T17 once again are ruining this league can GGG just discard t17 concept?
Thank you all for advice, but as I suspected, there is no way to fit those mechanics into my favorite build. I have evasion/elusive/blind, but those are all useless without mitigation behind them, since enemy damage scaling on new content gets more and more out of hand. By now might as well throw evasion out of the window, mass freeze is the only thing that actually carries me.
If I start new build with those mitigation defenses as cornerstone, and add dps as secondary investment, yeah, it will work. But not feeling excited about it. |
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" There is a way, you could rework your build that isn't working :) You just don't want to use any tips people offered, because you choose to, not because it can't be done. Saying you don't feel excited about adding defense tells me it is not a game problem, but attitude problem. Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"
I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like. |
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" You are in no position to say that though. All your topics about "game too easy" are also solely attitude problems. The solutions for your issues are already there (harder modes, non meta builds) you just refuse to use them. It's all just a "you" issue. Doesn't stop you from insisting on it. When people complain about the game being too hard you go "play another build". But when you complain about the game being too easy and people tell you to play a harder mode that's an invalid argument because you don't want to. Nice double standard. Last edited by Baharoth15#0429 on Aug 12, 2024, 9:21:15 AM
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" It's not a double standard at all. Complaints about the game becoming too easy are about the framework that is offered to the player. T17 Lycia is the same boss every time, the differences come in what kinda character you build. The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
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I am very much excited about having more defense. Not excited about the fact that one of basic defenses and my preferred archetype becomes useless on its own because GGG just have to scale content more and more up, to give their best players a reason to stay a bit more and buff from 300 to 400 mil dps.
Right side of the tree is supposed to have its own lore-fit base defense: evasion, not try to emulate a worse version of barbarians with dragging endurance charges and warcries there. As monster dps grows, dodge-based mechanics become secondary defenses at best, because one unmitigated hit means death in T17 and its rapid attacking bosses. It is especially noticeable by contrast with nearby spell suppression. |
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" Theres no facts at all here. Both sides are opinions on what way the game should go. If you want to apply your reasoning to both, then I guess both sides are " " Meta builds? SRS isnt meta this league nor was it meta last league. It even got nerfed twice back to back Affliction/Necropolis. This is kind of hilarious profile diving into someone builds while being a private account. Your understanding of meta seems to be flawed, to quote someone else in another thread I cant remember who now, I think they are some sort of expert: " Mash the clean
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" True, i don't really see the awareness of that on their side though. " What now? You and those two are like experts on profile diving. Usually resorting to it to attack people rather than their arguments. And now you are mad you can't do that with me? How cute. Also, i am pretty sure that person you think of never called themselves an expert on anything. It's just another strawman some guy whose name i can't remember made up. Even if his build isn't all that popular at the moment, it's still quite high on the viability side. If he want's more of a challenge there are plenty of builds to get just that but he obviously refuses to do so. Last edited by Baharoth15#0429 on Aug 12, 2024, 11:04:26 AM
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" Are you sure? There are tons of people playing lots of builds on the right side of the tree, surviving just fine farming T17s and Ubers. I haven't read everything in here, but may I ask what "your favorite build" is, and how it's impossible to fit more defensive mechanics into it? Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
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" Because it is too easy, I even use half the items I used last league, and still it is way too easy. Is your solution is to play naked toon to feel any challenge?:P I want the game to test my skill, so I would have to use as best gear as I could, to use every trick in my sleeve, not just be an idle clicker, lol. Or do you think hc or ruthless have different monsters than on softcore? xD Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"
I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like. |
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" So I mean this is completely invalidated if you do it yourself. I dont know what you are trying to say but the moment you looked at Nomancs account and formed your silly, false, opinion about SRS. You pretty much threw away anything you have to say here. And you do it completely different from how we do it, so dont think you are in the same boat as us lol. When you do it:
1) ignore any accomplishments or challenges done, including ubers and t17s
2) make up what is meta and what is not 3) dont calculate or dont know how to calculate anything in POB to highlight holes or strengths in a build 4) Dont give advice on how to improve, but rather berate them for playing a build. 5) Dont point them to others that are doing the same and not struggling When we do it:
1) Look to see how many, if at all, t17s or Uberbossing their characters have done (liars)
2) See what build they are playing, and not care if its meta or not 3) Load up their build in POB to find what holes their build has, creating difficulty for them 4) Give them advice on how to improve 5) Highlight build creators and several substitutes to lessen their struggle And contrary to whatever you believe, Credentials do matter. Not just in game but life. If you dont have them you aren't getting hired or taken seriously. And if you hide them you may as well have none. I dont care, and neither should GGG care, what someone thinks of UMaven when they havent even 5 linked their gear. I dont care, and neither should GGG care, what someone thinks of t17 difficulty, when they have a phys max hit of 5k and negative chaos resistance. The list really goes on for this one. These are the type of people me and several others push back against, on this forum. Because collectively if they got their way, this is what the game would be:
![]() Mash the clean
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