3.25.1 Patch Notes Preview

Wer nichts weiß, muss alles glauben.
Having an absolute blast this league!
Great patch too!
Are you guys aware of the horrible state of mob loot right now? Haven't heard a single peep about it. I press alt and I feel as though I am seeing ruthless levels of loot on the ground after clearing fully juiced maps.
buff rune drop rate pls
awww. doesnt help at all.
The Marked for Death debuff no longer prevents the recovery of life and energy shield. It now increases damage taken by 50% (from 30%)

ok. fine. at least like this.
Players and their Minions deal no damage for 3 out of every 10 seconds (from 4 seconds every 10 seconds)

still "must reroll" mod
Players have 3% reduced Action Speed for each time they've used a skill recently (from 4%)

dude, my build has 11 casts per second on full boost and 6 without it. and many builds has similiar. do you think it will change anything? still must reroll
Monsters take 35-45% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes (from 100%)

so? all farm t17 with more mod effect atlast and it will be same 100% or close to it reduce.
Players have 25-30% less Area of Effect (from 50%)

same as previous. i had this mod on map once and couldnt cull boss with frostblink for like 5-6 times because it has 91% less aoe.
Players have 25-30% less Defences (from 50%)

same as previous. you just have no defence that ruin literally any build that rely on armor/eva for def or es/eldrich battery and cant run this mod
Players have 80% less Recovery Rate of Life and Energy Shield
Monsters Cannot be Leeched From
Added a new Tier 17 Map Modifier: Players have 50-60% reduced Maximum total Life, Mana and Energy Shield Recovery per second from Leech.

again. will be 100% less recovery for everything. literally the same. what a point of these changes if you will receive same results at the end (unplayable map)

and i dont even say about something like -30max res, that also will make map unplayable. mods has to make map harder, not impossible to do. and t17 has too many mods that ruin map, and you have to sit in your ho, spend 30-50 chaos per map to get good roll. its must be changed at core, not just 10% lower values on mods that brick the map.
ah yea, what about drowning orbs? yea, they doesnt look like something special if you compare it to 0% recovery, but on practice you have to deal with a things, that spawn randomly, has black color on dark map and mostly will kill you if you dont have blink with instant cast, like frost blink or leap slam, no matter how strong your character is. its stupid. whole idea of t17 maps is stupid. worst thing that ever added in the game. yea, its a bit better that it was in previous league, when random pack with offscreen abilities could oneshot character with 400-600k ehp, but still. i farmed it enough to hate it as much as possible, and fact that i must farm it if i want some profit, because all other strats are 0 value because of scarab changes, make it ridiculous.

and yea, gold drop is an issue. its ok if you nonstop farm t17 and get 60-90k gold from a map, but if you dont you just cant get enough gold for even sustain a city, i dont even say about 20k rerols if your merks arent maxed out. balance it around t16, not t17. most people wont deal with this shit

Mjuu wrote:

GGG is a Chad and does not post nerfs.
Feel free to discover your new "buff" - Your character is permanently affected by Enfeble and Shock.

yep. they removed "cast speed/attack speed during effect" mods from flasks and didnt say a single word about it.
Мы и так уже играем в совершенство (с) Achilles2626

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"Мы не хотим забирать ощущение, когда ты кидаешь сферу возвышения на предмет с закрытыми глазами, потому что боишься посмотреть, испортил его или нет. "
GGG never learn the lesson - do not ever shoot in your own leg...

Melee? Check. Boats? Check. Auction house? Fuck yeah.
Making t17 easyer doesnt fixes them being broken, unfun and warping the entiere game around them, while invalidating any t16 strat.
No more build bricking mods, thanks.

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