Can't name character in new league [ps5]

Alexander_GGG wrote:
We have a fix for this building. Unfortunately it will take several hours to go out.
One of the last minute changes to the game yesterday broke the virtual keyboards. Very sorry about that. 😭

Hope this could fixed soon.
POE is my favourite game and I think GGG is also one of the best game dev in the world, so I know this will fix soon .
I wish that the cross platform will succeed so I can play this from other console.(PS is such a bad platform & console, which others good ARPG won't even think about develop at PS platform)
Really Dissapointed!
oldwolfsoul wrote:
Okman_X wrote:
DudeDolphin1 wrote:
Yall gotta chill lol I'm itching to get into the league as well but berating them does nothing

I totally agree. Just 2 leagues ago we were watching PC players at least for a week before our league start.

Although this (not testing login before launch) is the worst excuse, waiting 2 hours for a fix is not the worst case scenario. If they can solve this in a couple of hours I don't see a big problem.

But if it lasts for a long time then it will be a problem for people those on leave from work.

We will see...

So you think this is professional behaviour?

Look man, there is nothing wrong to look at things optimistic, but we had so many bad starts on console that we should be voicing our opinion louder.

We get these "its only few hours late" opinions every or every other league. Something needs to be done.

1. I never said anything about if it is being professional or not! This is a "Free to play" game for your information. Nobody is charging players to allow them to play. Microtransactions are "support" for new content and better service. If we start looking things in this perspective and professionalism then we can also say that console players are not supporting the company financially enough to get quality service. So your approach to this issue is problematic for me from the start.

2. Of course we should be voicing problems and bugs but this is not the worst league start as exaggerated. I am playing this game on console since they ported it. I've seen really bad bugs and problems. Yes this is a very poor mistake from their side but it is not the end of the world.

3. Last league they solved it in "only few hours".

4. There is a huge difference between being constructively critical and hurling ridiculous insults.
this is so lame
Okman_X wrote:

I totally agree. Just 2 leagues ago we were watching PC players at least for a week before our league start.

Although this (not testing login before launch) is the worst excuse, waiting 2 hours for a fix is not the worst case scenario. If they can solve this in a couple of hours I don't see a big problem.

But if it lasts for a long time then it will be a problem for people those on leave from work.

We will see...

So you think this is professional behaviour?

Look man, there is nothing wrong to look at things optimistic, but we had so many bad starts on console that we should be voicing our opinion louder.

We get these "its only few hours late" opinions every or every other league. Something needs to be done.[/quote]

1. I never said anything about if it is being professional or not! This is a "Free to play" game for your information. Nobody is charging players to allow them to play. Microtransactions are "support" for new content and better service. If we start looking things in this perspective and professionalism then we can also say that console players are not supporting the company financially enough to get quality service. So your approach to this issue is problematic for me from the start.

2. Of course we should be voicing problems and bugs but this is not the worst league start as exaggerated. I am playing this game on console since they ported it. I've seen really bad bugs and problems. Yes this is a very poor mistake from their side but it is not the end of the world.

3. Last league they solved it in "only few hours".

4. There is a huge difference between being constructively critical and hurling ridiculous insults.[/quote]

Do you have the revenue numbers.... No I didn't think so so quit talking like you know how much console contributes.

2 how can you defend their efforts when they propose a solution to the problem of using the app or a physical keyboard that they OBVIOUSLY did not even try. If they had they would have immediately realized it does not work.
hkmau3310 wrote:
Alexander_GGG wrote:
We have a fix for this building. Unfortunately it will take several hours to go out.
One of the last minute changes to the game yesterday broke the virtual keyboards. Very sorry about that. 😭

Hope this could fixed soon.
POE is my favourite game and I think GGG is also one of the best game dev in the world, so I know this will fix soon .
I wish that the cross platform will succeed so I can play this from other console.(PS is such a bad platform & console, which others good ARPG won't even think about develop at PS platform)

Haliey Welch? Is that you?
Then I'm going to sleep, I hope the patch will be online when I get up ;)
Horse depression.
Alan Leonardo Piovesan

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