T17 once again are ruining this league can GGG just discard t17 concept?

Gopstop22 wrote:
the prices of scarabs are skyhigh becuz they are based off around t17 juicing it feels obselete to do any other content becuz you make 10 times less currency than t17 i been farming t17 and when i try do t16 it impossible doesnt make sense feels like im getting pennies the atlas shouldnt apply to t17 at all it shouldnt be used for general mapping but just for getting boss fragments thats it

What about you being smarter and farm scarabs to sell to these juicers?
Or play SSF if you don't like the pressure of other players. Don't let others decide how you should play, that's really teh wrong attitude to have if you want to enjoy a game.
leto2626 wrote:
Gopstop22 wrote:
the prices of scarabs are skyhigh becuz they are based off around t17 juicing it feels obselete to do any other content becuz you make 10 times less currency than t17 i been farming t17 and when i try do t16 it impossible doesnt make sense feels like im getting pennies the atlas shouldnt apply to t17 at all it shouldnt be used for general mapping but just for getting boss fragments thats it

What about you being smarter and farm scarabs to sell to these juicers?
Or play SSF if you don't like the pressure of other players. Don't let others decide how you should play, that's really teh wrong attitude to have if you want to enjoy a game.

I been farming t17 for scarabs/currency all this time doesnt change my point of why i think t17 in the current state is stupid

Last edited by Deviant#8289 on Aug 7, 2024, 9:42:56 AM
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Pashid wrote:
shocking concept that a higher tier is more rewarding than a lower tier once you're able to farm it.
It's like complaining that t15 maps are less rewarding than t16 maps lol

t16 maps are still juicy if you pick the proper strategy.
Hell you could even make tons of currency in t1 with the right strategy and get away with it without having to touch t17 maps once if you play the market game and divine/h game.

I honestly hope they build up on the t17 concept make use of the good fondation even further some time with t18 or maybe t19 maps.
They could do stuff like a sirus fight with him being accompanied by his conqueror boys.
Same would work with shaper or elder as well, or Delirium and beyond unique enemies combined in one fight.
The potential exist!

GGG please for the love of all that is holy do not listen to this garbage.
General discussion gaming forums are almost always a cesspit of ignorance and trolls.
Angrybagel wrote:
Pashid wrote:
shocking concept that a higher tier is more rewarding than a lower tier once you're able to farm it.
It's like complaining that t15 maps are less rewarding than t16 maps lol

t16 maps are still juicy if you pick the proper strategy.
Hell you could even make tons of currency in t1 with the right strategy and get away with it without having to touch t17 maps once if you play the market game and divine/h game.

I honestly hope they build up on the t17 concept make use of the good fondation even further some time with t18 or maybe t19 maps.
They could do stuff like a sirus fight with him being accompanied by his conqueror boys.
Same would work with shaper or elder as well, or Delirium and beyond unique enemies combined in one fight.
The potential exist!

GGG please for the love of all that is holy do not listen to this garbage.

I agree GGG ignore this garbage that says the post above it is garbage.
I find anything under t17 just garbage loot...This is kalandra 2.0
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
I feel like a lot of these complaints would disappear if you couldn't use scarabs on T17. The current state of things makes it feel like we are supplying the rich people instead of playing the game we want to.
General discussion gaming forums are almost always a cesspit of ignorance and trolls.
Having to spend hundreds of chaos rerolling these maps because they have a million binary "Your build now doesn't work" mods or "These mods juice the bosses so hard they're basically impossible unless you oneshot them" is so annoying. It ruined the last league for me, and it's currently ruining this league as well.
I hope they make content all the way up to T20. Something like single portal to a map that opens after beating uber Sirus for example. Something that doesn't have build-breaking mods like reflect or no regen, though just incredibly difficult content. I actually want more difficult content that requires both skill and the pinnacle builds.

Bad builds should not be able to complete all content. We should not celebrate mediocrity and we should clearly and explicitly expect viability checks. Just like when you got from act10 to T1. That's a viability check. Just like when you got from alch and go, to 200% 8-mods. Then to 100% deli, 300% quant, etc... I think it must be the new blood that thinks their garbage builds they've spent 2 weeks on should wipe the floor with ubers.
I'm struggling to come up with new goals to keep me playing this game.
Kioskara wrote:
Having to spend hundreds of chaos rerolling these maps because they have a million binary "Your build now doesn't work" mods or "These mods juice the bosses so hard they're basically impossible unless you oneshot them" is so annoying. It ruined the last league for me, and it's currently ruining this league as well.

This sums up my attitude to T17 best. Resented them since first release because you cannot do them without modifiers. GGG broke their own core design, which allowed weaker/not-using-new-meta-from-current-patch builds to tune maps to their characters. As it is, they need another "16.5" map tier to "serve as bridge between T16 and T17":)

Yes, chaos sink is needed (against smarter players not falling for crafting casino:)), but rerolling "you die" mods on T17 is the most frustrating and abusive way to make a sink.

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