No league mechanic button in Kingsmarch

Same issue here, i also have done a different because I didn't find this one at first glance :

Hope it get fixed soon :c
Last edited by Egueule on Jul 27, 2024, 1:12:51 PM
Jadian wrote:
During the introductory quest, after you hire a worker, you're meant to speak to Johan, and he'll mention that the last thing they need is investment. This is the step where the "Manage Town" option will appear, as well as when the league button gets added to the UI.

However, if instead of talking the Johan, you go to the Town Map that has already been placed outside of the building, and deposit gold into the treasury....the quest completes, without doing these things that are supposed to occur when speaking to Johan.

I also suspect that this may be what happened as I eventually first deposited money to the treasury on the Town Map.

I don't recall for certain if I did this before or after I returned to Lioneye's to discover an exclamation mark on Johan asking me to return to Kingsmarch (he had not had one in the tavern). I think it was after, since I had not been able to initially enable the Recruitment feature (clicking on the hammer icon did not allow me to do so until I returned to Kingsmarch a second time). If it was, then the error may have occurred earlier unless I was able to deposit gold before this point.

It should be noted that I hadn't entered the coast yet before talking to everyone in town and doing everything that I could, so I was working mainly with the starting quest gold.

Repeating this again in the SSF HC Settlers league confirmed that it would be possible to deposit gold in the treasury before hiring any workers.

I think the steps taken leading to this problem may have been:

1. Speak to Johan and Faustus
2. Speak to Johan and Raulf
3a. For some reason I was not able to enable Recruitment using the recruitment Hammer button the first time that I was in Kingsmarch.
3b. As a result, I believe that I enabled mining before recruiting any workers (possibly moot) I also spoke to everyone else in town. I left town as there was nothing else I could complete and then returned to Kingsmarch, receiving a message to speak to Johan to travel to Kingsmarch.
4. Enable Recruitment and receive reward from Raulf

5a. Go to Town Map and deposit gold in the Treasury BEFORE HIRING any workers.
5b. Hire one or more workers.
6a. Hire one or more workers.
6b. Leave tavern to go assign your miners before talking to Johan (I don't recall him having any exclamation mark here, the first playthrough). Also checked Shipping enablement requirements and on the way back came across the Town Map bulletin board. Deposit gold to the treasury before talking to Johan.

7. Normally, Johan would talk about investment after hiring a worker and obtain the "Manage Town" option (and an exclamation mark), but I don't believe he did in my first league start. This may have been due to depositing gold to the treasury before hiring anyone.
Depositing gold into the treasury AFTER talking to him here, whether using the league panel key / Town Map / his Manage option presumably all work successfully.
Last edited by Pehr on Jul 27, 2024, 6:12:23 PM
Same issue here, can only open the town map from the noteboard, keybind not working, no options from Johan.
GGG fix pls
My friend has the same problem.

Having the same issue
I'm having this same issue
Seems like a lot of people have this issue but don't know there's anything wrong.
Misintent wrote:
Seems like a lot of people have this issue but don't know there's anything wrong.

Yeah, I didn't know anything was missing until I saw a Streamer in the Settlement with the Button.

That was followed by going through my Options with a toothpick for a while because I thought I had disabled something.
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