POE 2 loses it's identity/face on end-game
they told it many times. POE 2 will be different a lot from poe 1 and being inspired by souls game while not being a souls game but staying in core in aRPG/hns genre. But lot slower and some part of min/maxing with fall into player skill and not on build.
Which failed. And the identity of poe 2 is campain then end-game is just copy of poe 1. |
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" Poe2 does differ from poe in quite some ways, mainly its trying to be more accessible and has a skill tree that isnt as deep. Gem and socket systems were completely changed as well. The atlas is different as well as the campaign. If you think poe2 was supposed to not be like poe at all, then i`m sorry, but i dont think it was. Poe was or rather is quite the successful game and the sequel will naturally still have some resemblance to the original. Also not having any movement skills make the game slower by quite a margin. Last edited by jersch_#2179 on Dec 17, 2024, 10:04:34 AM
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" It was bound to fail. ARPGs are too bound to build and rng gear for skill to ultimately matter. Even early in the campaign, before your build really matters, get good gear and you cruise with ease. Get shit gear and it is harder than any beginning of a game should be. To get skill to matter as much as they want, they'd have to reduce the amount of character power gear gives and/or make getting gear more consistent and/or make crafting gear deterministic and viable from the start. None of which they want to do as they lean in to the full rng aspect of the ARPG. Souls games work because it is all deterministic and fully influenced by the player. Such is impossible here. |
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I can’t speak on the endgame yet, but cruel could definitely be more difficult. Act 3 normal was challenging, but I’ve been blasting through cruel because the monsters’ mechanics are easier to deal with now that I’ve got the tools I have. The monsters could stand to have a few new abilities at that tier of play.
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" Thats not true. Ever since they gave Lava Lake version of Kitava some dangerous adds when he's in his scripted animation phases, people stopped complaining about him. Ask many PoE 1 players and Kitava is their favorite boss. |
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Yup. And it's not poe 1 and supposed to NOT be poe 1 clone. They created meaningful combat system and it's waste it's not utylized in end-game.
End-game is even faster than POE 1 and Diablo 4 and have even worse quality. I understand it's EA and things will change but end-game needs entire balance rework and to be toned to campain which people loved for that meaningful combat. Bossing and end-game is null, maping is faster than in poe 1, builds diversity also promote again only DPS monkeys and not survivability i wish they will return idea of failing maps and tone game for less mobs but tankier mobs for similar experience we got in campain. And that being "god killer thing" will be a really available but in end-end-end game after tons of hours and not on entering T1-T3 maps.. |
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It was a long time since I played PoE1, but endgame here feels like it's just dumbed down carbon copy of that. You make a build that clears the whole screen in one bang because that's your only option. Huge amount of mobs that aggro you off-screen and run to you in 0.4 seconds, so you just spam whatever aoe you have.
And now you don't have mobility at all, so you don't move and kill stuff, you dodge once and spam a skill and if you don't kill everyone instantly, you're swarmed, your casts fail/delay, and you're dead in 2 seconds. Also you shouldn't really dodge or run anywhere anyway since there's a pack of 20 mobs in every 10 meters. The bosses are really not that much more complex, you just spam a damage skill, and every time you hear sound or see boss do something, you dodge roll, and repeat the whole thing for either 4 seconds or 4 minutes, depending on class/spec (like, really). Literally 95% of bosses play the exact same with slightly different effects and animations. I do hope they come up with something interesting in end-game. It's weird right now since i'm not scared of bosses or rares in maps, i'm scared of white mobs even if they die in 1-2 hits. |
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" Meanningful combat system... Inflated numbers and huge reliance on gear for player power is anything but a meaningful combat system. It is why end game becomes what it is. They'd have to cut down how much gear plays a role in your power for the combat system to actually be meaningful, but that would just expose that the combat system is just a typical ARPG with spammable dodge, which also ins't meaningful. |
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I'm worried GGG have botched it too badly with the implementation of the "vision". There's nothing wrong with the new combat philosophy, I think alot of critism is being unfairly construed as wanting to go back to Poe1 power levels, but in reality the game simply doesn't support it's own combat philosophy.
Think about the skill combos and how the game has too be built around that. if a swarm of fast mobs surrounds and kills you faster than you can get off one mace attack animation the game has failed, if you have to dodge roll or back peddle too often before finishing your combo it's failed. There's a reason soulsgames have such simple movesets. The reason there's so many poe1 screen clear style builds in late endgame is because that's all that can function there, especially with the progress lose, too risky to play anything else. GGG have to either redesign the game around their combat or throw that philosophy away, and redesign skills and player power around the games current design. I have no idea which option they'll choose. But I know the community will be tearing itself apart and blaming each others feedback for the changes, when in reality its all just the result of GGGs bad design. |
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