Why POE2 is dying

Nyon#6673 wrote:

Well thats completetly relative to what you mean by the word abuse. I dont mean like its cheating, maybe abuse is the wrong word to use.

But thats not the point. The point is that all top builds use es, because its so obviously superior. And ofc you can still play other defenses but it feels bad playing something thats litterally 3 to 4 times worse. Also some ascendancies are almost forced into other defenses

And this is why the other guy is correct....you are incorrectly stating your point and choosing inflammatory rhetoric while ignoring what is being said.

ES is in a good spot. It takes a LOT of investment to get to the numbers you mention and have seen on streams. With that investment, it should pay off like it does.

It is not ES that has the problem, it is the underperforming and underdeveloped defenses. Removal of life on the tree has created an issue that needs solving: investment in life is hard to the point of being impossible. Armor is almost entirely useless, even with high investment. These are the problems. Plus...we are missing a lot of defensive layers that we had in PoE 1 that favor life over ES. They will come.

Why does ES naturally have higher numbers than life? Because, for the most part, when you heavily invest to GET those high numbers...you need to use ES bases leaving your actual damage and hit mitigation way below other builds. Life won't need the same level of numbers, because it stacks much easier with evasion and armour and most other defenses that will come out. They just need to be careful not to introduce something like Aegis Aurora.

The call to action, especially in an EA, is almost NEVER "we need to nerf xyz". It should be "buff xyz to be more in line with a". The only time we need to cry nerf is if something is bugged or clearly interacting in mysterious ways (*cough cough, MF, *cough). If they feel the buffs go too far, then they can blanket nerf everything all at once. THAT is the appropriate way to balance, while respecting the players and the environment they created.
Starting anew....with PoE 2
Last edited by cowmoo275#3095 on Dec 26, 2024, 12:00:00 PM
Fhrek#4437 wrote:
Unrayy#5939 wrote:
Which maps and why is it a problem?

At least in this topic I agree. The maps are too large and without movement speed it is unbearable to play in.

Act 1 is all fine, the map sizes are ok after you learn were are the quests and side objetives.

Act 2 things starts to get boring, the Deshar map and the Dreadnaught are painfully big and tedious to replay after the first playthrough.

Act 3 is all kind of mess, every map is so large that to find the 2 or 3 exits are garantee boredom, this act put the nail on the replay/alt coffin. The whole go to the past shenninagan is cliche and over the top, would be much more entincing if Doryiani had survived all those years in his black chamber living in oblivion what happend to the Vaal society (like the Solo guy of the Silo TV series).

The endgame Atlas maps are just a copy paste of Act 3 maps, so large that some are pretty annoying to be running constantly. I love the beach and red sands ones because they have a short circular pattern and not too many dead ends.

Act 2 and Act 3 are quite vast indeed. The checkpoints helped with backtracking but it sure does take a while to find the next objective. Same with some Atlas maps.

Maybe the GGG could add some form of road or a trail in the campaign maps that we could follow to the next objective instead of zigzagging the whole area, hoping to find the next exit or the quest objective.

Campaign Maps in PoE1 weren't as big and we also had quicksilver flasks to help "zoom" thru them.
Unrayy#5939 wrote:
Campaign Maps in PoE1 weren't as big and we also had quicksilver flasks to help "zoom" thru them.

Speed boost outside of combat would help and wouldn't require any itemization changes.
Nyon#6673 wrote:

Well thats completetly relative to what you mean by the word abuse. I dont mean like its cheating, maybe abuse is the wrong word to use.

But thats not the point. The point is that all top builds use es, because its so obviously superior. And ofc you can still play other defenses but it feels bad playing something thats litterally 3 to 4 times worse. Also some ascendancies are almost forced into other defenses

And this is why the other guy is correct....you are incorrectly stating your point and choosing inflammatory rhetoric while ignoring what is being said.

ES is in a good spot. It takes a LOT of investment to get to the numbers you mention and have seen on streams. With that investment, it should pay off like it does.

It is not ES that has the problem, it is the underperforming and underdeveloped defenses. Removal of life on the tree has created an issue that needs solving: investment in life is hard to the point of being impossible. Armor is almost entirely useless, even with high investment. These are the problems.

Why does ES naturally have higher numbers than life? Because, for the most part, when you heavily invest to GET those high numbers...you need to use ES bases leaving your actual damage and hit mitigation way below other builds. Life won't need the same level of numbers, because it stacks much easier with evasion and armour and most other defenses that will come out. They just need to be careful not to introduce something like Aegis Aurora.

