(Outdated)Frostbolt/Eye of Winter, Coldsnap, Cast on freeze Comet

You might want to take a look at Pohx's cold build. He's running something similar to you. Except it's on Blood Mage, and he's using eye of winter which is great as it gives critical weakness on hit

Thanks for the heads up! I checked it out and I'm now testing Eye of Winter over Frost Bolt as a main freezing tool. Never even thought about grabbing inspiration to help with the mana cost.
Hello, can you explain now that you quit frostbolt what is your playstyle and what is Conc Efect in Cold Snap?

Thank you
This looks like a great build. Just wish there was a section on how you got through the early game and the setup, I am struggling with Act 2 on this atm.
Hello, can you explain now that you quit frostbolt what is your playstyle and what is Conc Efect in Cold Snap?

Thank you

Hi! So using Eye of Winter over Frost Bolt doesn't change much besides not Cold Snap'ing Frost Bolts anymore. Cold Snap still does a crazy amount of damage so I use it mainly on bosses to break their freeze after I'm done combo'ing them and to pick off random stragglers that didnt die to the comet barrage from cast on freeze. The playstyle is still basically the same, cast Eye of Winter as you are walking through the map and up to packs of mobs just like using Frost Bolt.

Conc Effect = Concentrated Effect. A support gem that increases AoE damage but reduces AoE range.
This looks like a great build. Just wish there was a section on how you got through the early game and the setup, I am struggling with Act 2 on this atm.

Apologies about that! I've been making and updating this as I play so I haven't put the time into putting in leveling sections of the build.

If I remember correctly as I was going through act 2 I was using Frost Bolt and Cold Snap + unleash already and the playstyle was just walking around casting Frost Bolt and then Cold Snap'ing the balls when they were on top of enemies. That would usually 1 shot basically anything short of a rare mob as long as your weapon is giving you good damage bonuses.
I see these 2 comet skills from you original post:

Cast on Freeze + Comet + Spell Cascade (this will eventually be cast on crit)

Comet + Unleash + Inevitable Critical + Supercritical

Do you need to make 2x different comet skill gems then? If so how would we go about doing that?

KyleMasc#7189 wrote:
Frost wall is not used for AOE, its used for the same purpose you're using cold snap for. Given that it's superior to cold snap for the same use cases, there's no need to use cold snap at all.

You're wasting unleash which is highly valuable

You claimed frost wall was better in AoE and damage so I assumed you were talking about using it for AoE situations, however I said that I do use frost wall for its incredible burst damage and utility. The way I’m currently using it and my current build has been blasting this game with no issues. Making some kind of hard swap to use frost wall as a bursting skill on normal mobs would require me to hard swap other things to detonate the frost wall. It is much easier and faster to just cold snap on Frostbolt while moving. Cold Snap also does very good damage! It has very high damage values and unleash on it works great with my frostbolt setup.

This game is new and I’m experimenting with lots of things just like everyone else and I’m sharing my thoughts and the ideas I’ve come up with for other in the event they might be struggling while I’ve been blasting through the game. Nothing is concrete and I’m not claiming what I’m doing is “right” or the strongest. While I appreciate the input, I know just how strong Frost Wall is and I’m making great use of it! I’m also making great use of cold snap to clear quickly and stay on the move so I will continue to do so!

You can have multiple aoe skills. Frost wall is great for aoe and burst, they're not mutually exclusive.

Normal mobs die to meteor so why bother with cold snap? If you need additional skills for normal mobs I can only imagine you're referring to tanky rates.

For those, frost wall is clearly better as a burst skill. So it remains unanswered as to why cold snap is needed.
Last edited by Alpha23512#3159 on Dec 9, 2024, 7:02:13 PM

For those, frost wall is clearly better as a burst skill. So it remains unanswered as to why cold snap is needed.

is there a way to more reliably detonate frost wall? i put in the support gem that reduces icicle HP to help
KyleMasc#7189 wrote:
Hello, can you explain now that you quit frostbolt what is your playstyle and what is Conc Efect in Cold Snap?

Thank you

Hi! So using Eye of Winter over Frost Bolt doesn't change much besides not Cold Snap'ing Frost Bolts anymore. Cold Snap still does a crazy amount of damage so I use it mainly on bosses to break their freeze after I'm done combo'ing them and to pick off random stragglers that didnt die to the comet barrage from cast on freeze. The playstyle is still basically the same, cast Eye of Winter as you are walking through the map and up to packs of mobs just like using Frost Bolt.

Conc Effect = Concentrated Effect. A support gem that increases AoE damage but reduces AoE range.

Ah i see, but i dont see concentrated effect as supp skill for cold snap, maybe theres something i dont understand?

One more quuestion, im early on the game(lvl 31 right now) and get my first chiming staff, actually 2, 1 magic and 1 white, worth it to equip it or should i continue with the other weapon rare one i get? If not, when should i start to really search for a really good one and continue all to the end just changing them for better ones?

Just for sigil of power.
how to use comet in cast on freeze and 1 single skill

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