POE 2 loses it's identity/face on end-game
the wrong is - they do not follow the vision and core of the game they promised and end-game is to much like poe 1. And all people who loved the vision don't have end-game with that vision.
We are to strong reaching end game. Everything is over-stimulating like in poe 1. And people loved that slower and more methodical combat. Even bossing and pinnacle bossing is just 1s of fight on highest difficulty after just 20-30hours in end-game. that speed and end-game tottaly inflanted game with only few viable builds to catch-up the market economy. Making poe 2 nor for poe 1 zoomers nor for people who loved poe 2 core. |
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POE2 feels like two games stitched together. The first 2.5 acts are engaging and fun, with interesting gameplay, but after that, it devolves into 99.9% thoughtless gameplay, interrupted only by the occasional one-shot.
It seems like GGG started with a strong vision, but after feedback from streamer events, they sacrificed that vision to cater to different expectations. It's a shame because the early gameplay is genuinely great. Now, I feel like GGG have dug themselves into a hole. Any design change will cause backlash, no matter the direction. You’d expect progression to bring more tools and complexity, but instead, it makes you too powerful compared to the content. Decision making becomes irrelevant. I reached a point where I could spam one skill and face tank everything. For me, the power fantasy isn't about one-shotting screens and being an unstoppable god. It's about doing cool, skillful things and overcoming meaningful challenges. |
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" I am disappointed in general with how many bad mechanics from POE1 are in POE2. I had hoped for much more of a reset, because this is the best moment they'll ever get to do it. Stuff that stays the same now will probably never change. |
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loot problem in my opinion comes mostly from EA of the game. We don't have almost 50% of base types of weapons and stuff.
and yes im dissapointed from poe 1 mechanics like auto-cast/cast-on and only one way to play projectiles is to multyplying projectiles and not making one nuke projectile. poe 2 at end-game is exacly a copy of poe 1 and sometimes it's even faster which should be fixed. Now players who loved the meaningful combat and synergies - end with poe 1 end-game and players who don't like difficulty and don't like combat and synergies - have good end-game to over-stimulate them. |
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i feel also like every spell build in end-game is like cyclone - moving and cleaning entire screen without even investing much
Making game again good for bots. With no any need to use synergies and i mean. Using any synergy is just wasting your damage because you are wasting time. Every skill is better to use as a single skill like in poe 1. game is really just a copy of poe 1 in end game. Last edited by saashaa#5518 on Dec 27, 2024, 5:11:14 PM
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Totally agree with this. Endgame doesn't feel like next gen ARPG that we got in campaign. It just feels worse PoE1 endgame. I hope it's just copy pasta placeholder as nothing really works well with PoE2 mentality of slowly setting up your skills and having to stop or slow down as you just get super swarmed by all the super hasted mobs.
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" Absolutely not, its actually too slow. The end game is the end game, if you want to be a slow, weak, dodge everything character than stick to the campaign. Slowing down the endgame even further (it feels bad as it is) will kill the game |
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" it's to fast. It's not suppossed to be poe 1 and it's faster than poe 1 on end-game builds. I mean. We should be able to reach the "god killer" power - after killing gods not from killing crabs on maps. We are to early to powerful - and entire end-game is jus trivalized. And i see many players don't udnerstand it's not suppossed to be poe 1 - they are told it many times. it will kill the game for poe 1 zoomers and diablo 4 zoomers and not the community who loved poe 2 for it's changed - for vision johnathan and chriss shared to us. Poe 1 players will stay in poe 2 and people who loved poe 2 core will have poe 2 and it's how it suppossed to be. Im playing 10 years of poe, i have played every single aRPG, hns and im tired by not-meaningful and over-stimulating games. also players who played diablo 2 for ages and titan quest transfered to poe 2. it's home for new people. We want poe 2 to stick to it's vision and core. Last edited by saashaa#5518 on Dec 27, 2024, 5:29:35 PM
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still better than over-stimulating zooming faster than diablo 4 where entire engaging combat and synergies dissapear.. there are no any reason to use any synergies in end-game. On warrior specialy where volcanic fissure is just waste of time.
entire end-game is more similar even to Diablo 4 than poe 1 style. it's to fast, to fast we gain power, to fast without much investment we are to strong. |
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Yes, you are right. I think this company is experimenting right now, it doesn't really have a defined way for this game to go. The current situation is intentional. All that's needed to change it is numbers adjustments. They already have combo system in place, all they need is to reduce damage of single skills and increase combo viability.
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