Worst league ever !

I remember last league I hit a wall when attempting to do Red Maps with 3k wisps. So what did I do? I simply ignored Wildwood until I was stronger.

This league, I'm hitting the same wall in red maps except I'm not allowed to opt-out of the league mechanic. It has forced me to slow down dramatically.

Really disliking this one :(
Last edited by Zepdrix#5328 on Apr 1, 2024, 5:16:04 AM
I dont care if the league is rippy, i dont care if its forced what i do care is how interesting mechanic it has. This one has none. Extra tint on mobs is not a mechanic, Gwynnen with extra steps is not a mechanic. It feels like playing standard. It the same problem i had with Affliction but at least it had new stuff, necropolis doesnt. 1 extra mod on mob, thats it.
Last edited by kuciol#0426 on Apr 1, 2024, 5:35:37 AM
I'm glad Last Epoch is out there... gives me something to do for the next four months waiting for this travesty to go core.

Because you know it WILL go core because it sucks so bad.

They need an 'off' button for that stupid lantern.
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.
Aynix wrote:
Chris Wilson steps down as director of PoE
Mark, new director makes league
Its worst league in PoE history (at least when we look at numbers, like retention etc)
Oh boi, Im not sure if even another interviev with Ziz can save this.

Really?! Chirs quit

Maybe I'm doing it wrong, never once gotten anything decent from the boring Necropolis
Why would I ever even think of doing this
mechanic when there's ROG tho?
Rog is like 100 times safer not to mention way less headache
At least Arimor is cool lol
Last edited by Jonte_84#7254 on Apr 1, 2024, 6:38:34 AM
CarpeDiem444 wrote:
you can divide that players number by 4 because half of that are trading bots and farming bots that will probably get banned in a week or so, how many players left ? around 44k real humans playing?

Okay, but we have to do the same for the other leagues. It doesn't matter how much in absolute numbers current online is. But in comparison to the other leagues, this one is very good. People like it and they play it.

So when you or someone else claims the league is trash, can you refer to the numbers because "fun" or other categories like "good" / "bad" cannot be measured in the numbers.
alhazred70 wrote:

Every league has those... There's also a stand alone client for POE that is favored by an unusually large amount of the players

I prefer standalone client over the Steam. But according to the older GGGs post Steam players are 0.61% or so. Maybe a little bit higher after all these years. But as you said it doesn't matter in terms of comparison.
Aynix wrote:
Lets see how many will be left in a week. The hype behind new scarabs will only last so long.

Yep. The retention rate is very important for the league. We'll see.
Last edited by cursorTarget#1174 on Apr 1, 2024, 6:39:54 AM
Sure worst...
Did you see drop rate for Divination scarabs?? ahahhahha 1 tier: 0.005% 2 tier: 0.035% wtf )))))))))))))))))))

Last edited by serenbka#5734 on Apr 1, 2024, 7:07:31 AM
serenbka wrote:
Sure worst...
Did you see drop rate for Divination scarabs?? ahahhahha 1 tier: 0.005% 2 tier: 0.035% wtf )))))))))))))))))))

no wonder i got only 3 scarabs tier 1 :D

considering that simple rewards got prob stealth nerf . since i find like 5 chaos orbs so for. and others league mechanics offer smaller currency stacks.

but i prob just imagining shit
anti4z500 wrote:
Aynix wrote:
Chris Wilson steps down as director of PoE
Mark, new director makes league
Its worst league in PoE history (at least when we look at numbers, like retention etc)
Oh boi, Im not sure if even another interviev with Ziz can save this.

no wonder leagues started to suck more as of late.

but jesus this league is worst i saw in a long time. forced league is just bad.

and god have mercy on new ppl that tried this league

chris didnt quit, it was a typo on some sort of government website in nz.

chris has not been the guy making the game for about 8 or 9 years. mark has been one of the main game designers for the majority of that time and has been a part of designing the majority of great things that have been added to the game over its life.
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