Save the League! Increase the Loot!

I just stopped playing, I tried many things, investing scarabs and I was on -currency.... its unplayable, it was fun only till end game
Xan_one wrote:
I just stopped playing, I tried many things, investing scarabs and I was on -currency.... its unplayable, it was fun only till end game

Bro your belt alone is 7 div what are you talking about?

"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
I overall agree with primus statement, I think we as a playerbase have shown before that we are capable to adapt to new strategies and farms.

Although that assumes there are new strats. Now if no changes happen, time will tell if we got anything new. At the moment I am more tending to think lategame farming will be pretty dry and that we will not have good hight tier lategame farming strategies.
Mashgesture wrote:
Xan_one wrote:
I just stopped playing, I tried many things, investing scarabs and I was on -currency.... its unplayable, it was fun only till end game

Bro your belt alone is 7 div what are you talking about?

you can only do so much chaos recipe for starter gear until you need to move on to higher tier maps. i think what he was getting at anyways is outside of mundane trash farms that loot isn't there approaching mid/end game.
"Actually as the #1 Slayer's Banker..."
"Actually as the #1 Guardian's Banker..."
Where is the loot? Is it just me, or was the loot drop rate nerfed into oblivion for single players and players in a group - even in maps with juice added? RNG royally sucked before, but this has to be an all-time historic low for loot drop rates. What little that does drop is trash or barely worth picking up. I play for hours on end, and have very little to show for it that I can use towards progressing my character.

Why should I even bother to continue playing or continue to spend money on the game if nothing is dropping that can help me advance after a 64+ hours of gameplay so far this league? I've never seen loot drop rates as bad as it is currently in this league. Fix it fast, or you'll see people quitting this league faster than they did the last one. This is not rewarding at all, nor does it feel fun or exciting from a loot standpoint.

Just my 2 cents.
Last edited by Renegade_Archer on Aug 1, 2024, 9:12:32 PM
Where is the loot?
Last edited by Renegade_Archer on Aug 1, 2024, 9:12:44 PM
Last edited by Renegade_Archer on Aug 1, 2024, 9:12:53 PM

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