POE 2 Complete PC Freeze while loading screen
Grinding Gear Games... well named. I can hear my machine grinding it's gears when I start the game. Or that may be my teeth grinding in frustration.
I have managed a total of 5 hours of play; this is in between periods where I start the game and it crashes on the GGG animation, I start the game and can hear the login screen sound/music but cannot see anything, I start the game and just maybe manage to log in before it crashes, I start the game, log in, select a character and it crashes. And so on, ad infinitum. Posting this on page 205 of the thread hints that maybe its not just me. There's early access, and then there's an actually playable game. PoE2 seems to only fall into one of these categories and its not the second one. All the various suggestions I have found (disable multithreading, switch to vulcan, etc etc) have not made a blind bit of difference. I'm this close to applying to Steam for a refund. Intel i7-13700, 64gb RAM, RTX 4070Ti. About a year old, so shouldn't be having trouble with this. |
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" Hmm, you're not the first one to report this. Looks like an interesting issue with .NET apps: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/110541 https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/33745 Seems simple enough to work around for. I'll push out a new build theoretically tonight that avoids virus scan false positives. Kinda insane that Windows Defender hasn't fixed that yet based off how long that Github issue has been open and the popularity of .NET. |
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Yeah I think I'm done for now.
I was fortunate enough to be a direct invitee, but the coin-toss anxiety of "Will my system hard lock" every time I go to town is just too much to go past the 60 hours I've tried to troubleshoot and tolerate it for. I've tried everything, including the tools our wonderful community has managed to hammer out on extremely short notice, and my own troubleshooting as a 15+ year Point of Sale Sys Admin. My dxdiag has been submitted via DM the day it was asked of us. Thank you very, very much for the invite and hard work getting everything launched, especially the server insanity on launch day itself. Y'all handled it gracefully and openly with the community, and I can't wait to come back when this is fixed. I'm gonna go find something interesting to try in PoE1 for now. |
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" The crash is happening in POE1 as well. |
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This is most certainly not a POE2 issue. POE1 does the same thing, it's why I never played it and that was Windows 10. I literally just upgraded my windows just to see if it was because of the old windows I was using but nope. It's completely random as well, Sometimes I can play for hours, and other times I can't even get out of town. It's not a great experience to constantly avoid my stash because of a bug. It's amazing that they never fixed it for POE1 as this was several years ago when the last time I experienced this problem. I never went back to check but I assumed they did, it seems they did not. I'll shortly be doing the same thing for PoE2(And I love these types of games) Hilarious.
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" I'm assuming y'all weren't as worried cause POE2 was coming out? Like I don't know what to think anymore. and just to confirm yall. Your POE1's were FREEZING the whole PC?? Some reason i feel like im uncovering buried memories of playing POE1 and hating it but I thought it's just gameplay etc. Last edited by godimpulse#1516 on Dec 18, 2024, 9:23:32 PM
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" I was worried about it but prayed it wouldn't plague POE2. But it does. It's literally the same exact crash. Complete PC freeze, have to hard power off the PC. And this crash has been happening for months in POE1. It's just with way more eyes on POE now because of 2's launch, lots of people are playing and a lot more people are encountering the issue. POE1 has kind of been a ghost town because of the long league. So way less reports. I am hoping as more and more people get tired of POE2 crashes and head to POE1, they will realize they are getting the same crash, and these threads gain traction in both games. Which would hopefully force GGG to be less nonchalant about the entire thing. Last edited by DomzyPrivs#5120 on Dec 18, 2024, 9:34:59 PM
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" Confirming encountering it in POE1 as well as POE2. Have had it occur for years on several old systems on every version of Windows since 7, so definitely not a Windows issue or limited to POE2. Happens almost 100% of the time when on Directx12 or Vulkan, but less with Directx11. I think that's why it seems more common in POE2, because Directx11 is Default in 1. Only thing that "helps" is disabling 2+ cores in system affinity, but it doesn't prevent the issue just prevents it from locking up your PC entirely and requiring a hard restart. Just set up an entirely brand new system from the ground up the week before POE2 launch, went to test it in POE1, and have the issue occur consistently, so definitely hardware and software independent. It's absolutely a problem on GGG's implementation that got carried into POE2. Numerous threads and reports of the issue have popped up over the years, but its still going strong in both games. Hopefully if they ever manage to fix it, they remember to bring the fix back to POE1 too instead of just continuing to ignore it. Also it's been happening way more in POE2 since this last patch. No clue what's changed it sure hasn't helped. Last edited by GPython#5980 on Dec 18, 2024, 9:30:01 PM
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I've had 2 load screens freeze up on me in the past hour. Had to hard restart my pc. Didn't have any before last patch, although i don't play as much as most. How dangerous is it to my PC if this continues?
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The Brazilian streamer called Rakin lost his cpu playing this game, it completely burned out.
I definitely won't play until this issue is resolved. |
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