Retaliation just saved Melee MEGA BIG TIME

Kiss_Me_Quick wrote:
Disagree. Plenty of instances where Block does nothing for you. And so the skill won't be usable.

Not a single endgame boss has a non-invulnerable phase where you cannot get hit by an attack.

I was mainly talking about DoTs. When Shaper does his beam, you cannot use this attack. When the Plaza boss does her beam, you cannot use this attack. When Sirus does his beam rota, you cannot use this attack. Etc. etc.

While they may be powerful, they won't really matter in the grand scheme of things. They will be nice mapping skills, with perhaps some gimmicky setups (i.e. Vaal Breach) abusing them for bosses, but they do not fit into current PoE's gameplay loop.

The fact that they are active skills you can only use after you blocked a hit will make them largely irrelevant. Nice on paper, not so much in practice. A lesson many have yet to learn.

Edit: I guess my main point is, doesn't matter if they buff melee damage by 2000% if they do not fix the inherent mechanical disadvantage. They keep shuffling around defenses when they introduce melee buffs, not realizing it doesn't fix the problem; it does the opposite.
Last edited by BaumisMagicalWorld on Jul 24, 2024, 8:30:14 AM
Kiss_Me_Quick wrote:
Disagree. Plenty of instances where Block does nothing for you. And so the skill won't be usable.

Not a single endgame boss has a non-invulnerable phase where you cannot get hit by an attack.

I was mainly talking about DoTs. When Shaper does his beam, you cannot use this attack. When the Plaza boss does her beam, you cannot use this attack. When Sirus does his beam rota, you cannot use this attack. Etc. etc.

Nice on paper, not so much in practice. A lesson many have yet to learn.

And because of Shaper's beam you think Spell block also sucks? LOL, no.

You want to know why Sirus beam doesn't matter?

This clip pretty much 1 to 1 demonstrates what happens with slams now as well.

You can proc the retaliation blows super easily. Not only half the bosses have ads which can proc it, it's incredibly easy as playing in melee is how you should play bosses anyways, as it stops them from using their stronger spells.
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Last edited by Kiss_Me_Quick on Jul 24, 2024, 9:06:45 AM
Kiss_Me_Quick wrote:

You want to know why Sirus beam doesn't matter?
This clip pretty much 1 to 1 demonstrates what happens with slams now as well.

It matters on HC and competitive PoE. On SC you can afford to get hits but in general even playing melee you're trying to avoid incoming damage though your build allows to tank sht in the face.
Last edited by cursorTarget on Jul 24, 2024, 10:19:54 AM
It also doesn't really matter in HC either as you just tank it like a man cause your character is built for it or you dodge it cause you're aware of the potential risk. More the later case for the competitive part as you go in on a shoelace budget to obviously rush the kill.
But people will probably return back to the first best DoT meta ability after this league so they genuinely won't have to care about retaliation skills anyways or melee being harder to master.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Will be funny to see if Vaal Breach or Penance Mark see use this league for people wanting to proc blocks.

57% CDR to retaliation skills + 20% from quality, 35% chance when you use one for another to become available. Have one skill that you'll cast, and have your other skill be Vengeful Cry to cheat it out. On glad you'll have 70% chance to cast it again with anoint to possibly always have it up. It will be interesting to see what people cook up.
My personal view is enjoy some of this stuff because it won't last, I play Groundslam most leagues and the buff this time is pretty hilarious if you were semi OK before.

Its getting on for quad damage, better qol and the radius now covers more than the screen (definitely getting into the is this really melee camp)

I'm sad i'll have to share gear for once but i'm gonna enjoy this for the league just like Legion.
Pashid wrote:
It also doesn't really matter in HC either as you just tank it like a man cause your character is built for it or you dodge it cause you're aware of the potential risk. More the later case for the competitive part as you go in on a shoelace budget to obviously rush the kill.
But people will probably return back to the first best DoT meta ability after this league so they genuinely won't have to care about retaliation skills anyways or melee being harder to master.

You're not talking from a point of experience or statistics, as HC has 3x more melee classes playing than SC.

You're just 100% wrong in every way.

Draegnarrr wrote:
My personal view is enjoy some of this stuff because it won't last, I play Groundslam most leagues and the buff this time is pretty hilarious if you were semi OK before.

Melee was fine, not good but fine, but with retaliation and new exert gems it's very OP.

I know I might enjoy Exsanguinate more, but seeing how rediculously OP slams are with old items - without adding any of the new implicits or tinctures or unique affixes - it'd be missing out that one time when melee is completely imbalanced.

This does come with a small asterix though. That if you go basic Reave/Cyclone/Cleave no slams & no retaliation, you will be losing out about 5x DPS.
Uploaded an awesome Exsanguinate Freeze Explosion build on the forums -
Kiss_Me_Quick wrote:
You're not talking from a point of experience or statistics, as HC has 3x more melee classes playing than SC.

Neither are you.

49% of the Champs played Explosive Arrow Totems. 11% played Splitting Steel.

32% of the Juggs played Boneshatter. 27% played Dual Strike of Ambidexterity.

These are the only relevant ones in the top 10%. All the other ones in that section are Spell builds.

If you are gonna use as your metric, at least click on the classes you claim make up the majority of melee classes.

And your >2 years old clip of overlapping maxed out Reap proves nothing.
if you block once, does it activate all retaliation skill ?
like can you with one blok then activate all socketed retaliations once ?
Last edited by SerialF on Jul 24, 2024, 4:11:46 PM

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