POE 2 Complete PC Freeze while loading screen

Mr_Kamson#2292 написал:

Я установил сборку Win 11 24H2, и мои игры 2 или 3 раза за 1 телепортацию зависали на моём компьютере, и мне приходилось перезагружать его.

Но я нашёл решение, и теперь моя игра не зависает на всём ПК, и, кажется, карты загружаются быстрее.

Windows -> Настройки -> Система -> Дисплей -> Графика ->
1. Отключить режим HDR
2. Отключить оптимизацию для игр в оконном режиме (я играю в оконном режиме)

Даже Microsoft пишет об этой «функции» здесь: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/release-health/status-windows-11-24h2#3466msgdesc

«После установки Windows 11 версии 24H2 у вас могут возникнуть проблемы с играми, если на вашем устройстве включена функция AutoHDR. Вы можете заметить, что цвета в играх отображаются некорректно в некоторых конфигурациях дисплея. Вы также можете заметить, что некоторые игры перестают отвечать на запросы.»

Удачи :D

Чёрт возьми, это действительно помогло мне. После отключения «Оптимизации для игр в окне» моя игра больше не зависает

Мне не помогло(
Hello I am also experiencing crashes, they happen randomly once an hour my game closes suddenly

If it's not happening on loading screens and your PC doesn't lock up it's not the same issue
Last edited by 4esquinas#2714 on Dec 20, 2024, 6:56:57 PM
Someone suggested to turn off HDR on the monitor, aaaand so far so good. Worth a try in my book. Can't confirm yet that it works 100% of course but no crashes so far since doing this.

I don't have HDR on my monitors and still crash
AGAIN i been playing with a few FREEZES, but today did even launch the game, FREEZE in the 1st loading screen, i think its time to request for a refund since they dont care.
if all of us as for it i think will be easy
Thank you GGG
BulexPT#0456 wrote:
AGAIN i been playing with a few FREEZES, but today did even launch the game, FREEZE in the 1st loading screen, i think its time to request for a refund since they dont care.
if all of us as for it i think will be easy
Thank you GGG

It's a problem with your operating system. Don't blame GGG for having to investigate complicated work-arounds.

GGG may be talking to the kernel and video drivers exactly as they should, as described by the API documentations. And your OS is buggy, so it freezes.
BulexPT#0456 wrote:
AGAIN i been playing with a few FREEZES, but today did even launch the game, FREEZE in the 1st loading screen, i think its time to request for a refund since they dont care.
if all of us as for it i think will be easy
Thank you GGG

It's a problem with your operating system. Don't blame GGG for having to investigate complicated work-arounds.

GGG may be talking to the kernel and video drivers exactly as they should, as described by the API documentations. And your OS is buggy, so it freezes.

NO ITS NOT, all my other games are working completely fine. you're just riding GGGs D
Ok, I think I might have this stable now. I have launched, exited, restarted, and played to load through a few levels several times, expecting a crash/lockup. So far none has happened for me.

Note, I am no expert or ever claim to be. This may not work for everyone, as this is just a workaround that I have tinkered with since last night and so far has kept POE2 from crashing or freezing with the dreaded system lock up, forcing a hard shutdown of my system. I am not responsible for any changes you decide to make on your own system.
GGG still needs to address and FIX this issue! (If they haven't done so already).

You need to make sure your gpu driver has minimal control with the game. Let the game handle all of the graphical settings, not the driver. By that I mean, every setting in the gpu driver (NVIDIA or AMD) that overrides, enhance, or takes control of any settings in the game, should be disabled or set to "Application-controlled". Let the game set the graphical, max foreground/background fps, etc.

Your gpu driver should have already created a profile for the game (create it yourself if you don't see it).

For NVCP, this would be Manage 3D > Program Settings tab > Path of Exile (pathofexilesteam.exe) should be selected.

Here's what I have set on the driver for my 4080S that has worked for me so far.

