Can't name character in new league [ps5]

Cant unspec passives in tree either, not sure if this needs highlighing too
I mean most companies simulate what the player is going to do to play test their launches. Like you know sign in make a character perhaps visit an NPC or a stash or you know anything really.

Yeah regression testing is a pretty basic thing to do in any large application. Can't test everything by hand but automated tests can do a lot of that for you.

All I can think of is, maybe they don't have the infrastructure set up for that? It's weird but possible I guess. Maybe they just never wrote a test for a console vurtual keyboard to pop up, lol
Alexander_GGG wrote:
We have a fix for this building. Unfortunately it will take several hours to go out.
One of the last minute changes to the game yesterday broke the virtual keyboards. Very sorry about that. 😭

iKillaVanilla wrote:
Okman_X wrote:
DudeDolphin1 wrote:
Yall gotta chill lol I'm itching to get into the league as well but berating them does nothing

I totally agree. Just 2 leagues ago we were watching PC players at least for a week before our league start.

Although this (not testing login before launch) is the worst excuse, waiting 2 hours for a fix is not the worst case scenario. If they can solve this in a couple of hours I don't see a big problem.

But if it lasts for a long time then it will be a problem for people those on leave from work.

We will see...

Can you speak for yourself, please ? I am kinda fed up with us being the 2nd tier citizens and being "ignored" league after league, here on consoles. There is no excuse for this, they shat the bed so they deserve what is coming at them.

We have a saying in my country: " You deserve what you tolerate..."

No need to tolerate it, just don't buy MTX in protest. No need to be vitrolic about it (not saying you are), but also no need to tolerate your time not being valued.
PetrCobra wrote:
vazik wrote:
All, phone app also not working :D

What phone app?

psremote play
Also good lord the spaghetti code that must exist for this to even be possible
guys voice ur nerfed HATRED as LOUD as u can!!

F em up, those unpaid amateurs
iBlameMustard wrote:
Maybe we are just supposed to be Nameless Seers

You are a genius!
I really REALLY hope they fix this soon and we can play :(
Let's hope there are no crazy further bugs for us this time (like oak warcry crash)

Maybe we get a free MTX box to cope with this

Hakuna Matata - thank you for working on a fix; it happens ✌️.

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