Trial of sekhema is really bad
" I'll be the contrarian and say that Sanctum [honor] fights are perfectly fine esp. if that's ONE OF SEVERAL different options. Some alternative might be "fight X bosses" deathless with bosses getting harder & harder as you progress. Maybe adding Ultimatum as a choice may not hurt as it's already sort of a choice. Perhaps have a [heavily modified?] ToTA come back as a thematic choice. What better test of a leader than to lead a team against others where you [the player] aren't the end-all-be-all?? |
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I hated(I still do) Sanctum in PoE because of Resolve. Everyone knew that this was a cool idea but simply didn't fit well into the PoE gameplay mechanics. It was one of those good attempt but lets move on now. Yet for some reason they didn't get the memo.
I don't understand what was wrong with the Trials in PoE1. Yes they were a bit tedious and annoying at times. Although, you could always just level a bit more prior to attempting the boss. I wouldn't mind these trials but the boss just is not fair. I remember the bosses in Sanctum and despite hating resolve I genuinely gave the mechanic a good attempt. The bosses were fair in my opinion. Whoever came up with this boss fight had no creative ingenuity. They had a bunch of interesting ideas, slapped them together with little to no regard for how they will interact with the player combined. I would honestly like to see every single developer run the Trials in PoE2 at a few levels above the recommended level. See how many of them actually beat the boss. If they all can. I'll admit defeat and be quite. Although if they can't then how and why would they release a boss in that state. I hate hard for the sake of hard, it's cringe. Make it challenging but fun to engage with. Last edited by SaintLessLegend#6078 on Dec 9, 2024, 7:58:22 PM
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I agree, i couldn't work out why I was loosing honour for the first couple, this needs to be tied to time to complete or something instead.
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Devs stop...I want to love this game but at every turn you do something stupid, and then i think ok but at least this is as bad as it gets. Then you do something worse. And it keeps compounding. And now you decided to put something as unfun, and spec dependent as sanctum in POE 2... AND MADE IT MANDITORY for ascension. What is your malfunction. You claim you want to widen specs and not force everyone to play the same thing. You are going to KILL innovation as every single spec that wants to play this game is going to have to be sanctum viable or they are going to be forced to just wait and pay for someone to boost their character through it. Not only did you make it sanctum... you made it somehow in the worst way possible>? Did you actually put a time limit on the boss fight??? REALLY??? You literally are forcing us to be as careful as possible.. and now you are going to punish us for being careful? So now our choices are to kill the boss before it empties out our honor bar because if you decide to play it safe and kite it , a timer just goes off, you get a message in chat saying you are running out of time, and you take a 200+ honor hit with no warning. So now you are forcing us to play high burst/ ranged builds or you just cant ascend without being massively overleveled. Devs you claim you want diversity, stop forcing unfair and unfun mechanics on us designed to force builds then. If you dont want everyone picking skills that are slightly better than others, maybe put some actual time and development into BUFFING the underpowered abilities so people dont feel forced to pick the over powered ones. Stop putting things like sanctum in there that are designed in the worst way possible that are going to make people feel like if they pick an inferior build they wont be able to do it and get forced to play the same spec as everyone one else. GIVE PEOPLE ACTUAL REASONS TO INNOVATE and stop punishing them for doing it like you did with the gas grenades and flame wall. Do your jobs as devs and stop punishing the players for doing ours.
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The Honor system is extremely flawed, I don't mind if it was for some rooms in it were an Honor challenge, but not the entire thing.
The boss doesn't need the honor system, especially since Honor system doesnt account for damage mitigation, if you were suppsoed to take 60 damage but it reduced to 20, your honor takes the full 60. |
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Dear whomever design the trials with honor system. I hope you stub your toe everyday until it is removed.
Joke aside, it feels really bad playing as melee in trials. No matter how much damage you take, you got honor penalty. To restore honor, you have to survive a waves of monsters which making the restore useless to begin with in some cases. I REALLY REALLY REALLY wish the honor never comeback again. |
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forced sanctum / ultimatium over 60minutes to fail feels just bad design.
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Im almost 50 years old, I'm not looking to play perfectly and avoid every smidge of damage. I just do well enough to finish most bosses, but a mechanic/game design choice like this prevents me from upgrading a basic part of my character.
This might be the first thing I've encountered where I just might stop playing the game. Bosses and challenges are fine, loot grind, but this, nope. |
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It would all be fine if single mob hits didn't take triple digit honour. I made it to the third last room before the boss on floor 3 with 1.7k honour and then lost 1.5k in one room with a bit too many action boosted scarabs and off screening snakes. I'm pretty sure I was only hit like 6 times, but fair enough. I did the next room no hit only to "die" to a single hit in the penultimate room from 213 honour. There is nothing to be learned, nothing to have fun with, it might as well be no-hit run like the poe1 for the ring.
It's the same with ultimatum. At current numbers both trials are basically "be good AND get lucky" instead of just "be good". Last edited by Szaffi#7873 on Dec 10, 2024, 12:59:53 PM
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I sort of like it up to this point. I didn't even realize what that honor bar really meant until it was empty, I seriously thought it would affect some loot quantity or something like that.
I just don't see the point of having a double health bar, and besides it makes absolutely no sense to call it honor. Ah look you didn't lose honor because no one hit you ? I thought honor was to hit and get hit. Not roly poly to the exit. Resists trolls
Casts Joy Ninja looter Spreads tar when tickled |
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