Image Scaling - Off
Ambient Occlusion (greyed out so can't be changed)
Anisotropic filtering - set to Application-controlled
Antialiasing - FXAA - Off
Antialiasing - Gamma correction - Off
Antialiasing - Mode - Application-controlled
Antialiasing - Setting (greyed out so can't be changed)
Antialiasing - Transparency - Off
Background Application Max Frame Rate - Off
CUDA - GPUs - All
CUDA - System Fallback Policy - Driver Default
Low Latency Mode - On
Max Frame Rate - Off
Monitor Technology (GSync Compatible if you have capable monitor otherwise, Fixed Refresh)
Multi-Frame Sampled AA (MFAA) - Off
OpenGL GDI compatibility - Auto
OpenGL rendering GPU (your discrete GPU)
Power management mode - Prefer maximum performance
Preferred refresh rate (model of monitor) - Application-controlled
Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization - Off
Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias - Clamp
Texture filtering - Quality - Based on your overall system, set this to Quality or Balanced. Older hardware select any of the Performance options
Texture filtering - Trilinear optimization - On
Threaded optimization - Off
Triple buffering - Off
Vertical sync - Off
Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames - 1
Virtual Reality - Variable Rate Super Sampling (greyed out so can't be changed)
Vulkan/OpenGL present method - Auto

For AMD Adrenalin, I can only assume this would work the same way by selecting the game profile under Gaming tab and set the following under Graphics:

Gaming Experience - Custom or Default
Wait for Vertical Refresh - Always off

Under the Advanced section:
Anti-Aliasing - Use application settings
Anti-Aliasing Method - Multisampling
Morphological Anti-Aliasing - Disabled
Texture Filtering Quality - Standard
Surface Format Optimization - Disabled
Tessellation Mode - Use application settings
OpenGL Triple Buffering - Disabled

The Display area can be whatever you choose since that shouldn't really affect with game settings.

For Windows 11 (don't remember Win10), type Graphic Settings, and make sure that all of your games listed there is set to your GPU, and not "Let WIndows Decide" or "Power Saving...". It seems a recent windows update added more lines to choose including "Specific GPU1: Your GPU" and "Specific GPU2: Usually the integrated graphics".
Also if you have AutoHDR enabled, Disable that!

Other few things to mention:

I did not rollback to any previous windows update (I am still on 24H2).
I have the latest NVIDIA game driver 566.36
I did not change any affinity settings under Task Manager
I capped the game fps to 120fps (If your hardware can't handle that, cap at 60fps or even 30fps) from POE2 settings.

Try these settings out and hopefully they will work for you!
It's a problem with your operating system. Don't blame GGG for having to investigate complicated work-arounds.

GGG may be talking to the kernel and video drivers exactly as they should, as described by the API documentations. And your OS is buggy, so it freezes.

NO ITS NOT, all my other games are working completely fine. you're just riding GGGs D

No game should ever be able to freeze an operating system! That is not normal!

The game is running in user land, it doesn't have direct access to any hardware, it talks to the OS kernel and its drivers for everything, so that they execute the operations requested.

If any program manages to freeze an operating system, there is a bug in the OS. And we know Windows is full of bugs. And now GGG has to find a workaround for that one. This can be quite convoluted, and I'm a programmer too, give them some slack on this.
It's a problem with your operating system. Don't blame GGG for having to investigate complicated work-arounds.

GGG may be talking to the kernel and video drivers exactly as they should, as described by the API documentations. And your OS is buggy, so it freezes.

NO ITS NOT, all my other games are working completely fine. you're just riding GGGs D

No game should ever be able to freeze an operating system! That is not normal!

The game is running in user land, it doesn't have direct access to any hardware, it talks to the OS kernel and its drivers for everything, so that they execute the operations requested.

If any program manages to freeze an operating system, there is a bug in the OS. And we know Windows is full of bugs. And now GGG has to find a workaround for that one. This can be quite convoluted, and I'm a programmer too, give them some slack on this.

But can it brick my pc i dont want to play if it can, its brand new
But can it brick my pc i dont want to play if it can, its brand new

No no, this is just a software problem, it's not going to damage the hardware.

It's not going to damage the software either, it doesn't change any part of the operating system stored on disk.

The fix will come either from Microsoft fixing one of their many bugs, or GGG finding a good work-around to avoid triggering the bug (and that can be very complicated to figure out)...

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