Trial of sekhema is really bad

Trials are the main reason I'm currently playing other games.......

The first two were boringly ok to deal with.
By a hair's margin.


I do not even want to watch a video about the fourth one, my keyboard would not survive.

I did a few runs and now can confidentally say that the last bosses kill mechanic with collecting the hourglasses is entirely impossible to do without lucky RNG and 40% ms boon. 10/10

i did tons of run and i can confidentally say that all you need is 25%boot and 40%boon to always suceed. You can also do it without the boon if rng is not to hard on you.
You can get the boon consistently with some "+ merchant choice" relics.
I really tried to like this game as a D4 player, and I did, despite all the issues, like resistance not meaning much or armor; you still get one-shot by some minion, especially in the END GAME, which, may I add, is just frustrating, NOT fun. However, the trials are utterly rubbish; the honor system is garbage, especially when you try to ascend again. Who thought about that? It should be let go. Spent all day trying to do them to no success, and I am level 76 Monk, I melt everything in the END Game (when I do not randomly die for God knows what reason); the trials are lvl 62, and I cant still do them. UNINSTALLED back to D4.Poor decisions cost you players.
lunas696#1895 wrote:
I really tried to like this game as a D4 player, and I did, despite all the issues, like resistance not meaning much or armor; you still get one-shot by some minion, especially in the END GAME, which, may I add, is just frustrating, NOT fun. However, the trials are utterly rubbish; the honor system is garbage, especially when you try to ascend again. Who thought about that? It should be let go. Spent all day trying to do them to no success, and I am level 76 Monk, I melt everything in the END Game (when I do not randomly die for God knows what reason); the trials are lvl 62, and I cant still do them. UNINSTALLED back to D4.Poor decisions cost you players.

Umm.. if you think resistance doesn't matter I think we know why you are getting one-shot by random mobs.
Seems like the vast majority of players hate Sekhema. Add another player to the list.

A thing I haven't seen anyone mention, although I did only read like 6 pages of posts, is the experience as a new player. I had no idea what I was walking into- died a few times and was immediately having a frustrating experience, thought it was bugged. Dead, full health... wtf is going on.

Honor, ah I see, the game is entirely designed around a concept- health... now we're completely ignoring that concept.

Next, honor resistance. Two layers of unknowns, that are only here. PLUS, a system that is designed as fail to pass. You fail, get gear, use that gear to pass. We play the game to get gear(where its playable)- that gear is ignored entirely, we have to get other gear in order to pass... who the, why the, what the...

Quick commercial- this rest of the game is so good, so good. Back to the regularly scheduled programming.

Past all of this poor decision making... we have yet another. Lets say you figure all of this out. If you do screw up, anywhere in say... three required full fucking laps with new bosses... not to mention some lag mixed in there- you're starting at the beginning again. Not the beginning of the lap, not 2-1, not 3-1, ONE-ONE. If I wanted to play fucking hardcore, I'd play fucking hardcore.

I don't mind some punishment- but holy fuck. I remember the original Nintendo Mario- but the levels weren't half an hour. There weren't a million details, it was fucking simple. There were two fucking buttons.

How you pull of the rest of the game, and this is such a shitshow- there must be some wicked silos. This is like, the bosses son was put in charge of a piece of something, so that the idiot didn't ruin everything else. A casualty of war.

If I'm typing on a fucking forum, it means I care; but I'm about to stop caring.

Even without resistance I could do the 1st run, and its not too bad; but it is certainly not fun at all.

You know what is fun, poe2. I don't know what the fuck this Sekhemas game is, but it can fuck right off. Its so fucking bad, that it might actually ruin the rest of the game for me- because my fucking ascendancy is gated.

This is the second time I've been in a forum for this game. There will not be a third. The trials were bad too, but at least I could just wait and hit them when I'm overleveled.

Even if it just let me restart at the beginning of the round. If I'm in 2 something, back to 2-1, fine. Start me off with full honor at the start of every round as well. Why the fuck am I carrying over my honor from 1 into 2.

I mean, light the whole thing on fire, or just switch it to fucking health. The replacement health bar of honor can go fuck itself. The terrible options of boons and inflictions or what shit can fuck off too. I have no interest in building gear that only applies in one specific area. I have no interest in building different sets of gear for different things.

