you are at random equipment drop. I know that it takes a LOT of skill to simply HAVE LUCK, am I right? Not only that, it makes warrior class USELESS, as the main theme of warrior is to "get stuck in", weather the punishment with your armor and blocks, and retaliate with force, devastating the enemy. I will repeat it for those who are slow to catch on - you NEED to get close to the enemy, you NEED to receive and ABSORB the damage done to you, so you can RETALIATE, priming enemy for your turn of dealing damage. And what does the trial of Sekhema does? It tells you, that you CAN'T get close to the enemy! You CAN'T receive any damage! So how are warriors supposed to clear the challenge, when they CAN'T PLAY THEIR CLASS?!?! Make it make sense, people! And, PLEASE, don't start showing me videos with bunch of no-life streamers with the equipment I am never even HOPING to get with my humble resources and average luck! It will only amplify my point of trial to not being designed to test your SKILL, but to test your EQUIPMENT.
So how to fix this stupid concept of a "challenge"? It is quite easy, actually. Here are few ways:
1 - remove honor COMPLETELY, or to make it deplete while TAKING damage, as before, but to RESTORE it after you kill monsters, increasing the amount restored if the target is magic, rare or unique.
2 - there should NOT be such a curse like "reducing damage to 40%" or "you have no armor/evasion"! There is one thing to get a HINDRANCE to your game, there is completely another thing of ruining your game completely! Given the fact, that this trial is literally gear-checking you more that skill-checking you, having a debuff that makes your equipment completely useless is stupid beyond any reason!
3 - there should be a way, like spending your holy water, to cleanse next room of any curses. I have had more than enough of attempts ruined, because of impossible to manage debuffs on every possible choice or route to appear. Like, screw it, I can TRY to handle -40% of damage, TRY that is, but when the next thing I see is you are slowed -25% speed and you have NO ARMOR? How is that supposed to be cleared, developers? Are you HIGH or something?!?
Done. Rant is over. I do not care how, but Sekhema MUST go away in it's current form. It is not a trial, it is a giant middle finger in the player's face.
Have a good day.
Last bumped on Feb 18, 2025, 2:44:45 PM
I completely agree. I wasn't a fan of lab, but it was by leaps and bounds better than any of the trials we have now.

Generally, I wouldn't even mind the Sekhema mechanic, if it didn't have that stupid honor mechanic and if the modifiers weren't that ridiculously over the top in some cases.
I think it's too baked into the game and acts to be removed.

My suggestion is to link honour to rewards only, if you lose it all, you don't die or lose your run, but your rewards are reduced. FINALLY, the 3rd ascendency must not be a consumable. Learn from poe1, please. Pleeeease.

Another point is the binary and non-escalating nature of the debuffs. They shouldn't be "you have no armour and evasion" they should be (like poe1) incremental and more punishing as you opt into them over and over.

Also, to the dev's, have you actually completed runs of these trials? Have you played it? I assume no, because there's no way this passes QA.

My final point is that it just isn't fun. At all. I have thousands of hours in poe1, but I am seriously considering dropping 2 unless this is changed. I absolutely will NOT play through this garbage every single league or worse, buy a carry every league.

You only have one chance to fix this GGG before you start seriously losing players when the honeymoon phase ends.
Yep it's not fun. Doing currently T10-14 maps, i can kill everything fairly quick, no problems in that area. In Sekhemas i have max honour res relics etc, but then get absolutely destroyed by rng with not getting correct boons, multiple rares spawning stacked on top each other with extremely annoying passives, having only options for afflictions that kinda bricks the whole run (-40% damage, no evasion/es, cannot restore honour etc.) after spending half an hour playing carefully. My playstyle as monk relies on facetanking hits, i can't do that in Sekhemas at all, i would have to completely invent new build, style and farm gear with luck, only for the trials. On top of that the auto-aim with quarterstaff, even when pressing shift to attack in-place, often throws me in the middle of enemies and their aoe's etc. It just feels unfair and unfun.
Last edited by olli#1928 on Dec 26, 2024, 7:04:49 AM
I'm a ranged (witch) player, and I understand that melee builds can be frustrating and need improvements.

But I find trials os Sekhemas to be a lot fun, I really like to run it now and then to get some loot, its hard, its challenging but not impossible. its a roguelike (something that I enjoy) where you need to make an strategy at least.. am I going to get the debuff that is not that bad and have 3 options of rooms later or get a room without debuffs that later converges into a single run.. the 1 room option is riskier if I dont know what is in there.. I need to plan around my choices and, for me, thats the fun of it. my only problem in this trial is the "instakill mechanic" of the 4th boss, its frustrating to a slow player not be able to get all hourglasses and stop the mechanic, I literally can't do it solo even though my damage is good enough to defeat him aside of that mechanic.

with a good roll of relics I also get so much Honour that I rarely reach half of it, and with the buffs and learing the mechanics of each encounter I find this mode really enjoyable. And just saying, i'm just a casual player that never even played sanctum in the PoE 1

The Trial of Chaos is a lot harder in my opinion, in the debuff side and in the fact that you need (if you are lucky) to do the trial (with 10 rooms) 3 times at least to face the Trialmaster and get the last ascendancy point
Please remove trial of chaos too. The bosses are fucked up.
Path of Trials 2: Chaos and Sekhema

that could literally be an expansion of the game.
Sekhemas needs a balance pass for sure when it comes to melee but its OK once you are suitably situated with your character. I'd write more but so many aspects are half baked its kinda pointless, Sanctum could be a sequel to trial of the sekhema but they made it first lmao
The afflictions could use a lot of work to smooth this out. No ES shouldn't exists. -50% damage and huge afflictions shouldn't be on floor 1. Its far too easy to just lose you entire run on floor 1 and 2.
Super easy with a few resistance relics (which youll get running it, even dying)

Can always pay for a carry if you're having a skill issue as well.
Step 1 is to self reflect.

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