A plee to tone down the nudity

Complaining about nudity in an ARPG with dark aesthetics, designed for the adult segment that primarily loved D1/D2, is, if you ask me, just like getting insulted by a horror movie being scary.

This game is clearly not targeted to people who's sensitive - maybe those who complain should stick to Diablo 3 or Torchlight 2.

Danskere: PM mig, hvis I har brug for en guild.
Is this thread also a plea for pants?
"Danger is like jello, there's always room for more."
Maybe a toggle to turn the nudity on or off?!? For myself, leave it in. I'm an adult and can handle such things. Same with violence, Politics, and Religion. If you start knocking things out because someone is offended you end up with a lesser game, one that you didn't make to your vision.
It does not have to be sexually explicit just because there is some minor nudity in it. Take Symphony of the Night, that game had full frontal of both tits, cocks and cunts.
No one raised an eyebrow, why?
Because the nudity was obviously not there just to get some sex appeal into the game. If you have a greco-classic style statue of Poseidon (teleport room), that statue having a cock makes sense, and covering it up would just be plain retarded, that would be like acknowledging that the statues had some sexual tension to them, which they clearly don't.
Most animals run around with their cocks and cunts fully exposed, no one cares, because it is all about context.

Personally I don't like the girls holding the globes, I think they look far too fine chiseled for such an gritty game, it looks like they belong to the UI for another game. But if they were to be completely nude, and have sharper features, then I would be all for them, maybe replace one of the girls with a guy, also, to better reflect the dual nature of the two globes.
Nudity is all sorts of fine in this kind of world... where the game takes place lacks TRUE towns and cities where you can get clothes, so if your going to die chances are you would have been wearing the same thing for days which would weaken whatever it is (cloth or leather clothes).

I kind of lulz at people who say nudity is offensive unless of course you run around nude in a rude and nasty manner, but I could just imagine someone about to you know... go to bed with there wife\husband and there like OH GAWD PUT SOME CLOTHES ON.
My only, very vague complaint nudity wise is the chained up women attached to my mana and health meters. I would like one of them to be a dude, purely out of fairness. I know it won't happen, and my enjoyment of the game is not in any way affected by it.

The rest of it, though? Let 'em be nude. Like others have said, this is part of the feel of the game and is not in any way sexual.
I'm not a n00b- I'm a Online Game Floor Examination Expert.
We all know where this needs to end up:

1) Microtransaction for reduced/removed nudity

2) Microtransaction for enhanced/more nudity
"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it's what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo
RulerofAsgard wrote:
We all know where this needs to end up:

1) Microtransaction for reduced/removed nudity

2) Microtransaction for enhanced/more nudity

Won't happen unless the majority wishes it. Too expensive to have as an option, if people aren't interested.
Danskere: PM mig, hvis I har brug for en guild.

sums up the thread pretty much.
1337 21gn17ur3
yes i dislike near orbs ones but everything else is good

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