THE REASON you see a lot of complaints
" This isn't how you have a real convo. While I might not agree with the language there IS a lot of condescension and and insults on the two main sides that are completely unnecessary. Last edited by Auzei#6382 on Dec 16, 2024, 8:43:33 AM
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" There have been valid criticisms, but you set yourself up when you whine like a little baby about all your problems. So I second the opinion that you're just a whiner. The entitlement is such a turn off for anyone with 2 brain cells to even try to have a constructive conversation. The game is in beta. You chose to take part. The end. Last edited by AlvinL_#4492 on Dec 16, 2024, 8:55:22 AM
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![]() re-instating THE REASON
Just because YOU are doing good (or great in my case) doesn't invalidate someone else's experience. People are not just crying and being annoying for no reason.
If you hop from an OP build / character to an underpowered one you will quickly realize most if not all of the outcry is well deserved. As a necromancer I blasted through A2 all the way to A3 without even realizing. Meanwhile, on my mercenary I'm barely scrapping by. Looks like every single skill on the mercenary is under-tuned except for the poison gas + fire trigger explosion thing with that one unique helmet. 💀 |
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And the problem isn't that the game is being criticised. That part is fine and necessary. What IS annoying is the constant whining. There is little progress in that. Defending whining is also bad.
What even is the rationale? Cry much, cry loud, so that somehow magically makes GGG re-evaluate their schedules? I'm certain they're already aware of many problems. But of course, none of that matters, you're not getting what YOU want. Bloody kindergarten.. |
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they clearly rushed this game out the door after D4 nearly bankrupted them. im sure the publisher is behind the decision. releasing a game 30% complete and just calling it "early access"
LOL, this is a major scam if i have ever seen one. i dont remember a D4 "early access" they just released the game finished. the garbage ascendancy trials and horrible map sustain just seems intentional because they know their game is barely even ready to see the light of day just useless systems to waste your time while they scramble to add new stuff for you to buy to avoid getting shut down. |
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What is this D4-related comment, I don't even...
" And yet this is the worst community I've ever seen, by far. Not sure about 'most' — though maybe this is indeed the case for the popular / action games, which I guess of which most people are part of ?? " Hear hear ! For my '3rd' PoE1 league starter I decided I wanted something harder (hearing about «not starting with weapon based builds, and especially not melee»), and decided to pick Marauder. In Ruthless. In Necropolis league. Not knowing just how much Heavy Strike specifically sucked. Well, that was too much, I had to take a break. XD I came back to it at the end of the season though, and even beat the campaign for the first time ! (I still dumped Heavy Strike though.) Last edited by BlueTemplar85#0647 on Dec 16, 2024, 10:41:03 AM
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Not the worst I've seen. Doesn't hold a candle to the levels of toxic in the dota2 community.
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" OK, I will try to be constructive here. The information I extrapolated from your original post here and the post linked is: - You have played a successful summoner build. - You tried a mercenary build and it was under performing. - Your conclusion was that there is no build diversity in PoE 2. Is that correct or did I misunderstand or simply miss something? To me personally that is all the information I could gather from your two posts. Assuming that I understood correctly. To me there can be multiple reasons for why a build is under performing. Either the skill itself is under tuned, the passive tree does not work well with the skill, the support gems are not meant for damage, and so on. We can see some of this information in your other post. To me personally when I hear that the damage for a skill, that is based on weapon damage, falls off as the game goes on, my first thought would be weapon upgrade. But I am not sure if that is the case in this situation. Someone else is surely better suited to answer this. Others in that thread pointed out that the skill you are using is less of a damage skill and more meant for crowd control. We can't see your passive tree, which could potentially be another issue. I am not saying the skill is perfectly fine or "get gud" or something. I am simply trying to explain what information is missing for me personally to see your post as constructive feedback instead of as just whining. I you give this information and the conclusion is, you build for damage, the skill is meant for damage, the equipment is adequate and there still is not enough damage, then yes, I would think that the skill most likely is under tuned and would need a buff. But to say that there is not build diversity in an early access game, 10 days after release, after playing 2 builds, out of 12 ascendancies and how many? about 100 or so skills? That seems to be more of an exaggerated blanket statement than constructive feedback to me. |
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" Okay, let me put it this way... It's pretty obvious POE2 is going to replace POE1 eventually and they did a wacky combinartion of things... First off, they went with a more simple approach to the skill system by imitating Diablo 3: ![]() ![]() It's pretty much the same except D3 gives you all the options already unlocked and POE2 creates scarcity with the "uncut-gem" system. The BIG problem everyone is pointing out... each at their own time / pace... and when it becomes obvious to each individual (~1/2 mil on steam + console + client = ~1-1.5M players?) You see GGG made the mistake of thinking that streamers speak for everyone and they also made the mistake that a person that pays thousands upon thousands of dollars to join an exclusive event to get hands-on experience with the game before everyone else also speaks for everyone. It was a SELECTION BIAS. A bunch of speedrunners won the chance to go and it's clear as day that their voice was not heard. So much of the first 3 acts it's purely made to go against speed running. OH! and I can't fathom what type of "GAMER" saw that they baked in Orb-walking / kiting assist with all it's drawbacks and didn't complain. ( ... but I digress. They wanted to simplify the skill system and released a PAYED closed beta for six months where only a couple of builds are actually viable. Say, MERC again, has ice / fire / poison and only 1 combination is effective (Poison cloud that blows up). Meanwhile, minions can mindlessly breeze through campaign... Sigh. NVM. I'm uninstalling. |
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Minions could always mindless breeze the campaign.
Which is why I chose to play them first. I mean, it’s a 6 month beta. I’m going to play other crap. And I’d like to screw around with my own builds - I’m going to make a Comet build if it kills me (probably will). Melee is a problem. I think the issue is that we just need more health in general. Melee can’t take hits any better than casters, especially early on - and you can get swarmed with enemies at various points. It’s why Ice builds have been very effective - because you’re slowing and chilling and freezing everything, which gives you more freedom of movement and time. |
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