Save the League! Increase the Loot!

Lonely.Cat wrote:
Mashgesture wrote:
Nothing wrong with the current loot.

Dude... everything is wrong with the loot. I tried t16. It's dead. Sure I can do Delirium+Alva+Beyond spam to get ~1 div per 3 maps (Simulacrum+Atzotl+random drop) with some lucky drops, but it's not enough in late game. I can do 4 memories per hour to turn my 5 divs to 10-12 divs. 15 divs, if I'm lucky. But this process is boring, and there is no gold. I can do sanctum to print currency. Same problem. Boring, no gold. Also, no gold means that I'm not able to do most of the league mechanics. No league mechanics = I'm playing freaking standart league... and I did play like that, because i wanted to upgrade my gear, so I could move to high-end content.

Moving to high tier farm. When you enter T17, you hope that you'll have at least some profit, so you can afford more T17 investment, because T17 are fun to run... but GGG nerfing every T17 strat to the ground every day, BEFORE most of players can even try them.

Rituals? With scarabs+Boss vessel+Atlas tree+perfect conditions... you get something like 17k tribute. 17K in fully juiced T17. 2 div investment. 17K tribute. 1 div in ritual is smthing like 6-7k tribute. Each reroll - 1.4k tribute. But most of the time conditions are not perfect. And you get 10-12k tribute. It's not enough to do rerolls and buy smthing good. Sure, you can reserve rewards to buy it cheaper later... But with 10-12k tribute it's always NOT ENOUGH. After 15 maps I've lost 20 divs.

Boxes? With same investment my friend barely made to +5-7 divs profit. Reason? Inderect nerfs.

Div cards? With today's hotfix it was nerfed to the ground.

And so on. While in sanctum with almost no investments you can just print currency...

Again, I think you have this mindset, because a lot of people have been brain poisoned by the absolute loot printer that Affliction league was. The loot in these maps feels exactly the same to me before and after that league, with the exception of chisels being painfully rare.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
dear god please, i feel like im in the Sahara looking for water this league. Sure i could flip currency for a few hours or learn how to craft to sell, but that shit is hella boring.

the point of the game is to run around killing shit and right now it feels like theres a massive choke thanks to ground drops rate. iv found 2 divs after 100 hours+ so far. Mosto f my money has come from flipping juices or some tujen gains.

Im sure someone is going to shoot back with "your playing wrong" But in terms of trying to get your feet off the ground its fucking absurd to even have a way to "play wrong" when making money.
Bubbleraps wrote:
Yeah currency drop rates are killing what is a pretty neat league mechanic. I'm already over this league because of lack of drops. I've gotten 1 divine drop literally while going through the acts and have almost completed my atlas at this point without a single other one dropping. I'm still rocking the terrible starting gear I spent that 1 divine on because I've just got nothing this whole time since.

Yep. Meanwhile, I've gotten no div drop at all this league, but spent all my chaos' on much-needed items/currency for upgrades (had to spend like 25 of them for fucking BAUBLES [to enchant my flasks] because GGG decided to make NPC's not sell them anymore PLUS the HORRENDOUS currency drop rates!!!) so I can run red maps (thankfully on a minion build, so I won't die as much).

Losing all of my chaos' at this point just feels so bad, man.
Mashgesture wrote:
Lonely.Cat wrote:
Mashgesture wrote:
Nothing wrong with the current loot.

Dude... everything is wrong with the loot. I tried t16. It's dead. Sure I can do Delirium+Alva+Beyond spam to get ~1 div per 3 maps (Simulacrum+Atzotl+random drop) with some lucky drops, but it's not enough in late game. I can do 4 memories per hour to turn my 5 divs to 10-12 divs. 15 divs, if I'm lucky. But this process is boring, and there is no gold. I can do sanctum to print currency. Same problem. Boring, no gold. Also, no gold means that I'm not able to do most of the league mechanics. No league mechanics = I'm playing freaking standart league... and I did play like that, because i wanted to upgrade my gear, so I could move to high-end content.

