Absolutely disapointed -- This game is hard, and not in a fun way.
I am going to be there is some thread the needle type of build that might let us start with The Warrior but it feels like that might be a 2nd/3rd character. Which with the length of the Campaign is a very hard ask.
All of the footage we have seen is solo play, is there something we are missing where we are supposed to be grouping? As echoed by many there are some QOL that feel nice but it feels like we paid for it in blood. Top Issues: 1. killing monsters/bosses and losing loot to the area reset. 2. off screen abilities that 1-shot 3. no clear path when you dont get any gear or currency and hit an early wall. |
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" Excuse me, what specific game knowledge, best gem combos, and optimal trees are you referring to? It seems that 95% of the discussion here is focused on Act 1, and not even on the final boss of Act 1. This section of the game is supposed to be designed to introduce players to its mechanics and systems. It should be easy enough to complete, even with your hands tied behind your back (figuratively speaking). The first 30 to 90 minutes of a game are crucial for making a strong impression; a game doesn't necessarily need to be immediately "fun" to engage players. Instead, it should: - Create curiosity or intrigue - Make a clear promise of fulfilling and rewarding experiences - Encourage players to feel that they are making progress and mastering new skills - Create an emotional connection or a feeling of immersion Some find enjoyment in POE 2, while others do not. We may be different, but we all want to enjoy the game we are playing. |
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+1 OP
The game is not enjoyable at all in its current state. Dodge Roll and movement are really bad. Bosses are way too tanky, boss damage is too high, player damage is way too low. Keyboard control and perfectly timed dodge roll are mandatory to get through the game now. And then I saw which mechanic they decided to add as ascendancy content and after dying because I ran out of flasks at the final boss and being sent back to the beginning I decided that PoE2 is not for me. I never played souls like games because I don't care about them in the slightest, PoE 2 being turned into some clunky abomination that plays worse than D4, with game content for HC streamers is very disappointing. Unless this game changes fundamentally, I will not be playing it and I will not be spending money on it. PoE 2 is NOT "Diablo-Like". [EDIT] And to the "you are overreacting" crowd telling people to "git good". The game right now is a significantly worse experience than playing D1, D2 or even beta PoE 1 ever was. If you look at the video guides being posted right now, even the "easy leveling" and "beginner friendly" guides show gameplay that is slow as fuck and is boring on a level that is hard to describe. The gameplay is a total snooze fest. Watch the guides and tell me that those "tutorials" make you want to play the game. No matter what streamer I watch, the gameplay is the same boring shit with trash mobs harder to kill than doing a level 83 cortex with a level 68 free after Kitava random character in PoE 1. Last edited by RayTX#4250 on Dec 7, 2024, 6:52:25 PM
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you guys are mega whiny, the games difficulty is exactly right, sorry that this is not a game for people with no motor skills.
Last edited by danielbroke#6673 on Dec 7, 2024, 7:03:50 PM
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" Thanks for the pep talk coach. |
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This was one of the most unenjoyable things have yet to do in PoE. As a melee in the final phase I felt like I never had a chance to swing. Nevermind the fact that everything has an animation and you get animation locked. I had to kill using normal attack, what a poor experience. Nevermind the fact that after all that work and multiple multiple deaths 10+ to 15+. The rewards were just pure poop.
If you going to make a rage inducing fight can you make it worth it at least. In fact all the loot for the effort you have to put in just feels so unrewarding. Thank god you are still doing poe1 because I do not think I will be playing poe2. | |
i have thousands and thousands of hours on poe1, its the game i play when i want to chill poe2 is basically playing poe1 on ruthless but worse taking 10 minutes to kill a normal instance (not act) boss while having to not get hit once coz if you get hit once you dead, yeah its not fun you go full dps and somehow still have zero deeps, you try to go tank to survive, and you cant coz no layers of defence in tree anymore not to mention the drop rate is abysmal, heck guys, you advertised this game saying there would be lots more currency drop so we could craft in campaign but we now know this aint true, there is nothing dropping, c'mon and to further kick us in the teeth they remove lab (hooray) but put pre nerf sanctum on its place instead (WTF???) |
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I agree with you brother , no movement skill , ruthless mode loot , mapping maps big as hell
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I am disappointed too. I want to spend my money on this game so badly, I even bought the $100 supporter pack.. but struggling this hard to get to level 18 feels terrible. I am not sure if I want to play anymore..
Last edited by fkNb0ss#6868 on Dec 7, 2024, 6:57:29 PM
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Same issues, and i have over 5000 hours in POE1.
Poe always been a happy place for me where i can come and get dopamine rush. Current state of POE2 is total misery. Thanks i already have such game , its Escape from tarkov which im leaving time to time to play POE. GGG please hear us, if you see the game this way then make options, such as POE1 with ruthless has. Most of your playerbase want to chill and have fun. You making same mistake year to year with overcoplicating your game and each time players begging you to make game fun again. in 24 hours main issues: 1.Monsters have too much HP and damage 2.1 portal and if you die you should start all over 3.No loot at all and no option to benchcraft just SOMEthing such +res to your current gear so you can progress further Thats it, everything else in game good |
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