No your deffinetly just coping.
Es requires little to no investment as is.
And any build thats currently not using es can with little investment swap to es and see a minimum of doubling your effective health pool. Thats why its so easy to spot its not balanced.

And if the only solution would be to buff life/armor with no nerfs to es then we would see characters running around with 15k hp and the game would become trivial.

If your on the top side of the tree you almost cant path anywhere without going by several nodes giving 25-30% increased energy shield, with some nodes giving all the way to 60% energy shield. Where is this heavy investment you speak of?
Last edited by Nyon#6673 on Dec 26, 2024, 12:00:55 PM
I disagree on removing xp on death, Like the majority of players could care less on hitting 100 lol, Diablo 2 had that, That's more for people being competitive on ladders.

Also, Crafting is a bit boring. Maps feel meh I never find anything so the magic find needs to go for sure. But I never found anything in Diablo 2 with a crap ton of magic find xD.

Idk I feel like you just want Diablo 4 easy and gets boring. This game is alot more fun than Diablo 4 and Diablo 3. I honestly dont want to even mention these games because they are bad.

Its early access, if you bored go play something else until they bring more fixes etc.

Id rather give feedback and help them than rush like blizzard does and make a horriable game.

PoE 2 is best game Ive played in awhile.

Are there things I dislike ofcourse. Trials being one of them I just dont think a rng honor system belongs in a game like this. It is not fun period. Maybe for some but not the majority of people. I dont want it to be easy just not so rng. I also dont want to farm for relics to just get honor resistance. Hope they change or remove it.

It is what it is though only thing we can do is offer our feedback, If they listen, +1 if not oh well.
Last edited by R3Funded#5006 on Dec 26, 2024, 12:12:30 PM
R3Funded#5006 wrote:
I disagree on removing xp on death, Like the majority of players could care less on hitting 100 lol, Diablo 2 had that, That's more for people being competitive on ladders.

The only people who care about that are people who need some excuse for why they cant finish the campaign
Nyon#6673 wrote:

No your deffinetly just coping.
Es requires little to no investment as is.
And any build thats currently not using es can with little investment swap to es and see a minimum of doubling your effective health pool. Thats why its so easy to spot its not balanced.

And if the only solution would be to buff life/armor with no nerfs to es then we would see characters running around with 15k hp and the game would become trivial.

I'm sorry but this just isn't based in reality....both the "little investment swap", as well as what happens with buffs. I don't exactly believe that you have your own opinion, because the way you are talking is from someone with little experience in both life and ES builds. Someone watched a video and is now repeating false claims here on the forum.

Also....we know its not balanced. I literally said exactly that. And so did the other dude. But your solution is the exact opposite approach that should be taken, and your "descriptions" of the issue are nearly all false hyperbole.
Starting anew....with PoE 2
Nyon#6673 wrote:

No your deffinetly just coping.
Es requires little to no investment as is.
And any build thats currently not using es can with little investment swap to es and see a minimum of doubling your effective health pool. Thats why its so easy to spot its not balanced.

And if the only solution would be to buff life/armor with no nerfs to es then we would see characters running around with 15k hp and the game would become trivial.

I'm sorry but this just isn't based in reality....both the "little investment swap", as well as what happens with buffs. I don't exactly believe that you have your own opinion, because the way you are talking is from someone with little experience in both life and ES builds. Someone watched a video and is now repeating false claims here on the forum.

Also....we know its not balanced. I literally said exactly that. And so did the other dude. But your solution is the exact opposite approach that should be taken, and your "descriptions" of the issue are nearly all false hyperbole.

My solution would be to nerf es and buff life until their at an equal level.

While your solution is just to buff life until its op aswell so the game can stay easy for you.

Instead of just repeating yourself maybe you can point out where this heavy investment comes from?

Respeccing your tree costs almost nothing now. And becsuse of the massive amount of players trying to corrupt es bases for tripple sockets you can buy a 700+ es chest for almost nothing, which is where the majority of your base es comes from.

I know this because i originally was atacking armor until i realised it was completetly useless, and with almost no investment i could change 2-3 gear pieces and respec some nodes and my effective life pool litterally went 2-3x
Meanwhile my pure meele worst ascendancy 89 chonk with 2k HP 50% armor and 0 eva es farming casually for fun both trials
Last edited by RhetorrusInvirius#6036 on Dec 26, 2024, 12:16:34 PM

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