Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur Teasers

This is what we're focusing on? OMG why?
BANDIT QUEST WAS SO OP that it needed to nerf so hard. so fking hilarious :D
welp thats shit, maybe remove the quest no one like rather forcing it down everyone mouths, bandit quest was worth doing because it gave 2 points, now its just fu__ing annoying.
i hope there will be some ssf improvment
I am a happy player since 2013 and I like these common sense QOL changes. But I suspect like most of my fellow long-time players I am not alone in thinking "what took so long when these things were so apparent?".
thanks for qol
1 Point 15 Res is still decent since its like the old mastery and most people picked it.
Probably no one will pick movement speed or the 40 life, except for life stackers who already picked every single life / jewel node.
cubert21 wrote:
1 Point 15 Res is still decent since its like the old mastery and most people picked it.
Probably no one will pick movement speed or the 40 life, except for life stackers who already picked every single life / jewel node.

The main reason we picked Alira is the 20% critical mult, the 15% res is not bad for act 6-10 dut to seldem item update, but almost useless when you run to maps.

The movement speed is not bad before we stack enough MS, but compared to the extra area it's not tasty.
Dear GGG, maybe it's better for the bandits to add maximum charges?! Well, for example, Aliera has maximum charges of rage, resistance, attack speed and enchantment. The Oak Skull gives maximum stamina, increases physical damage by 20-30%, reduces physical damage received by 10% or increases stun. Kraytin gets the maximum energy boost, the probability of a critical hit is 25%, the critical damage multiplier is 10%, and the chance to dodge any damage is 10%. Now you have a choice!
nerfed bandits, yeepeey, can't wait for the full "patch" notes, I mean the full nerf notes

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