Path of Exile 3.25 Expansion Timeline

Voidbreaker1 wrote:
Kashmiro wrote:
Im not gonna lie here, i did spend countless hours just afk in spreadsheets buying endless coffins from mostly afk players on pathofexile/trade, literally spamming ppl to sell me few coffins. I was crafting A LOT. Instead of playing the game for real. And dont try to tell me i didnt have to do it, because this league is about crafting. I ran few thousands of maps and encountered seer once, no divine altars or necropolis haunted perc/x weapons drop proc. Not a single one, why is it even in a game if i cannot interract with the content in 2.5 half months straight? And im playing a lot. Thats stupid. Not to see the content of the current league for once...and seer was nerfed because u didnt think it thru, so now its only makes ironic smile on ppls faces when they encounter him.

But the worst thing to me Is the implementation of necropolis ui. Im not a dev, i dont have any right to judge, but please let me tell you right now i cannot imagine anyone of you guys were testing fun that you prepared for us with necropolis crafting ui. Im having nightmares. 86 possible crafts, 64 spaces to save coffins. Meh? I had to buy 24 new stash tabs to be able to play this league and all i do for many days now is just to search thru 40 tabs, for 1-2 coffins- Terrible!

U could have been nice to us, and just let us store for example 1000 coffins in morgue, sorted by name as it currently is, no tedium, no hard times, but yet u decided to go the way you did.

This is not a rant, just a statement, i do believe the person who was working on ui for necropolis is directly responsible for weak player retention, zero fun with the league mechanic - crafting and for ppl thinking this is a very bad league. And let me say right now, this version of crafting is more powerful then harvest was, yet players hate it, compared to harvest. (And yes working with the harvest farm wasnt fun either) - that probably may already tell you something.

And the last thing.
No matter how many devs are still on poe1, one of em if there is still any at this point, which i doubt honestly, may spent his time on upgrading the ui or completely redoing it. That way at least in my eyes, the league wouldnt be such a raw and unpleasant experience.

But let me state one more thing here, your game is still the best in my opinion by a huge margin, its just the polish its currently missing.

Cheers, Kash

I agree with this, the mechanic itself is broken but much more tedious than how harvest was. Also idk, the biggest thing was the scarab rework not the crafting itself, people seem to completely forget about that and think the crafting is the only new thing.

that scarab rework mean atlas nerf. before this nerf you can run 2 only 1. cuz you cant put 8 scarabs. just 4.
and btw it was HARD nerf to drop. Like blight content with scarabs. i farm it alot. nerfed about 80% drop rate
Last edited by Airbourne13#3205 on Jun 7, 2024, 3:43:23 PM
Fixsta wrote:
Can we have a date - i need to plan holidays!

Based on previous leagues, when ggg say "late july" it means the very last friday of july. if they said "early july" they would be talking about the 2nd friday of july. xdd
So the league launch will be on july, 26th.
I guess other players are much better at this. I'm still in act 6.
Dear Grinding-Gear-Games

Can you please just give us the battle royale mode back?

Let me queue up with 1 or 2 friends and let's have some fun.

I liked necropolis, but give us some other events game modes to play once a while.

Please it would help your community.
Oiling bearings, polishing windows ==hype train===
I really like the 4M+ league cycle. PPL with plenty RL duties have a fair chance to achieve the challenges and may even find time to play more than only one build.

Please bring TotA back! <3
Will the horrible Blight frame drop be fixed in this expansion or do I need to buy a 2000$ video card on the hopes that it will be good enough?
Nothing can justify having a 64 corpse storage slot Locker, to select from and fill a 88 corpse usage slot(graves) grid, & refusing to increase storage size in 25+ patches(some were major patches). It was a d*** move BTW. don't do it again.

It gave many players the vibes of abusive Freemium tactics, even if it wasn't.

Plan 3.25 better, and remember that respect was always a big factor in POE popularity and success.
fenikso wrote:
Will the horrible Blight frame drop be fixed in this expansion or do I need to buy a 2000$ video card on the hopes that it will be good enough?

Actually, Blight issue is even bigger than this, it is a server issue more than a client issue, Blighted and more often Blight-ravaged maps can cause a server-side instance crash, and even worse: Blight encounter in juiced maps can cause server-side instance crash (disconnect + after re-login u can't enter the map/or portals disappear) => u lose the map+investment and all the uncollected loot. It was like this for the recent 4 leagues at least.

This problem forced me to do Blight in maps Only after I fully clear and collect the loot and tp to put loot in stash, just in case of instance crash, which is not rare.

And regarding the 1-5 FPS during Blight, I don't think a 9000$ PC can help, it seems to be a server issue too, no other content in the game dropped my FPS as Blight do, not even close.
do some events, this league was bad. acept it

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