3.24.3b Patch Notes

Metadata/Effects/Microtransactions/BodyArmours/GhostVeil/soul_escape_01.ao cannot be attached to Metadata/Characters/Dex/Dex.ao at invalid bone'<root>'

Exact same issue here.
same problem here bro
KolmoSkoro wrote:
Hi, since the patch, game keep on crashing when fast travelling to the tunnels in Act9 with :

Metadata/NPC/League/Necropolis/Orm/attachments/OrmWheelbarrow.ao cannot be attached to Metadata/NPC/League/Necropolis/Orm/OrmTraitor.ao at invalid bone '<root>'. Am I the only one?

Eslenderman wrote:
KolmoSkoro wrote:
Hi, since the patch, game keep on crashing when fast travelling to the tunnels in Act9 with :

Metadata/NPC/League/Necropolis/Orm/attachments/OrmWheelbarrow.ao cannot be attached to Metadata/NPC/League/Necropolis/Orm/OrmTraitor.ao at invalid bone '<root>'. Am I the only one?


Having this issue as well
KolmoSkoro wrote:
Hi, since the patch, game keep on crashing when fast travelling to the tunnels in Act9 with :

Metadata/NPC/League/Necropolis/Orm/attachments/OrmWheelbarrow.ao cannot be attached to Metadata/NPC/League/Necropolis/Orm/OrmTraitor.ao at invalid bone '<root>'. Am I the only one?


same issue here,
Running a map and when Jun encounter appears, game crash
WoT_Seanchan wrote:

First off, respect is a 2 way street. As a long time devoted player of PoE, I'm more than entitled to not only have an opinion but to outright ask questions. You already coming off as one of those white knights who's always posted generic happy answers on the first pages of patch notes when they could be full of nerfs.

Second, I'm seeing people on this post complaining about game crashes, etc; yet when I posted about the game crashing suddenly and with weird league error message a few days ago; everyone thought it was a big joke.


Don't start complaining now. Keep up the positivity fellas! We got no answers or reasons for the last crash so why expect one now? Just roll with it guys.

yeah i agree that there are a lot of defenders of GGG / POE on this form. one of my post got the same treatment as well. however, they not releasing the patch notes before the announcement isn't a hill i would die on.
Last edited by gruumine on Jul 18, 2024, 7:44:25 PM
Game crashes now when i try to collect a corpse from the Necropolis league mechanic.

Error message:
Metadata/NPC/League/Necropolis/Orm/attachments/OrmWheelbarrow.ao cannot be attached to Metadata/NPC/League/Necropolis/Orm/OrmTraitor.ao at invalid bone '<root>'

Impossible to re-enter the map after a crash, the game instantly crash when trying to re-enter. And i get the same error message.
Hamallainen wrote:
Game crashes now when i try to collect a corpse from the Necropolis league mechanic.

Error message:
Metadata/NPC/League/Necropolis/Orm/attachments/OrmWheelbarrow.ao cannot be attached to Metadata/NPC/League/Necropolis/Orm/OrmTraitor.ao at invalid bone '<root>'

Impossible to re-enter the map after a crash, the game instantly crash when trying to re-enter. And i get the same error message.

Seems like its an occuring thing that happens to more than a few ppl.
I suggest you email support to, simply to help make them aware of the issue :)
Yup. Still happening to many!
Lerchs wrote:
Metadata/Effects/Microtransactions/BodyArmours/GhostVeil/soul_escape_01.ao cannot be attached to Metadata/Characters/Dex/Dex.ao at invalid bone'<root>'

Exact same issue here.

getting this exact error as well

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