No league mechanic button in Kingsmarch

There was a partial fix included in the recent 3.25.0d Patch, however it only addresses using the League Panel (V) keybind within Kingsmarch. This patch also gave us the Town Map button and either will now pull up the town map.

However, we still don't have the "Manage Town" option on Johan and cannot bring up the Town Map to see an overview of our town using Johan in our hideouts or in an Act town.

I tried unsuccessfully to kick Johan from my hideout and re-invite after the patch, but this still doesn't change anything. Nor does /recheck_achievements . He still doesn't have the option.

Link to the Patch notes for 3.25.0d.
We still don't have the option on the NPC. Still bugged :/
EphixiHD wrote:
Please GGG at least let us know you've recognized and are working on this bug :c
I suspect this bug is also the reason why I have yet to encounter any of the league bosses but I can't be sure of that.

Add me to the list of players who didn't even know they were in a bugged state. No menu option on the NPC, and I also have not encountered any of the bosses. Nice.

Edit: Did finally get the pirate fight with my menu still bugged, so at least that bit works.
Last edited by plz on Aug 9, 2024, 2:03:44 AM
Yes, the league mechanic button in Kingsmarch is fixed but we still need a fix to allow us to deposit gold by talking to Johan in hideout. And whatever else functionality he normally has, I don't know since it's never worked for me this league. It is still related to the bugged quest state from the beginning quests.
Johan still being rude and not offering me the option to manage town from hideout in SSF. GGG pls fix ur game.
Please GGG. The NPC is still bugged and doesn't give the option to manage the town. Fix this.

Issue only 50% fixed.

Button is there, but "Manage Town" option not available at Johann.
“Demons run when a good man goes to war"
"Manage Town" option not available at Johan +1
Could we at least get some confirmation this has been seen and is being worked on? It's kind of a big deal to have to zone into Kingsmarch every single time you need to do anything with your town. Like constantly deposit gold so your town doesn't screech to a halt.

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