(Outdated)Frostbolt/Eye of Winter, Coldsnap, Cast on freeze Comet

hey man, been doing the same build more or less
just got into cruel, single target dps seems terrible now first boss in act1 devourer just doing like zero damage to him lol

absolutely melt entire screens of regular mobs though but wow this is super underwhelming on bosses... guess its time to look for more spell dmg wands

Maybe try self-casting Comet on bosses? I've been doing a Cold/Fire build that selfcasts Comet and it is absolutely crushing Cruel bosses. Long cast time but you have big windows since you are freezing.
Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Dec 9, 2024, 1:19:33 AM
Cold Snap can do damage by unfreezing the enemy.
Conversely, if Cold Snap is cast when the enemy is not frozen, it would not do any damage.

Based on this, why is Unleash linked to Cold Snap?
I would think that the first release would unfreeze and the second and subsequent Cold Snaps would not do any damage.
Or is there an exception to the rule, where one freeze removed is enough to do 3 Cold Snap damage?
moonlit0#2647 wrote:
Cold Snap can do damage by unfreezing the enemy.
Conversely, if Cold Snap is cast when the enemy is not frozen, it would not do any damage.

Based on this, why is Unleash linked to Cold Snap?
I would think that the first release would unfreeze and the second and subsequent Cold Snaps would not do any damage.
Or is there an exception to the rule, where one freeze removed is enough to do 3 Cold Snap damage?

Because you Cold Snap (with Unleash) the 3 frostbolt projectiles, not the enemy.
Last edited by DoomEdg3#1094 on Dec 9, 2024, 3:13:46 AM
What did you put your Ascendancy points into?

hey man, been doing the same build more or less
just got into cruel, single target dps seems terrible now first boss in act1 devourer just doing like zero damage to him lol

absolutely melt entire screens of regular mobs though but wow this is super underwhelming on bosses... guess its time to look for more spell dmg wands

The biggest tool in boss fight for me is frost wall. On larger bosses it auto detonates because it cant push or move them, which leads to big damage and instant freezes basically. On smaller bosses Frost Bomb + Frost Wall and spam frostbolt and coldsnap to detonate the wall.
Keep updating your progress! Build looks interesting and I'm excited to see what you come up with in the future.

Could you give yourself away and tell what passive points on asc tree are you planning to choose? :)

The ascendancy points should be in the skill tree's linked at the top. I went 4 into the arcane surge first for the cast speed and mana regen. I plan on going for the elemental storm nodes next since this will be a crit build. If they feel bad I'll go with something else!
Cold Snap can do damage by unfreezing the enemy.
Conversely, if Cold Snap is cast when the enemy is not frozen, it would not do any damage.

Based on this, why is Unleash linked to Cold Snap?
I would think that the first release would unfreeze and the second and subsequent Cold Snaps would not do any damage.
Or is there an exception to the rule, where one freeze removed is enough to do 3 Cold Snap damage?

Cold snap is linked to unleash because it detonates all 3 frost bolts you shoot at one time. Unleash does nothing once a freeze is consumed but it does interact fast enough to blow up many frostbolts at once.
What did you put your Ascendancy points into?


Arcane Surge section first, going elemental storms next.
I was already doing the cold snap build i was wondering where the cast on death is? and is sigil of power comeing from your main hand/??

Sorry didnt play poe1

I appreciate the build thank you so much

I'm assuming by cast on death you mean cast on freeze? It comes from tier 13 spirit gems. The sigil of power comes from a staff called a Chiming Staff.
Been playing this build too from the start, great build! How do you add links to your skill, im 49 and still only have 2 supports for skills.

Either need to get lucky enough to find a jeweler's orb or try and buy one off the market for chaos orbs or exalted orbs.

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