What Will Happen When The Necropolis League Ends

Thanks for worst league ever.
Tattoo merge with Ritual?
I dont like it, that league merge is shifted more and more to next league start.

That gives less time to move Items and test out league starters on standard.
Please get back to old schedule when League merge was on Monday.
Necropolis was one of the best leagues in modern POE history, so sad to see its not going core.

This league gave us easy access to some of the most powerful items ever crafted, enabling many strong builds which in turn kept player retention at an all time high. The league mechanic was innovative and engaging with just the right ratio of micro management and fluent more classical mapping gameplay.

I hope we get to enjoy more of this sort in-depth game development in the future.

Rest in peace Dead League, you will always live on in our hearts.


Hope this is more positive and not against the terms of use

surprised allflames aren't worked into the actual game but not actually surprised seeing how bad this league went hope next one is much better with playable t17s
Cassia supremacy
I hope number of sold quad tabs is not indicator of was it good league or no.
"End of March makes 3 months and 21 days which is almost 4 months and not 3 1/2, get your math right hoho."
It was an interesting league especially in SSF, although maybe made progression skyrocket in that mode due to how powerful it was with very little investment except that of time. Core gameplay is as solid as ever. Looking forward to what's next.
Why aren't we keeping allflames D:
Contrary to some others that might just want to mindlessly blast maps and can't spend 2 seconds before each map sorting the lantern i even enjoyed the lantern...

The interaction between allflames, lantern and scarabs this league was just perfect...


are tattoos staying or?

Last edited by ScrewMyShoe on Jul 17, 2024, 4:43:31 AM
"All Necropolis Uniques except The Perandus Pact will now be added to the core drop pool."

Don't even bother. The rest of the uniques were total crap.
If you wanna trade with me, post in my thread and PM me.

ign: OmaVanHellPing
amazing league great changes improved quality of life new map tier and challenges all was good except the torture of buying 88 corpses.

even though having immersive pressure of releasing POE 2 in time.

i would say ggg is working hard to make the game experience as good and smooth as they can.

wish you all the best for the new league and have a great league starter.

cheers to all.
Thank God. It ended. Thats the best thing about this league.

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