Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur Teasers

eh bandits are still more worth killing...the mov speed would be nice early on though
what is this giga nerf again, can we get at least 1 league without deleting something from existence? RIP alira
Last edited by GangstaRooster on Jul 13, 2024, 5:49:14 PM
Mr Roberts,

Now nerfing eramir reward bandits look more balanced, rewards can be useful if you have move speed, raw life or all res far form you build path.

May you roll equal value rewards, I mean, for 1 sp, you still can grab regular nodes with higher round up performance increase (example, life mastery instead of help oak, cloth and chain instead of help alira, aspect of the lynx instead of help kraitin), so helping bandits is still only desireable in the case you need this stat and you area of development is far from the closest point.

Guess its intented to provide slightly less value for a point?

If not, if you want more build diversity, to raise appeal of helping bandits instead of kill all every time and every build, buff them a bit to make the reward slightly better than regular nodes you can buy by raw sp alocation, remember bandits were "hard" to respec compared to 1sp and frecuently a "life choice", specially in ruthless.

Oak: 60HP
Alira: 20% all res
Kraitin: 10% mov speed.
Eramir: 1sp (global flexibility for a slight less value)

Or take a diferent approach, providing higher value and at same time a kind of node with overall higher rarity and more desireability in certain areas of the skill tree, say:

Oak: +2% life regen.
Alira: 10% Chaos resistance.
Kraitin: 15% mov. speed.
Eramir: 15% Global defences. (skill point moved to boost another currently worthless quest, say A2 boss kill or lifting the darkness)
Last edited by Halugar on Jul 13, 2024, 6:18:30 PM
8% ms or 15% all res is very very good for 1 passive it's truly baffling how you can want more
Bandit change is pretty good. My first impression is Oak's bonus is a bit weak but 8% movement speed for 1 point in Act 2 is nice.
Beavith wrote:
Bandit change is pretty good. My first impression is Oak's bonus is a bit weak but 8% movement speed for 1 point in Act 2 is nice.

They should make a poll to balance this (non an "opinion" poll, just release it in a 1 week challenge event and look what people, objectively grabs). As "red player" most of my poe career, I agree oak is weak, and is even worser than the previous reward.

As a life character, I may prefer any else of the proposed 3.25 rewards instead of oak.
Last edited by Halugar on Jul 13, 2024, 6:16:30 PM
Awful bandit reward change. Pretty facetious to show the new change but not showing people what they lost. Before, this is what it was:

Helping Oak grants: 1% of Life Regenerated per second, 2% additional Physical Damage Reduction, 20% increased Physical Damage.

Now: +40 to max life (Oh wow, an entire +40? How generous)

Helping Alira grants: 5 Mana Regenerated per second, +20% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier, +15% to all Elemental Resistances.

Now: +15% to all Elemental Resistances. (Lost crit multi and free +5 mana regen because that was waaay too OP apparently)

Helping Kraityn grants: 6% increased Attack and Cast Speed, 10% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments, 6% increased Movement Speed. (Lost attack and cast speed and chance to avoid ailments. Both of which you can barely get from the tree or other sources)

Eramir grants 2 Passive Skill Points if you decide to kill all three but only if you finish an additional quest so now running through the campaign will take even more time to level an alt when we for some reason still have to finish the campaign again in order to level an alt because that doesn't get repetitive and boring at all.

More changing something for the sake of changing it.
🔷🔶🔰🌀✨Make trade like the Grand Exchange from RuneScape✨🌀🔰🔶🔷

Let us zoom out more. Bring back 32:9, Heist Alt Quality Gems, Gear Enchanting, Prophecy, Metamorph & Crucible. Stop removing content from the game. Stop nerfing everything. Stop making the game slow
Last edited by MLGonthorian on Jul 13, 2024, 9:17:19 PM
Rumeyes wrote:
can you please clarify how the 5th and 6th map device slots will be unlocked? is it both slots for completing one of 10 way or a T17 or is it one slot for each?

You get your 5th for completing either a t17, or 10 way. And your sixth is when you complete whatever you didn't complete for the 5th slot

Essentially just think of it as you get +1 slot for each of these activities your first completion, up to +2, so complete both
again path of nerf
Looks like T17s and Uber bosses being gatekeep‘d behind them isn’t changing, see you in poe2. Rip poe1
Last edited by Rikku on Jul 13, 2024, 6:48:18 PM

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