A plee to tone down the nudity
I am offended as well - the tits are simply too small!
Danskere: PM mig, hvis I har brug for en guild.
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how can you be 'offended' by nudity? i dont get it. how does this work?
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I don't really see too much of an issue here. As far as the chained women go, who cares? If the game developers actually had women chained up in their basement for reference material, then I would totally agree that it's bad. But it's just a game, nobody's getting hurt because of it.
As far as the boobs go, if it doesn't help the story any, then I don't really see the point of them being there. At the same time, if there were a couple of moments where boobs showed up, I don't think it's that big a deal. I mean, this should only be an issue if children were playing. And as this game has an 'M' rating, then children aren't gonna be playing anyway. Well, except for those neglectful parents out there who don't monitor their kids at all. But in that case it's the parents fault, not GGG's. |
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Well I still find the chained women very offensive. Why are they chained? and why does it have to be women. You don't see any chained guys or nude guys on. I find it extremely sexist just tailored for guys but what about female players?
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"but don't you understand that is for the female players also? at least the bi and lesbian ones. It is important too understand that the choices we make are most often not between good and bad but between bad and worse.
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" What about homosexual males? Typical response. Btw you didn't address my point about the chains? Why must they be chained. It is like saying women must be held in submission. I don't expect most men to understand since they are the ones who the game is obviously being tailored for. Plus what does the almost nudity add to the game? NOTHING! |
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" ![]() " Especially offended by nudity when you're in here hacking and slashing. There is something seriously wrong with society when bloody gore is perfectly acceptable but a pair of titties needs to be covered in fifty layers of bear traps. " This PC-feminism crap can go too far IMO. They're fake women! Next ppl will be complaining that this game promotes violence against women ![]() As far as no chained and naked guys... a) mostly males play these games, so yes, it's tailored primarily toward males. b) take it as a compliment. Females are typically considered more evolved than men when it comes to needing sexually explicit visuals. " You don't even have to be bi or lesbian, really. I love the female form. It's soft and curvy. The male form... hairy and flat, lmao! No offense guys. " You must be young. Or just inexperienced. Having once been in the law enforcement genre, I've had to subdue ppl, control crowds, shut down parties... the men always deferred to an angry me. Always. They lowered their heads and took on the "yes mommy" tone. This includes the habitual spouse abusers. Even when men don't want to admit it, nothing is more terrifying than a woman who is about to kick your ass. I don't know why this is, all I do know is that it was rarely the men whom I had to punch out and always the women. {edit: to make myself more clear, I believe this is why our patriarchal society has felt the need to oppress females for so long, and why the idea of dominating a woman can be such a turn on for men... or being dominated by women, whichever floats their boat} One of the things I remember remarking upon when I started this game is that the female characters we play are surprisingly clothed. Typically female fighters are scantily clad with huge boobage flopping everywhere. The only think I disliked about the life/mana girls was that they reminded me too much of diablo :p If ppl are having that huge of a problem with the "sexism", maybe change one of the girls to a dude in chains... just make sure he's a hairless Adonis "Better to have one woman on your side than ten men." al'Lan Mandragoran Last edited by Salty_Bee#2074 on Aug 30, 2012, 2:51:40 AM
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ASNd what about homosexual men? i am pretty sure they are not traumatized nor have horrible nightmares every night because there are two representations of semi nude statue like woman. They are not even particularly life like and you definitely read to much into them being chained up. i am quite sure the only reason they are drawn chained up is because it fits into the whole dark and bleak atmosphere this game has.
To be honest i dont actually care one way or the other and did not even see them until i had read this thread. I just find this whole thread rather ridiculous , on par with that guy the other day who was complaining because he would not play a female character and thought they should all be male. It is important too understand that the choices we make are most often not between good and bad but between bad and worse. Last edited by perderabo#5190 on Aug 29, 2012, 7:09:00 PM
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" Seriously? Wow. Some ppl just need to complain for the sake of complaining. And sometimes things as irrelevant as a game are taken waaaaay to seriously (no offense GGG, love the game but, c'mon, it's a game!) Instead of being in an uproar over a silly game, maybe take on a real crusade like the trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and children? In every single country in this world, yes even Canada, women and children are being bought and sold and forced into prostitution... and ppl are complaining about virtual nudity in a game for crying out loud. "Better to have one woman on your side than ten men."
al'Lan Mandragoran |
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" I am not here on a crusade I just would like some things changed with the game same as the OP and others stating their own opinions. I could easily tell you to go and take on a crusade against human trafficking instead of posting on this forum, the argument works both ways. While we are on the subject of human trafficking did you realize there is a strong correlation between the legalization of prostitution and human trafficking. Sweden used to struggle with it till they outlawed prostitution and they have greatly decreased the number of victims trafficked in their country. The same correlation is seen between people who view porn for the instant gratification and rapists who gain the mentality of needed to be gratified without working for it. (I am not saying the chained women is porn) I simply would prefer the nudity be taken out for my enjoyment and the enjoyment of people like the OP. We are not asking anyone to change their opinion. Most people agree it is so trivial a matter yet they have been insulting and fighting anyone else that agrees with the OP to the point of driving other people away from the game. If it isn't such a big deal then why is everyone so insulting and fighting this so much? |
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