PoE2: One death in map and its bricked.

Lmao. These tears are delicious and the game isn't even out yet. For anyone complaining about the slightest inconvenience and obstacles, have you considered that you're maybe not this games target audience? If you want more casual approaches without any stakes or penalties, D3/D4 is s always an option.
Diablo 4 is not an option.
Not surprising honestly. PoE already makes difficulty out of limited practice of obscure mechanics. Looking at how boss design "evolved" over time and the extra limitations in ruthless, at least one someone at GGG wants to make this kind of game.

Overall I'm glad I stopped playing, there are a lot better uses of my time than some mix of a slot machine and a treadmill.
“We are the race of flesh, We are the race of lovers.”
Ulsarek#7159 wrote:
Lmao. These tears are delicious and the game isn't even out yet. For anyone complaining about the slightest inconvenience and obstacles, have you considered that you're maybe not this games target audience? If you want more casual approaches without any stakes or penalties, D3/D4 is s always an option.

this isn't about the difficulty level or how casual the game is. most wont be able to learn the obscure boss mechanics efficiently by themselves with one try separated by potentially hours of game-play. all this is going to do is generate traffic for streamers/youtubers.

Its basically heist rules for mapping.


Not quite. There are ways to return and pick stuff you dropped in heist. I hope you didn't mean we also must drop things on death.

Heist is that way because it's extremely easy with high value, close-to-guaranteed reward. Hardest heist run are on level of act 9 complexity or earlier maps, juiced grand-heist are akin to mid-tier maps.

No not what I meant and I merely meant the die and lose the instance not the loot :)
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Zoddo#3014 wrote:

I concur that that fits only very certain psyche. WHich isn't common, often called "achiever", sometimes jokingly claled 2%-percenter - some veery old and overly optimistic estimate on percentage of people to gain wealth and success.
That psyche isn't every gamer-like, people like that tend to move on to achieve something in real life rather doing that in game. Therefore my estimate of people I know personally that they would try this and then quit.

There are also some people thatget hormonal addiction on stress. One of form are workaholics but there are some gamers too, especially in PoE. But they usually are addicted to one particular aspect or form and such addiction isn't a good thing. ALl it matters how brain is wired and not much, save some artifical chemistry, can change that.

Learning from past mistakes also requires ability to repeat these mistakes and that requires a minimum time between attempts if fight involves mechanical reaction from player, not relying on character's gear or defenses. That's how muscle memorywork. ALso, there is limited _stack_ of these short-term memories for most humans.Just compare - many people fail Maven's memory game and that's not even a hardest test on short term memry. It's made harder by barey visible (in some circumstances) visual effects and some bugs, but people still fail.

Don't make mistake - in past I farmed _hard_ stuff. Like 40men raids in old WoW, or timed runs of Heroic raids later. But we were able to repeat try every 5-7 minutes, we had extensive logging tools (including mods to log what a _player_ had done incorrectly - and sometimes was it's a millisecond worth mistake because someone forgot something) and it took _dozens_ of times to perfect some of the stuff. Switch one person out of team and you have to go to training again. I know how stressful it is, how people were burning out, even a suicide happened in raid guild, which prompted Blizzard to investigate.

That's wat I would like to see in PoE2 f it goes WoW way - and it seems goes to become a weird mix of Dark Souls and WoW - presence of adjustable UI - maybe in FF way, not with mods - and analitic tools with some form of drilling. Put a cooldown on boss - if you had done it, you have to wait until cooldown runs out. That also solves some economy issues. Or how it is in WoW again, you can run it again, tohelp others,but you won't get boss loot drop.

We also did constant beta-testing of bosses on test server. Quite often a new tactic-based boss is either buggy or absolutely impossible to survive with gear it is intended to. On test server we could get_any_ gear, run encounter, lrecord log, sumbmit it to Blizzard if there were problems an sometimes fixes were appearing in matter of a day. Or, next tuesday, with server maintenance. I don't see GGG doing that. They can't fix a boss bug that exist in ame since 2017 it was reported in which completely bricks it and usually ends with death of character,

Purpose of games is to obtain either adrenaline or dophamine buffs. Well, same as with gamble (note, that's reason why gambling or promoting gambling is thoroughly banned in NZ and that ban now is extended to Internet and even streaming) or with other non-PG activities. Now there is some required balance btween stress - which reduces dophamine level greatly - and graification which peaks it. Make that distance too high for the person -and these ranges can go anywhere: one guy can go for 6 month without any result, other would be out of steam after 20 minutes.

I see where you’re coming from, but I’d argue that having "one try" maps in Path of Exile 2 could actually be a good thing. Yes, it’s not for everyone, but that’s kind of the point.

I completely agree, it’s a good thing as an OPTION but NOT as default.
I’d be delighted if this was taken out of softcore and made a ssf like option to opt into, I’d probably take it then.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Ulsarek#7159 wrote:
Lmao. These tears are delicious and the game isn't even out yet. For anyone complaining about the slightest inconvenience and obstacles, have you considered that you're maybe not this games target audience? If you want more casual approaches without any stakes or penalties, D3/D4 is s always an option.

This objection is not tears, and we know about it already. I’d love to have the option for this, just not the default for softcore
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
MaxW81#9965 wrote:
Diablo 4 is not an option.

It 100% is an option, it sure as hell isn’t even PoE good let alone PoE2 good!
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
With bosses being now fully optional I don't see much of a problem here, instead I'd say its even an improvement in terms of your overall "progression loop", because you can focus on nailing down the trash mobs and league content first and then go for the boss unaliving.

From what I've seen so far it should actually feel smoother if you can live with "I'm not able to kill every boss now and that is fine, I will get there".
Maybe the best perspective to take is to just accept its a new game and not try to force poe1 ideology on poe2.

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