Path of Exile 3.25 Expansion Timeline

very good to know, important information thx
Can we please have some events like endless delve for instance? Is always good fun imo.
Make Graveyard crafting go core. at least find a way to add the tier upgrades to crafting if you do not. Being able to make better gear is extremely nice, especially since most rare gear isn't competitive end game.
I hope you fix the horrible lag when multiple people play.
Aswell the crash to desktop frequent occurance, which I have had in the past 5 or so leagues I have played in.
Make it happen earlier. I want to play the game, but this league sucks ass
Usually enjoy the leagues, and most mechanics, but having the corpse popup static, cover the loot was a pretty large miss. A simple beam from the item, or have the static corpse info show up on mouse over, would've been much less of an annoyance.

Hopefully screen clutter will be a more discussed topic during mechanic design discussion.
Endless Uber Lab event when?

This league felt like a filler league, like GGG didnt even care, corpses werent transparent, couldnt see loot behind it, couldnt ignore it, no stacking corpses it means you have 10+stash full of coffins looking the same.
Crafting was hideous, you either play or craft, it was nothing like harvest, you had to be on craftofexile all day. After some unique craft i just ignored all crafts and sold some more expensive coffins.
You could get rich basicly from T17 maps only or exploiting the game very early like the 24/7 streamers and nolifers ruining the market, but that's not GGG's fault.
Hope next league will be more play oriented not afk in hideout on 3rd party apps oriented.
T17 maps are fun but requires really good gear which means when u can run them you dont really need more money for your gear unless u farm currency for fun/or you know...
Last edited by zsirfoka on Jun 10, 2024, 7:24:12 PM
4mo again...

If you are doing four-month leagues, then do a wipe every 2 months. I need a wipe for a new race, to have interest in playing again. Im playing on Ruthless and even there league dies before two months.

We need three-month leagues or if four-month leagues then with wipe every 2 months.
Last edited by Teret3 on Jun 11, 2024, 6:42:42 AM
i bet it will be again untested unpolished half-baked league. With years passed it seems its a must every time. sadly
Honestly I like the 4 Months league, It gives people time to play other games and prevent burnout of coming back in 3 that extra month matters

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