The game is designed around breaking builds. Lets not have sections of the game where we suddenly forget all the main concepts of the game. Fuck its bad.
When I play as temp flurry monk, it sucks, roll in roll out, tries to deal damage before getting hit. Then I change to storm wave, deals damage 8m away, everything becomes much easier. I still end up complete the ascendecy on ultimatum instead of sanctum.

Meanwhile, my new-to-POE friends feels so proud that they bought ex/div from some website, and hire a carry only cost 40ex.

Number of lab carries alone tells you how imbalanced the lab is.

Next, honor resistance. Two layers of unknowns, that are only here. PLUS, a system that is designed as fail to pass. You fail, get gear, use that gear to pass. We play the game to get gear(where its playable)- that gear is ignored entirely, we have to get other gear in order to pass... who the, why the, what the...


Even without resistance I could do the 1st run, and its not too bad; but it is certainly not fun at all.

I'm not following. You beat the first one without gear yet you're claiming you have to fail to get gear.

Just farm the first one?

And if you're worried about failing 2-3-4 just go as far as you can and leave?

I like sekhema. I liked it pre-nerf (except for the bugged version where it didn't award the asc).

It's a very simple progression towards getting relics and fitting more relics in. And once you have those relics, it's basically trivial on every other character you will have.

especially when you get high enough relics that you can start swapping in monsters take more damage / move speed without needing as much honor.

it also scales off of your character so there's no real reason to push it when you're lower level versus higher to avoid the stress.

And if you're really hard pressed... you can buy relics on the trade site without farming at all.


When I play as temp flurry monk, it sucks, roll in roll out, tries to deal damage before getting hit.

When I play as temp flurry monk, I kill the mobs before they can attack. It's really no diff than range.

Range can obviously do it much earlier, with worse gear. Did you think there's no melee tax in a game that has ranged enemies?
Last edited by frotty#3568 on Jan 23, 2025, 1:45:03 AM
Trials is stupid. Great idea, but I can't win and I'm 15 levels above requirement with either monk or warrior. I've beaten the game over again and can't win this stupid crap. Made 1 rage quite the game for 2 weeks and here I am again - bout ready to uninstall.

Frustrating. Just like POE1 where you HAD to play certain classes or you couldn't enjoy season mechanics.

Had high hopes for this game.
I know most people say this as hyperbole, but I genuinely think that these trials are one of the worst, most unfun bits of content in video game history.

Like even put aside you becoming strong enough to plow through it, which I basically was, they intentionally made the honor system so that even if your character is plenty strong enough to take hits and clear it, it wants you to be full-focus 100% of the time because taking too many hits ends your run.

Then, after an hour of running through the most unfun content in the game (because of the honor system) you get to a gimmick final boss with a trick insta-kill that you won't know about unless you watched a guide beforehand.

Then, the next time you waste another hour slogging through the awful content, you get to that boss again with knowledge of the cheap puzzle waiting at the end, clear it, but if you do too much DPS, the game bugs out and kills you anyway, wasting ANOTHER hour of your time, with the expectation that you just keep running it, again and again, hoping that it works?

Naw. This game could only be improved by this entire bit of content being deleted like straight up. Complete waste of my time.
Last edited by Bradams#3500 on Feb 3, 2025, 7:39:44 PM
The Floor 4 boss design is just stupid compared to the rest of the game. Not the mechanics, those are fine, but giving him so much more HP compared to mlvl81-82 map bosses is poorly thought out.

After the PoE1 experience, I've invested much into my defense onion (L89 Pathfinder, HP 1.4k/ES 4k), so I'm not doing millions of DPS. I also don't die on every other map, and I'm having a lot of fun with 1-2 min. map boss fights - as per your design vision, GGG.

A combination of ever-decreasing player EHP (honor), millions of boss HP, and inability to pause REALLY don't go together. AT ALL.

I've spent maybe 20 minutes in that boss fight, passed even the time-stop phase on the first try, and cut him down to ~35% HP but in the end, I just gave up because dodging his mechanics got tiring and boring.

It feels like I was just punished here for not making a glass cannon. I really don't see putting myself through this shit again and will just pay for a carry.

I know it's only EA, but you can't seriously be tuning the endgame for 6 months from the original EA release date and still put out such a broken mess.

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