THE REASON you see a lot of complaints
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" In theory that is a nice sentiment and I would agree. But sometimes we need to be honest and call senseless things out for what they are. Just sugarcoating everything helps nobody. |
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" its not a nice sentiment. and the post you quoted is very ironic. also the fact that it's still around is an indication of how selective mods are about 'antagonistic' comments. |
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" Most gamer communities are filled with toxic pieces of shit. This forum is no different. In fact, you're more likely to find them here than in any other place because this is where people converge to debate and argue with each other. It's a magical place full of terrible people with low IQ arguments. |
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" and calling everyone that doesn't support your argument "all while presenting no valid argument to support this extremely generalized opinion is a high IQ take? again, there is a serious problem with moderation on here. i'm getting warnings for regular replies on this forum but ppl can post shit like this just because its not directed at the individual or it's implied? |
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Sorry but when the response to valid criticism is "mad cuz bad" then yes people need to shut the fuck up.
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" of course theres build diversity, there just isnt great balance because balance comes from a million people playing a game for a few months during a beta phase and the devs making many balance passes over that time, ready for the full launch. you remember the full launch right? the one jonathan said would happen about 6 to 12 months from now, or however long it would take to go through this beta phase and get the game systems functioning and tuned right? its like you see it, you see that if someone starts poe1 and tries to play a crit staff heavy strike templar from act1 the game is going to feel really really really hard. and you know not to do that because you have 1000s of hours of experience and have a community 12 years into a game who all 'know' you dont go crit staff templar heavy strike from lvl1 self found on league launch. everyone knows that. guess what? no one knows what not to do in poe2 yet, and you realise this with this post, that some people are picking builds that do not work atm. should crit staff templar work in poe1? from lvl1? yeah probably, but it doesnt. and thats a game with 12 years of balancing. this game has been out a week and hasnt had 1 big balance patch yet. so how about everyone just gets some sense, chill out, its fine. the build you are trying is absolute shit? ok, make a post saying this is what im doing, the build sucks, it needs balanced. and then go make a different build. " the devs arnt forcing anything on you, the game has been out for a week and it hasnt had the months of balance passes needed to make sure every last little build variation that should work is working properly. youve been playing the game for a week, how sure are you that you have not made bad build choices? this is not poe1, you do not know what you are doing yet, none of us do. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" lacking skill in a video game is a valid argument, even when crudely stated. you can be mad about it all you want and no one should tell you to 'shut the fuck up'. |
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" thing is we ALL lack skill in poe2 right now, right? ive been in poe1 since 2013, i played 20k hours. how many times have i seen someone successfully play a 1h mace ground slam block marauder? i dont think ive ever seen someone doing it. im sure if i go put on some mirrored gear in standard i could make it work. if i start poe1 right now, new league, as a new player who has never played poe1 before and i go 1h mace groundslam marauder self found from nothing, day 1, how hard is the game gonna be? we dont know anything yet. if you just look at poe1 a 1h mace groundslam marauder, that should work right? why wouldnt that work? check this out. have you guys ever seen such a thing? i own this item. how many times have you guys seen a mirror tier 1h phys mace? how many people with mirror tier builds u seen rocking a 1h mace? you seen daggers right? loath bane, honour etcher, you seen claws, thrusting swords, 2h swords, you seen 2h noncrit axes, youve even seen an occasional 1h axe. you ever seen someone playing with a mace like this? we do not know what works and what doesnt yet in poe2, and what does work now is gonna be so different a month from now when weve seen multiple balance patches. entire game mechanics could be torn up and rewritten before launch. were all clueless idiots on poe2 atm, the smartest guys in the game at best are beginning to understand maybe 2 or 3 builds out of potentially 100s. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :) Last edited by Snorkle_uk#0761 on Dec 15, 2024, 11:56:12 PM
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" Yep. And they got there through experimentation. Hours and hours of experimentation which takes a shitload of gold and orbs. If you get lucky and have a lot of great drops, awesome. If you get screwed on that which absolutely happens, then you can't afford to do it. You will be stuck with a shitty build. And then you will come on here and explain what's happening and get bombarded with people saying that you just suck at the game and you should quit. That's not going to encourage the people who need to give feedback to give feedback. It's going to encourage the people who need to give feedback to quit. GGG will be left with a toxic echo chamber parroting the same dumbass talking points over and over about how everything's great and fine and nothing needs to be changed. |
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