Sanctum for Ascendancy Discussion POE2

he clearly say's you can get all ascencion points from 1 type of trial or mix-and-match.

Fucking hell, how did I miss that. Thanks. 🤦‍♂️👍
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If its between Sanctum and Ultimatum, I would rather choose lab and poor programed izaru, who attacks another 17 times until he phases.

I just hate those two mechanics with a passion.
Zibzarab#5658 wrote:
If its between Sanctum and Ultimatum, I would rather choose lab and poor programed izaru, who attacks another 17 times until he phases.

I just hate those two mechanics with a passion.

i never thought i will vote for lab to stay but this is also my take
I don't understand why we need these trials at all. Why not give us Ascendancy points at fixed level intervals, i.e. lvl 30, lvl 50, lvl 70, lvl 90. Would be more user-friendly, too. Their goal is to keep us grinding anyway, and they are taking away the incentive for people who hate this type of content.
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Gaming PC: Win 11, 7600X3D, RTX 4080, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL30, 7000 MB/s SSD, 850W, 3840x2160p 120Hz
Streaming PC: Win 11, i5-12400, RTX 4060, 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36, 7000 MB/s SSD, 450W, 1920x1080p 60Hz
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I like sanctum. So it's as if I run it as favourite content and at the end I will get an ascendancy point too ^^
I am tentatively excited for the chaos monk ascendancy. Yet to see some of the skills like Hand of Chayula but I'm already pre-emptively planning to play an ED/Contagion build on it
I bet they chose Sanctum and Ultimatum as trials for Ascension because they wanted to make Ascencion look like something big. Like "you need to earn it, so work for it". I understand the sentiment, but choosing the worst (Sanctum is objectively the worst mechanic in an ARPG) and one of the rippiest is kinda disappointing.

Now, I'm curious what the 3rd will be. Since they are tied to in game factions, we have Maraketh and Vaal, so the remaining are:

Azmeri/Eternal Empire......Lab. Could they bring it to POE 2?

Either way, hope the 3rd one is better.
Personally I enjoyed Sanctum, but found the lore and Lucia's final encounter sort of underwhelming. There are aspects of sanctum I really enjoyed, like the fact enemies had telegraphs and for the first time, -most- things were dodgeable if you were good at it, which meant you could go for a full damage build and play it like an action roguelike.

The parts I didn't enjoy, were that certain enemies had really cheap mechanics to shred your resolve, like the lightning mage and the archers who would arrow rain. By themselves it wasn't bad, but when you had trap rooms with multiple on either side of you with nowhere to dodge, on top of a bunch of really punishing curses it became impossible without very specific builds. My winning build for actually clearing the sanctum despite liking it in concept was Siege Ballistas and hiding behind a wall. So while Sanctum as a concept is good, when paired with the elements of randomness like curses and multiple super spammy enemies, it can become very bad. So I get why people don't like it.

If GGG rebuilt Sanctum from the ground up to be mechanically intensive but more fair, where even a character taking every single curse in the mode could complete it through skilled movement, I'd like it a lot more.

But on to why I was actually making this post. I know GGG knows their audience, and their audience is in fact a bunch of turbospergs who love familiar things more than new things. They see the mechanic they like from PoE1 in PoE2, they want to play it. They see Rog and Dannig and Gwennen and the familiar blasting open the ground, they're ready to go farm it because its their mechanic of choice.

For me, I see new game, I hope for completely new mechanic. Like if we're going back to Sanctum, I'd like if we're going into a completely new sanctum with a completely new way to traverse it. Instead of the room select like we had, let's just have multiple exits to the room. Give me Elevators, give me hidden walls, give me a drill that simply digs from one room to the next,

Why not have the sanctum just have a big hub room like a Zelda temple where you activate each part of it before opening a final boss chamber. Why not have sanctum specific equipment in the temple itself that's used for certain truly cancer rooms like a shield or mirror you hold to reflect laser beams at the enemies.

With a new engine comes new possibilities, and they should be willing to experiment to keep things fresh. I know they're rushing and trying to make sure the game has lategame content, but I really hope they return to their work later and iron these things out.

For me personally its a big W because I earned the power after overcoming challenge. Not liking sanctum ? Just do the ultimatum. I hope they keep these trials to be really challenging so they don't need to nerf ascendancy nodes.
1453R#7804 wrote:
Banneddd#5088 wrote:
How is sanctum worse than labyrinth?

The Labyrinth was perfectly fine. People only rip into it as badly as they do because you can't escape it to make trades. Elsewise nobody would care.

Sanctum runs take approximately a hundred thousand years to complete, the Resolve/'Honor' system means you get hit three times and explode no matter how good your defenses are, and you can't do anything to minimize the risks and just safely collect your Ascendancy points. It's pretty much everything everybody already hates about the Labyrinth, but cranked to eleven.

Admittedly, you can go do Ultimatum instead, but Ultimatum is honestly just as bad. Faster than Sanctum by far, but you have to be overgeared to a ludicrous degree to actually complete an Ultimatum because by the time you get ten challenges stacked up, eighty percent of your build is completely offline and you have to beat the encounter with the two pieces of gear and the one single sub-skill that hasn't been completely nullified by Ultimatum challenges.

I played both leagues and both options are bad, totally agree. I hate them.

The only option for me in EA is overpower cuz higher lvl and break throw Ultimatum if low lvl based, if scale, then I'll get no ascendancy in PoE 2.

Now I could just create: "LF carry for trials."
Banneddd#5088 wrote:
How is sanctum worse than labyrinth?

In PoE 2 You must go throw 5-10 maps to get 2 ascendancy points and each room is 5-10 min to complete... soo whole trial is 50min-2h? Where is lab with 5min from start to end???
Last edited by Akheira#7726 on Nov 26, 2024, 2:19:08 PM

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