THE REASON you see a lot of complaints

Many of my complaints thus far can be summed up as "eh, it's early access".

My one biggest gripe is that the mercenary crossbow & skill interactions that were shown off in the showcase trailer are (hopefully) not yet implemented.

I haven't seen anybody bring this up really. That crossbows were supposed to be either burst shot, rapid fire or high velocity on their own and the different ammo types were more like...infusions.

It was 90% of the reason I wanted to try Mercenary :( @ 00:40 seconds in
Last edited by Gimpex#5092 on Dec 17, 2024, 5:44:37 PM
Balance is in a rough spot atm for skills, some are not doing great right now. This definitely hurts build diversity, but I'd assume we're gonna see some shifts in that as time goes by. THere hasn't been any real major patches at this point, just hotfixes.

remember when we got games that were developed in 2 years and became some of the best games ever. or were at least good enough to not be trash with no patches or hot fixes?

this game has been in development for 10 years based on a game that's existed for 15 years and a game that existed for 20 ( d2 ).

everyone praises ggg but some how forgets they had to delete their reddit accounts because we called them out for lying to and gaslighting us so much and for the bad game design they've done to poe 1 over the last 5 years

but no. npcs will parrot their favorite ggg shill streamer no matter how many #ads they have in their title or how many times theyve been flown out and given free trips from ggg / tencent
Tungdîl#4170 wrote:
This game is out in EA for about a week....of course this game is not balanced yet. If you don`t want the early access feeling wait 6-12 months for the full release.

They won't save the game in 6-12 months from now i can tell you that. If this is what we got after 5 years of development you're delusional thinking they are gonna fix all the 1001 issues this game has until release.
Balance is in a rough spot atm for skills, some are not doing great right now. This definitely hurts build diversity, but I'd assume we're gonna see some shifts in that as time goes by. THere hasn't been any real major patches at this point, just hotfixes.

remember when we got games that were developed in 2 years and became some of the best games ever. or were at least good enough to not be trash with no patches or hot fixes?

this game has been in development for 10 years based on a game that's existed for 15 years and a game that existed for 20 ( d2 ).

everyone praises ggg but some how forgets they had to delete their reddit accounts because we called them out for lying to and gaslighting us so much and for the bad game design they've done to poe 1 over the last 5 years

but no. npcs will parrot their favorite ggg shill streamer no matter how many #ads they have in their title or how many times theyve been flown out and given free trips from ggg / tencent

Holy hell this hurt my brain to read.
Yeah your experience can very wildly based on class and drops. So far I have done a dry run (only using loot dropped on that character) on three classes up to and through act 3 and it can be somewhat easy to painstakingly horrible. first class I played a cold monk focusing on freeze build up, it was pretty easy with the freezing and stunning of bosses. My second character I tried doing a fire sorc it was way more difficult. Third character was a poison build pathfinder and it was really rough for me. The campaign in its current state might be good for like one or two times but there is no way I would do it seasonally, maybe if I played one season a year and never rolled other classes. This is all kind of disappointing because I usually roll several classes throughout a season based on wanting to try new builds. Although the wanting to try new builds seems like it won't be much of an issues based on how they murdered build diversity with the new skill gem system lol.
Gimpex#5092 wrote:
Many of my complaints thus far can be summed up as "eh, it's early access".

My one biggest gripe is that the mercenary crossbow & skill interactions that were shown off in the showcase trailer are (hopefully) not yet implemented.

I haven't seen anybody bring this up really. That crossbows were supposed to be either burst shot, rapid fire or high velocity on their own and the different ammo types were more like...infusions.

It was 90% of the reason I wanted to try Mercenary :( @ 00:40 seconds in

If you pause that, you will see that one crossbow has «grants Power Shot Skill».
These 3 skill types have clearly been moved to the ammunition skills themselves.
In the same way, attachments became grenade skills.

My guess is that with PoE being a dungeon runner rather than a shooter, they wanted players to have more flexibility with weapons : so we have things like «fires an extra grenade» or «reloads an extra bolt» instead.


remember when we got games that were developed in 2 years and became some of the best games ever. or were at least good enough to not be trash with no patches or hot fixes?

Survival bias.
You've forgotten all the trash that came out (and was never patched to something working).
Heck, even LoD had a day one patch !


everyone praises ggg but some how forgets they had to delete their reddit accounts because we called them out for lying to and gaslighting us so much and for the bad game design they've done to poe 1 over the last 5 years

You mean how the kinds of assholes still using reddit in this day and age went completely out of line in harassing devs and community managers ?


J_Love#0714 wrote:

They won't save the game in 6-12 months from now i can tell you that. If this is what we got after 5 years of development you're delusional thinking they are gonna fix all the 1001 issues this game has until release.

Who said anything about all of them ? Nothing is ever perfect.
Did PoE1 fix all of its issues in the 1.5 years between release and «1.0» ?
And it's not like PoE2 needs «saving», it's already one of the best games ever made even in its current state.


[...]Although the wanting to try new builds seems like it won't be much of an issues based on how they murdered build diversity with the new skill gem system lol.

I have to say that my first impression, realizing that skills were mostly locked to weapons has been disappointment... but thinking about it some more : how much have you dabbled into weapon specialization yet ?
Last edited by BlueTemplar85#0647 on Dec 18, 2024, 7:17:39 AM
The game is a joke. GGG has always been awful at balance, but I love seeing everyone pretend otherwise. The disparity between skills is astronomical, and it's hilarious. PoE has always been about identifying what is broken and avoiding what isn't. Bonus points if you can identify a broken interaction that isn't expensive currency-wise. Thats it. Thats the game.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.
Last edited by TheAshmaker#5078 on Dec 18, 2024, 7:24:44 AM
I just did that thing...

You know, the thing where you are doing AWESOME and do not understand at all when someone else is giving a valid complaint.


I was doing fine with my necro. I knew I wanted Arsonist from the get go, because I had previous knowledge from POE1 and knew it was good. While playing it, SRS sounded like the natural next step so I went for it... I had no intention on looking up a guide and saw Kripps review. So that steered me into STR stacking. ALL GOOD. No, all great. Everything was great and I reached A3 in no time.

Then I got bored...

Decided to roll a mercenary.


Chat was saying: "Buy this unique helmet + gas + fire = OP MODE"

Meanwhile, my cold centered merc was doing TERRIBLE. WORST than terrible. I died constantly. Monsters started to need multiple hits to die. It was TRASH.

Then I realized. We don't have build diversity. There are some skills that work. Some don't.


Probably uninstalling after this. I've seen enough. I think.

When does this start occuring for you? because of the classes I've played Merc, Sorc, Warrior, I've had the easiest time on my merc and played up til the end of Act 2 with zero issues. Just grab a high damage crossbow and spam Frost shotgun and grenades. I didn't even bother with resistances or have a complicated build, I just pathed down to the crossbow sections and grabbed everything. Maybe its because I used strength armours instead of evasion? but he gets strength to wield crossbows anyway so it seemed natural.
Path of exile in a nutshell. Broken builds make the game a joke, while the others allows you to actually play the game.

Problem is that people make Broken Builds as the standard way to play thus invalidating everything else.

Ofc GGG is to blame for allowing the broken builds to exist.....half their fault actually, because people cry whenever they get nerfed.
Maybe if you think the game is only about t16-t17 maps in SP PvE softcore bench trade challenge leagues ?

And while PoE1 does have issues in Acts 1-3 (at least for fist time players), there's plenty to enjoy in the game outside of the very restricted subset I gave above.

Heck, even Acts 1-3 can be fun with the right tweaks and mindset, anyone doubting this should try the next HCSSF race.

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