Retaliation just saved Melee MEGA BIG TIME

cursorTarget wrote:
gabpla111 wrote:
Crazy abuse of AHK

The game is barely playable without it. This "vision" from 90's and game design based on it is so stale as rotten egg. You just don't have a choice.

Skill issue at its finest.
Last edited by SpaniardPuss on Jul 25, 2024, 3:29:05 AM
Retaliation skills... Numbers look good, mechanics look good. But they are yet another thing you "have to" find room for into certain builds. And while I like to look of them, I think their mechanics are begging players to macro themselves some "automation".
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Phrazz wrote:
Retaliation skills... Numbers look good, mechanics look good. But they are yet another thing you "have to" find room for into certain builds. And while I like to look of them, I think their mechanics are begging players to macro themselves some "automation".

Just use them where you would have used totems for buffs instead
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
ArtCrusade wrote:
Just use them where you would have used totems for buffs instead

They do not work at will.

Old counterattack skills actually had a passive use for proccing Onslaught, Debilitate, Rage, Life on Hit, Maim, etc. It wasn't free, still required to sacrifice sockets, affixes and passives, but it was usually worth it for the majority of content.

This was all taken away, reskinned, reworked and reintroduced as now active skills that work in tandem with Block only, with a window of opportunity for you to use them.

They do not make up for Totems, they do not make up for the old counterattack skills, and they certainly do not make up for the rest of the heavy-handed more or less disguised nerfs.

This addition, while neat in some ways, will accomplish nothing and ultimately fall into irrelevancy. Just wait and watch.
ArtCrusade wrote:
Just use them where you would have used totems for buffs instead

They do not work at will.

Old counterattack skills actually had a passive use for proccing Onslaught, Debilitate, Rage, Life on Hit, Maim, etc. It wasn't free, still required to sacrifice sockets, affixes and passives, but it was usually worth it for the majority of content.

This was all taken away, reskinned, reworked and reintroduced as now active skills that work in tandem with Block only, with a window of opportunity for you to use them.

They do not make up for Totems, they do not make up for the old counterattack skills, and they certainly do not make up for the rest of the heavy-handed more or less disguised nerfs.

This addition, while neat in some ways, will accomplish nothing and ultimately fall into irrelevancy. Just wait and watch.

Saving this.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
ArtCrusade wrote:
Just use them where you would have used totems for buffs instead

They do not work at will.

Old counterattack skills actually had a passive use for proccing Onslaught, Debilitate, Rage, Life on Hit, Maim, etc. It wasn't free, still required to sacrifice sockets, affixes and passives, but it was usually worth it for the majority of content.

This was all taken away, reskinned, reworked and reintroduced as now active skills that work in tandem with Block only, with a window of opportunity for you to use them.

They do not make up for Totems, they do not make up for the old counterattack skills, and they certainly do not make up for the rest of the heavy-handed more or less disguised nerfs.

This addition, while neat in some ways, will accomplish nothing and ultimately fall into irrelevancy. Just wait and watch.

Basically this, it feels so damn horrible now, i wouldn't care if it did 20 billion damage without support skills, the new "retaliation" skills just feel like trash.
Requires being hit, requires a short window to FORCE active use, removed using multiple because of the active trash use, requires stupid long CD, requires a massive windup time animation locking you..... its now a crappy slam skill with requirements and a gimmicky system. If they added these in addition to the previous actual retaliation skills then they would have been, decent. As they are now they are straight up trash.
Last edited by Judicas on Jul 27, 2024, 8:21:13 PM
exsea wrote:
Pyrokar wrote:
Didn’t any influencer make a build around hitting yourself with the new notable that activates retaliation skills with being hit instead? Just asking for a friend who is too lazy to make a good eye of innocence retaliation burn build. If someone did plz sauce

if not wrong we could do that with hiltless (stop hitting yourself)

there's also scold's birdle which was used to make CWDT builds.

in anycase i feel too slot starved to bother

Can't speak to that directly because I'm playing a different build, but:

If that's the case, it will be patched soon. This is unintended behavior. They patched other instances of this in the past pretty quickly, too. I.e. Flagellant's flask prefix, Herald of Thunder, etc.
I saw that they removed attack speed from rolling on flasks. Minus 17% attack speed on top of all the other attack speed nerfs. I won't play melee out of spite because of that. Nah I was on the fence anyways.
retaliations skills are trash they should be automatic triggered.
Khallis wrote:
retaliations skills are trash they should be automatic triggered.

Be careful what you wish for. It they make them auto triggered, they will hit like a wet noodle.

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