Moving to high tier farm. When you enter T17, you hope that you'll have at least some profit, so you can afford more T17 investment, because T17 are fun to run... because GGG nerfing every T17 strat to the ground every day, BEFORE most of players can even try them.

Rituals? With scarabs+Boss vessel+Atlas tree+perfect conditions... you get something like 17k tribute. 17K in fully juiced T17. 2 div investment. 17K favour. 1 div in ritual is smthing like 6-7k tribute. Each reroll - 1.4k tribute. But most of the time conditions are not perfect. And you get 10-12k tribute. It's not enough to do rerolls and buy smthing good. Sure, you can reserve rewards to buy it cheaper later... But with 10-12k tribute it's always NOT ENOUGH. After 15 maps I've lost 20 divs.

Boxes? With same investment my friend barely made to +5-7 divs profit. Reason? Inderect nerfs.

Div cards? With today's hotfix it was nerfed to the ground.

And so on. While in sanctum with almost no investments you can just print currency...

Then you are doing mapping incorrectly sorry I dont know what to tell you? But it honestly doesnt look like it see below:

Looking just solely at your gear it tells me that loot is not an issue. Those are some expensy crafts/uniques, assuming you bought them instead of crafted them/had them drop (which would contradict the loot problem if they did).

your weapon alone is at least 20, theres only one listed with that attack speed and cold roll for 40div currently. So im being extremely generous.

I dont even need to look up that chest piece of yours, thats $$$... 22% suppress T1 Max roll of T1 as well, AND 150+ life AND t1 res AND another t3 res, AND an open prefix, pfft.

Ralakesh early league, yea that was $$$. Currently 12/13, so I dont wanna know what price you paid for those. Probably more.

Max frenzy southbound thats more $$$

Your lethal is probably $$$, not a single 14442 even listed...

I could go on with what you are currently wearing, either you have the best crafting RNG in the world. Or you have the best loot finding RNG in the world, or you have plenty of currency due to having just fine loot drops to afford buying all this gear.

And t17 completions at over a dozen within the first week....all of them fortress so lets quick math that just on their value for selling alone, 14*80c ~7.5 divs just in t17 raw map drops...can guarentee you are at least getting another ~40c on a basic alch n go t16 map farm with a tree of course, not blank/progression....

So along with having a pretty solid setup, with extremely lucky (or bought) crafts/uniques, you are already breaking into t17 farms.


Yea loot isnt an issue. You want the league to be over in how long?

This honestly SCREAMS to me that its an affliction perspective, and not a realistic one.

Your opinions on sanctum have been true since they brought it back not sure why you are using sanctum as an example. Its been one of the best strats in the game for generating insane currency.

After 15 maps I've lost 20 divs.

So a gamble didnt work out?

Also if loot is so bad, where do you get these 20 divs, along with all the crazy other investment in your character you have, come from?

Just realize this thread was started by a person that doesnt even play the league.

I litterally told you how I've made currency for the gear. Memories and Sanctum. Even doing league mechanics with shipment and map runners will provide you up to 5 divs per day with your Kingsmarch being at least 8th grade. And I'm not even an average player here. I'm pretty low tier. And yeah. T17 strats that I mentioned - it's not a gamble. It just was nerfed on the fly for no reason. Sanctum and Memories brings you much more currency than base core/league/t17 mechanics.

And yeah... talking about gear... my gear is not that good. It's just... your gear is garbage. Even for day three. That's all. And right now you don't know how to get currency to craft or buy it (830 PDPS axe is less than 2 div right now). And it's ok. I was the same 3 or 4 years ago. Being bad at PoE is OK, because it's too complex for an average player. But pls, don't tell me, that the game is in good state, while you don't know, how to play it.
Lonely.Cat wrote:
I litterally told you how I've made currency for the gear. Memories and Sanctum. Even doing league mechanics with shipment and map runners will provide you up to 5 divs per day with your Kingsmarch being at least 8th grade. And I'm not even an average player here. I'm pretty low tier. And yeah. T17 strats that I mentioned - it's not a gamble. It just was nerfed on the fly for no reason. Sanctum and Memories brings you much more currency than base core/league/t17 mechanics.

