Trials of Sekhema is bad

This is one of the worst bullshit i have played in 30 years of gaming.
I can play Tier15 maps just fine but getting this shit done is tilting me in every way possible. Run away and tip toe for 30min just to get your honor chipped away by random mobs with their unavoidable aoe spam.
Its so bad it made me come to the forum and write this post. Even after the nerf!
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Last edited by Cameron_GGG#0000 on Dec 23, 2024, 7:56:54 PM
Last bumped on Feb 24, 2025, 2:08:42 AM
same here ... my wish for christmas is to beat this challenge ;)

... but i think i will fail again and again ... :/
I think its fine. But it shouldnt be related to getting your ascendancy since its such a big difference how challenging it is depending on what build your playing
yeah I'm so f'n over it myself. This is horrible design
Yep, it's just a horrible design and I'm done with the game until its changed or ascendency isn't tied to it anymore.

Hopefully they will listen to the community and do something about it.
i FUCKING HATE ultimatum and sekhemas.

i cant with this shit, can this content just fuck off?

why is this for ascendancy?

i just wasted about 40 mins in a sekhema shit for my 3rd ascend and then my friend got offscreened by a boss move and we lost our honor and... yeah, rip 40 mins of my life.,

fuck this content. remove it.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Focus on your relics and you will be fine.
I already did 4 ascendacies on 2 characters - caster AND melee, both sanctum and they were pretty easy. Aim for 75 honour resistance and any increased max honour (add increased defences, if you are stacking ES) you can get. Relics drop left and right in sanctum and you only need to find them once per account. Or buy them.
Protainn#4587 wrote:
Focus on your relics and you will be fine.

I did. This is what happened.

1st attempt: Cleared first 2 tests, got to 3rd room of the 3rd test, got body surrounded and physically body blocked by the jumping worm mobs. There were too many of them, my abilities as a warrior take too long to go off to hit them, and for some reason, I couldn't roll out of the group. My roll animation would play, but I would remain in place. I spammed potions to stay alive, desperately tried to roll out, tried to attack but the 3 second wind-up on all of my attacks kept getting me stunlocked. For 5 straight seconds I was physically prevented from doing literally anything to escape, and died.

2nd attempt: Got a buddy with a freeze build to come with me, he died at 1st Floor boss from poorly telegraphed falling rock. I got to second Floor boss, where due to the health scaling and a bad affliction I had no choice in taking, I was slowly chipped down by the duo because both of them could move and attack faster than my warrior's attacks go off, meaning I had to either take the hit or spend the entire fight on the back foot.

3rd attempt Solo again, rolled through the first 2 floors, got to the 3rd floor second room and was thrown up against a rare that had an aoe burst fire mod, hasted aura, and was hastened. It attacked and moved faster than ANY of my abilities could go off, the fire burst chunked my honor despite having 75% res, the resulting burn took more. So it slowly whittled away my honor while i desperately tried to kill it using a build that it hard-countered through mods. Failed

4th attempt Duo again, buddy died in Hourglass trial mid-way through second floor due to getting overwhelmed, I took significant honor chip damage due to a particularly bad set of rares in the same Hourglass trial filling the arena with projectiles and large aoe attacks. Made it to the boss room with a little over 25% honor remaining because somehow, I didn't get a single honor shrine spawn in the last few rooms. Repeat of the fight on my second attempt, just faster.

Thats 4 attempts in a row ruined by terrible RNG and mechanics that feel deliberately stacked against my character. I am done. I am not having fun with the trial of sekhema. It is objectively bad design, so I refuse to engage with it anymore. I see zero redeeming qualities of a system so heavily reliant on RNG and punishment to create the illusion of challenge, and I, like many others, want it removed from the game. It SHOULD be removed from the game. If it is not, then it is clear that GGG does not respect my time.
i FUCKING HATE ultimatum and sekhemas.

i cant with this shit, can this content just fuck off?

why is this for ascendancy?

I hate it too, ascendancy should be easy
we want the trials nerfed! they are impossible, i dont want to reach level 90 to get my 4 & 6th ascendancy points!

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