Save the League! Increase the Loot!

Am I having deja vu? I saw these same posts in 3.2.4 when necro launched when all drop forms below T17 were nuked from orbit, and I'm talking about standard necro to standard affliction comparison, not league mechanics.

GGG devs only listen to asmongold and big content creators juicing up their game, if asmon brings this up in a youtube video, GGG will increase loot.
Check patch notes hopefully this is only the beginning of the LOOT!
Totally agree! Great season mechanics but the low drop rate of scarabs (esp. rusted ones) make them crazily expensive! Can you imagine it’s 8-10c per ambush scarab which is typically needed 2-3 per map run? Without lucky drop I can barely cover the cost.

This is very disappointing. Decided to afk unless this is solved.
Since Sentinel, they have constantly nerfed base drop rates and alters. They refused to touch group play and magic find multipliers. Now with those gone and no league mechanic like TOTA or Affliction to cover it up, it feels horrendous. I was called a quack for saying the base experience without full juice was feeling worse and worse every league yet here we are.

Now I have to abandon more profitable farms to push gold, making it even worse.

The scarab rework does not help as now like with Essences the top tier is basically the base tier. Due to giga blasters being able to do strategies that flood the Deafening tier and Shrieking is worth 1/3-1/8th what is used to be and often 1c or less per essence.

They keep trying to band-aide their way out of buffing drop rates and make the divide between alch/go vs full juice gap get larger and larger.

T17s only make this problem even worse. The rewards were the problem and they only made them easier to run but still not easy enough for most builds except the meta-tier ones.

I firmly believe they need to tune the drop rates more around people crafting their own gear than the "economy". So raw divs need to go up so you don't need a dedicated Sanctum runner if you want to do a simple prefix/suffix lock. Which you will have to do on most of your gear to have any chance of crafting it with stats you want in both Pre/suffix.
Last edited by Moregaze on Aug 2, 2024, 2:49:04 AM
mnieradko wrote:
Am I having deja vu? I saw these same posts in 3.2.4 when necro launched when all drop forms below T17 were nuked from orbit, and I'm talking about standard necro to standard affliction comparison, not league mechanics.

It's deja vu because you are feeling stressed.

In reality, there as never been a league when everyone been as coherent as this league, everyone agrees the drop rate is killing the league.

There is another problem with the drop rate. Because the loot is so bad it forces you to choose, either do the Settler's league mechanic by farming maps and earning gold, OR, do a strat that's "somewhat" profitable and ignore the Settler's mechanic, because the strat won't drop you any gold. And if you choose to do the strat, good for you, you might earn 1-2 div an hour. It's still horrible.
+1 Buff the game already GGG!!!
+1 also bring back TOTA.
Ya, I'm done and waiting for a patch. Playing other games till then.

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