And yeah... talking about gear... my gear is not that good. It's just... your gear is garbage. Even for day three. That's all. And right now you don't know how to get currency to craft or buy it (830 PDPS axe is less than 2 div right now). And it's ok. I was the same 3 or 4 years ago. Being bad at PoE is OK, because it's too complex for an average player. But pls, don't tell me, that the game is in good state, while you don't know, how to play it.

Your gear is multiple tens of divs and you call it "not that good". If that's not good to you despite costing so much, then I think you're doing just fine for loot this league and everyone else is still reeling from not having OP magic find.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Pizzarugi wrote:
Lonely.Cat wrote:
Mashgesture wrote:
Nothing wrong with the current loot.

Dude... everything is wrong with the loot. I tried t16. It's dead. Sure I can do Delirium+Alva+Beyond spam to get ~1 div per 3 maps (Simulacrum+Atzotl+random drop) with some lucky drops, but it's not enough in late game. I can do 4 memories per hour to turn my 5 divs to 10-12 divs. 15 divs, if I'm lucky. But this process is boring, and there is no gold. I can do sanctum to print currency. Same problem. Boring, no gold. Also, no gold means that I'm not able to do most of the league mechanics. No league mechanics = I'm playing freaking standart league... and I did play like that, because i wanted to upgrade my gear, so I could move to high-end content.

Moving to high tier farm. When you enter T17, you hope that you'll have at least some profit, so you can afford more T17 investment, because T17 are fun to run... but GGG nerfing every T17 strat to the ground every day, BEFORE most of players can even try them.

Rituals? With scarabs+Boss vessel+Atlas tree+perfect conditions... you get something like 17k tribute. 17K in fully juiced T17. 2 div investment. 17K tribute. 1 div in ritual is smthing like 6-7k tribute. Each reroll - 1.4k tribute. But most of the time conditions are not perfect. And you get 10-12k tribute. It's not enough to do rerolls and buy smthing good. Sure, you can reserve rewards to buy it cheaper later... But with 10-12k tribute it's always NOT ENOUGH. After 15 maps I've lost 20 divs.

Boxes? With same investment my friend barely made to +5-7 divs profit. Reason? Inderect nerfs.

Div cards? With today's hotfix it was nerfed to the ground.

And so on. While in sanctum with almost no investments you can just print currency...

Again, I think you have this mindset, because a lot of people have been brain poisoned by the absolute loot printer that Affliction league was. The loot in these maps feels exactly the same to me before and after that league, with the exception of chisels being painfully rare.

Emm... it's not ok to loose currency while you are farming. It's not ok to choose between profit and league mechanics. And yeah, i'm not talking about making mirror after mirror after mirror and so on. I just want to be sure, that while i'm investing my currency in something, i won't become poor. And the reason? Because devs just decided to nerf something for no reason. For example. Friday. Completing rituals on T16 gave you like 8-10k tribute without scarabs. Saturday. You are lucky to have 5k tribute. T17 with investments (boss vessels are 5 to 1. 6 to 1 if you are lucky. Scarabs - 15-20c each) you get 17k tribute top. Profit? None. Maybe some boss drop, because you got no tribute to roll and buy something from ritual.
Lonely.Cat wrote:

I litterally told you how I've made currency for the gear. Memories and Sanctum. Even doing league mechanics with shipment and map runners will provide you up to 5 divs per day with your Kingsmarch being at least 8th grade. And I'm not even an average player here. I'm pretty low tier. And yeah. T17 strats that I mentioned - it's not a gamble. It just was nerfed on the fly for no reason. Sanctum and Memories brings you much more currency than base core/league/t17 mechanics.

Youre responding to a thread that says loot is bad. And the title page even states its across everything. Not just a mechanic you do or dont interact with.

