Sanctum for Ascendancy Discussion POE2

I don't like ascendency points being gated. :(
I'm not a huge fan of Sanctum in POE1, but I welcome it as a replacement to Labyrinth.

No more tiresome door-hunting, and it's a lot more engaging. Finally some proper stakes, besides the ongoing fear of DC'ing in Lab.
sanctum is not exactly my favorite mechanic but i would rather have that than labs by a long shot.
Give me back my Labyrinth, GGG. :(
PoE2 is a great tutorial for PoE1.
It's the only thing i didn't like but i'm not gonna throw a fit about it yet. I'll see how it goes in EA and go from there
Last edited by kickaxe88#3563 on Nov 21, 2024, 4:44:40 PM
Switching ascendancy to sanctum is a great change.

Labyrinth is the worst content in the game and has been a tedious chore for years.

Everyone has preferences but most people at least somewhat like and engage with sanctum.
Last edited by Poiuytr133#2949 on Nov 21, 2024, 5:31:46 PM
They literally said there would be many different ascendancy trials. Sanctum, Ultimatum and more.

You can choose to do them all or do all your ascendancy trials in one you like.

They made it so you can pick what you like to do and avoid the things you don't like (Like sanctum.)

They did not in any way change ascendancy trials to just sanctum.
Last edited by phonyv2#6927 on Nov 21, 2024, 5:38:07 PM
Banneddd#5088 wrote:
How is sanctum worse than labyrinth?

The Labyrinth was perfectly fine. People only rip into it as badly as they do because you can't escape it to make trades. Elsewise nobody would care.

Sanctum runs take approximately a hundred thousand years to complete, the Resolve/'Honor' system means you get hit three times and explode no matter how good your defenses are, and you can't do anything to minimize the risks and just safely collect your Ascendancy points. It's pretty much everything everybody already hates about the Labyrinth, but cranked to eleven.

Admittedly, you can go do Ultimatum instead, but Ultimatum is honestly just as bad. Faster than Sanctum by far, but you have to be overgeared to a ludicrous degree to actually complete an Ultimatum because by the time you get ten challenges stacked up, eighty percent of your build is completely offline and you have to beat the encounter with the two pieces of gear and the one single sub-skill that hasn't been completely nullified by Ultimatum challenges.

THAT're still challenging these things at, like...level 25 to 45. Much as I despise the core mechanics in Path the First, entirely possible they make them less agonizing in Path the Second. Ultimatum is already somewhat less agonizing just because you get much larger encounter areas to work with.

Final judgment shall be reserved until the actual release, but I gotta admit - both the Ascendancy and Endgame sections were like a who's-who of all my least favorite, most hated league mechanics. Trading out Blight for Delirium sucks so freaking hard I can't even, bleh. Heh, but ah well. Such is the way of life. Megasuperhyperblaster Religion of Zoom people can take solace in the fact that Delirium - the poster child for Shitty Terrible Content Nobody but a Streamer Memer Megasuperhyperblaster Can Do For Spit - is once again far and away the most profitable endgame mechanic.

Still thoroughly excited to try the game out, some of the Ascendancy and skill options look crazy lit. But man, some of the endgame choices are a big oof. Oh well.
Last edited by 1453R#7804 on Nov 21, 2024, 5:43:52 PM
ToTA Ascendancy hype! Bring on Act 4.
PoE2 is a great tutorial for PoE1.
How is this version of sanctum much different than actual lab? Sanctum at the basic level is similar to current labs, you're just running room to room with some trivial task. If you're worried about the honor counter, don't get hit? They literally said that the abilities that drain honor are extremely well telegraphed.

And if you hate it that much? Do one of the other two trials. Should try it out before we spam Ls or assume you're gonna hate it because you don't like sanctum.

Personally I like that they've tied ascendancy to an actual endgame mechanic. Hopefully the third one is blight. ;)

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