An Update on a Native Path of Exile Client for PlayStation 5

mexxpower99 wrote:
PaladinZeke wrote:

So, it's been almost 2 months of waiting for a client that they lied and said "it's going to relase along the new league 26th July"....

While the wait has sure been frustrating, GGG never claimed that the PS5 client would release with 3.25. When they announced it during the 3.25 showcase, they specifically said the PS5 version was "on the near horizon". So they actually never officially pushed back a date. We can only assume internal delays.

Thats not true on the page for the League on the website it said Native Console Port coming with Settlers of Kalguur. And a few days after league start and they first admitted it would take longer it got removed from the page.
gut-fellaz wrote:
mexxpower99 wrote:

While the wait has sure been frustrating, GGG never claimed that the PS5 client would release with 3.25. When they announced it during the 3.25 showcase, they specifically said the PS5 version was "on the near horizon". So they actually never officially pushed back a date. We can only assume internal delays.

Thats not true on the page for the League on the website it said Native Console Port coming with Settlers of Kalguur. And a few days after league start and they first admitted it would take longer it got removed from the page.

Oh, I didn't know that. I've only watched the announcement video and didn't read the post. I'm sorry for the confusion and thank you for correcting me.

Let's hope the port releases soon.
I'm pretty sure they said something along the lines ~join in on the new league with the new PS5 native client~ or something along those lines in the videopart about the new PS5 version. I could have misheard of course, but I'm pretty sure. :)
Either way, 2 months from teaser to release is toooo long imho.
PaladinZeke wrote:
I'm pretty sure they said something along the lines ~join in on the new league with the new PS5 native client~ or something along those lines in the videopart about the new PS5 version. I could have misheard of course, but I'm pretty sure. :)
Either way, 2 months from teaser to release is toooo long imho.

Some games use years from first teasers!, I am just happy there will be a native version at all coming!, Been waiting so long, so some few more days hopefully will be good, I just hope there will be some improvements compared to the ps4 version. I am just thankful GGG supports console at all. It's my favourite game definetly, but I prefer playing on console! I am really looking forward to crossplay on poe2 so the economy will be shared and it will be possible to buy some stuff for reasonable prices... (even thought some very few things cheaper on console, but mostly it's far more) Hopefully they will add crossplay to poe1 at a later time as I hope poe1 will keep some players after poe2 aswell.
They literally said that in the Settlers of Kalguur video. Timestamp 38:25:

"With native ports for the Xbox Series consoles already being released, and PS5 on the near horizon, the game now takes full advantage of the console hardware."

Nevertheless, it looks like Sony certification already passed, and I assume it's a matter of days now to release it for everyone in store.
Last edited by vancoder on Sep 9, 2024, 9:47:49 PM
mJ_mSv wrote:

Some games use years from first teasers!.

Not when they put out a video and a blogpost saying it will be coming with the new league (26 July)...
The silence is deafening.

Is this so we feel the weight of the new client once it launches?
Am I allowed to pre download soon
Sooo... do we need to wait for ps5 native port for serle to work too?
I'm so in love with the fact that PC gamers are already discussing "late in the league" farmin strats on reddit, while I wouldn't mind finishing the 10 act because I can't play most of the league mechanics.

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