Lonely.Cat wrote:

And yeah... talking about gear... my gear is not that good. It's just... your gear is garbage. Even for day three. That's all. And right now you don't know how to get currency to craft or buy it (830 PDPS axe is less than 2 div right now). And it's ok. I was the same 3 or 4 years ago. Being bad at PoE is OK, because it's too complex for an average player. But pls, don't tell me, that the game is in good state, while you don't know, how to play it.

I didnt say your gear was good or bad.

I said, it was expensive.

And it is, to the point that, much like the thread posts above, would require either:

1) these things to drop.


2) valuable things to drop for you to sell to get these pieces of gear


Good loot.

I dont really know what my gear has to do with this. But okay? Im doing what I need to do and already do t17s. I dont know if you know what is good or bad in terms of my specific build either so, unless you know how to scale my damage, which it seems you dont, stick to what you know rather than assuming.

I probably play nothing like you as well. I play to get as much content done, without trading as much as possible. Nothing on my gear set is bought. Its all crafted/found everything. I can only do so much with what I get. But I am in t17s so I think thats pretty damn good for melee and not trading. No loot complaining here. I do buy scarabs and exchange currency if I need repsec atlas/traits.

But thats it.

I am also not sure what "dont know how to play..." comment is put in here, this unnecessary antagonistic comment doesn't seem to have anything behind it. I am ... literally at the same progression as you fyi. Really weird emotional comment, I am guessing its realizing you have expensive things and instead of admitting you do, you lash out.

As far as "loot problem" is concerned, your character is a perfect example of someone having 0 loot issues. Your loot is more than generous enough to spend on several items that cost over 10-20D each, at league start nonetheless.

Also if you have 20 div to spare to apparantely lose to ritual, you have no loot issues.

I hope this helps clarify some confusion!
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Last edited by Mashgesture on Aug 5, 2024, 2:43:50 PM
Lonely.Cat wrote:
Emm... it's not ok to loose currency while you are farming. It's not ok to choose between profit and league mechanics. And yeah, i'm not talking about making mirror after mirror after mirror and so on. I just want to be sure, that while i'm investing my currency in something, i won't become poor. And the reason? Because devs just decided to nerf something for no reason. For example. Friday. Completing rituals on T16 gave you like 8-10k tribute without scarabs. Saturday. You are lucky to have 5k tribute. T17 with investments (boss vessels are 5 to 1. 6 to 1 if you are lucky. Scarabs - 15-20c each) you get 17k tribute top. Profit? None. Maybe some boss drop, because you got no tribute to roll and buy something from ritual.

I don't know what else to tell you. That you have tens of divs worth of gear suggests you're doing fine.

As for Ritual, that seems fine? Ever since its debut league, I could never get anything valuable out of it so I don't know how anyone manages to be successful with that league. What I get out of it in 3.25 feels the same as it's always been, minus the much tougher Affliction enemies added to their spawns.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
I agree

The loot is horrible, i havent played in a long time because of how bad this game has gotten with the constant nerfs to everything including loot, but this...this is just awful.

GGG, you are not a game company, you are a dopamine fix company, if you dont give us dopamine hits, we get bored and find it else where.

I guess i am just going to sign off and check back in another year or so, realy sad the game has gone this way, it used to be so much fun.
Pizzarugi wrote:

I don't know what else to tell you. That you have tens of divs worth of gear suggests you're doing fine.

As for Ritual, that seems fine? Ever since its debut league, I could never get anything valuable out of it so I don't know how anyone manages to be successful with that league. What I get out of it in 3.25 feels the same as it's always been, minus the much tougher Affliction enemies added to their spawns.

...This thread is dedicated to raw drops from maps and juiced T16/T17. My farming methods depend on guaranteed drops. So. You burn the time to get a guaranteed currency multiplier. But the problem is that these methods are routine and take too much time. They are also boring and produce no gold. And no gold = no league mechanics. What I have written about three times already.

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