A plee to tone down the nudity

Posted by PerfectDork on July 14, 2012 4:17 PM

Posted by laabsh04 on August 29, 2012 4:43 PM



Eselle wrote:
labsh04 wrote:
Why must they be chained. It is like saying women must be held in submission.

You must be young. Or just inexperienced. Having once been in the law enforcement genre, I've had to subdue ppl, control crowds, shut down parties... the men always deferred to an angry me. Always. They lowered their heads and took on the "yes mommy" tone. This includes the habitual spouse abusers. Even when men don't want to admit it, nothing is more terrifying than a woman who is about to kick your ass. I don't know why this is, all I do know is that it was rarely the men whom I had to punch out and always the women. {edit: to make myself more clear, I believe this is why our patriarchal society has felt the need to oppress females for so long, and why the idea of dominating a woman can be such a turn on for men... or being dominated by women, whichever floats their boat}

I don't even know you, but I have so much respect for you now. xD


"Stop being a nuisance!"

IGN: Royal_Princess, Princess_of_Wraeclast, Vaal_Princess, Diamond_Princess
Last edited by ac429#4687 on Aug 30, 2012, 12:39:27 PM
I would like to say I think its awesome you guys aren't scared to put tits in your game

what would offend me is if you took them out

please don't listen to crybabies
laabsh04 wrote:
I could easily tell you to go and take on a crusade against human trafficking instead of posting on this forum, the argument works both ways.

Hardly, since I'm not crusading against anything here in the forum.

laabsh04 wrote:
While we are on the subject of human trafficking did you realize there is a strong correlation between the legalization of prostitution and human trafficking. Sweden used to struggle with it till they outlawed prostitution and they have greatly decreased the number of victims trafficked in their country. The same correlation is seen between people who view porn for the instant gratification and rapists who gain the mentality of needed to be gratified without working for it. (I am not saying the chained women is porn)
Irrelevant. We're not on the topic of human trafficking. We're on the topic of "nudity" in the game. And I'm not certain what this has to do with nudity in games... unless you're drawing a correlation between game nudity > prostitution > trafficking. Also, as a correction, rapists don't rape for instant gratification, they rape for power and control over women... unless you're drawing a correlation between the globe-girls and rapists. But I digress. Unless you're drawing the above correlations your argument here really has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

laabsh04 wrote:
If it isn't such a big deal then why is everyone so insulting and fighting this so much?
Because most ppl don't know how to argue or debate. Most ppl feel that any argument against their opinion or belief is a direct assault against them as a person, get upset, then get nasty. It's one unfortunate aspect of the human race.

nude (nd, nyd)
adj. nud·er, nud·est
1. Having no clothing; naked.
2. Permitting or featuring full exposure of the body: a nude beach.
3. Law Lacking any of various legal requisites, such as evidence.
1. An unclothed human figure, especially an artistic representation.
2. The condition of being unclothed.

nudity [ˈnjuːdɪtɪ]
n pl -ties
1. the state or fact of being nude; nakedness
2. (Fine Arts & Visual Arts / Art Terms) Rare a nude figure, esp in art

The above definitions are why ppl are so against you and the OP. The mana girl comes close and I have no real argument against why she should be "acceptable", Merviel... Merveil?... is the only really nude character that I have seen thus far. And look at her, in my avatar square... even having her as my avatar I had a hard time deciding if it really was Merviel or some sort of gilded statue. To me, that is what she looks like: a gilded statue of the kind you can find in a museum or atop buildings. Hell, even one of our downtown buildings has the same amount of nudity carved into the stone masonry. Fully topless, no nipples, tastefully sized boobs, up there for the whole world to see... including children *gasp* This whole thing is utterly ridiculous since there is no nudity, by definition, in this game except for a gilded-statue-type sea creature. May I ask what you wear to the beach? Do you even go to the beach? Any woman, or child, that goes to a beach or swimming pool shows the exact same amount of nudity that this game currently has... and yes, that includes Merviel. Go to any beach or swimming pool and you can clearly see the perfect outline of boobies and nipples flouncing every where. Have you never stopped to ask yourself why a bunch of teenage boys would rather go swim than sit in mom's basement playing video games? If you haven't, well, now you know why they're there. They're not on the internet staring at Merviel's gilded and nipple-less boobs, they're in the real world in perfectly acceptable situations staring at nippelage.

So I ask again: do you never go to the beach nor a swimming pool? If so, how do you react to all the cleavage and nipples being shown off?

ac429 wrote:
I don't even know you, but I have so much respect for you now. xD
LMFAO!!! That meme is exactly how I feel I look when I get pissed, LOL! Thx for making my day...
"Better to have one woman on your side than ten men."
al'Lan Mandragoran
I just noticed this rather...delicate thread has been getting some more love recently, and was rather wary about opening.

Thank you all so much for not turning it into a crapfest.

Especially you, Eselle. I've noticed your posts around the place and felt this was a good opportunity to throw you a generic thumbs up. Your ability to argue objectively (but not robotically) is very welcome indeed. You're quite convincing for someone who is apparently lazy enough not to type 'people' and yet clearly puts some work into each post...;)

We've had a few complaints over PC and feminism, but ultimately I do believe that PoE's mature nature (as both a gameplay experience and aesthetically) has gone a long way in preventing things from getting out of hand.

Carry on, people. Very much carry on. :)

Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Charan wrote:
I've noticed your posts around the place and felt this was a good opportunity to throw you a generic thumbs up. Your ability to argue objectively (but not robotically) is very welcome indeed.
I don't think I've ever gotten love from a moderator before :p Usually I'm a huge pain in the ass, lol. But seriously, thx for that... it's good to know I'm not unintentionally being a raving ass.

You're quite convincing for someone who is apparently lazy enough not to type 'people' and yet clearly puts some work into each post...;)
Ppl, thx, sometimes ur, but I think ur looks ridiculous to be honest.


Carry on, people. Very much carry on. :)

And I should stop hijacking the thread just to stroke my own ego ;p
"Better to have one woman on your side than ten men."
al'Lan Mandragoran
Eselle wrote:
Seriously? Wow. Some ppl just need to complain for the sake of complaining. And sometimes things as irrelevant as a game are taken waaaaay to seriously (no offense GGG, love the game but, c'mon, it's a game!) Instead of being in an uproar over a silly game, maybe take on a real crusade like the trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and children? In every single country in this world, yes even Canada, women and children are being bought and sold and forced into prostitution... and ppl are complaining about virtual nudity in a game for crying out loud.

laabsh04 wrote:
I am not here on a crusade I just would like some things changed with the game same as the OP and others stating their own opinions. I could easily tell you to go and take on a crusade against human trafficking instead of posting on this forum, the argument works both ways.

Eselle wrote:
laabsh04 wrote:
I could easily tell you to go and take on a crusade against human trafficking instead of posting on this forum, the argument works both ways.

Hardly, since I'm not crusading against anything here in the forum.

Eselle wrote:
laabsh04 wrote:
While we are on the subject of human trafficking did you realize there is a strong correlation between the legalization of prostitution and human trafficking. Sweden used to struggle with it till they outlawed prostitution and they have greatly decreased the number of victims trafficked in their country. The same correlation is seen between people who view porn for the instant gratification and rapists who gain the mentality of needed to be gratified without working for it. (I am not saying the chained women is porn)

Irrelevant. We're not on the topic of human trafficking. We're on the topic of "nudity" in the game. And I'm not certain what this has to do with nudity in games... unless you're drawing a correlation between game nudity > prostitution > trafficking. Also, as a correction, rapists don't rape for instant gratification, they rape for power and control over women... unless you're drawing a correlation between the globe-girls and rapists. But I digress. Unless you're drawing the above correlations your argument here really has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

That definitely shut her up!!!

I applaud your skills at debating and manipulation of the conversation. Very well done!

BTW this made me ROFL!!!

Eselle wrote:
Even when men don't want to admit it, nothing is more terrifying than a woman who is about to kick your ass. I don't know why this is, all I do know is that it was rarely the men whom I had to punch out and always the women. {edit: to make myself more clear, I believe this is why our patriarchal society has felt the need to oppress females for so long, and why the idea of dominating a woman can be such a turn on for men... or being dominated by women, whichever floats their boat}
Wraeclast, so far at least, is a wasteland. There is little civilization. There is nothing wrong with showing women in bondage or women being brutally oppressed. Or dressing in animal skins. Or being vicious, mythical creatures. That is what has happened or been depicted in human history. To not depict it in a fantasy setting would denying what inspires it. Gender equality is a Utopian sort of idea. Wraeclast hardly fits any Utopia I'd like to live in.
My Keystone Ideas: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/744282
Last edited by anubite#0701 on Aug 31, 2012, 11:26:27 AM
... I dont understand what this post is about...
If there is nudity in this game then there is also nudity in television for 4 year olds...
I will not offend the author, but i will just recommend getting a little used to it. Again i dont want to offend anyone but... U prob need to get used to it.
sevij3 wrote:
That definitely shut her up!!!

I applaud your skills at debating and manipulation of the conversation. Very well done!

BTW this made me ROFL!!!

Thank you. And you're welcome :p

anubite wrote:
Wraeclast, so far at least, is a wasteland. There is little civilization. There is nothing wrong with showing women in bondage or women being brutally oppressed. Or dressing in animal skins. Or being vicious, mythical creatures. That is what has happened or been depicted in human history. To not depict it in a fantasy setting would denying what inspires it. Gender equality is a Utopian sort of idea. Wraeclast hardly fits any Utopia I'd like to live in.

Well said! The best argument I've read thus far.
"Better to have one woman on your side than ten men."
al'Lan Mandragoran
ownyaah wrote:
And why do people still find nudity offensive, I thought society was past that bullshit

Society has a long way to go. I wish society was past that bullshit, but evidently not.

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