Worst league ever !

Aynix wrote:
At least you could pret end Kalandra/Crucible didnt exist. In here you cant.
NGL this league looks like league made for Ruthless.

Meanwhile kripp leaving after like 2 days because the league made ruthless so shit.
Why am I still here
If i was working for GGG and i had created something this bad, then i would cancel this league and give everyone who played this league a free loot box and post a "we are sorry" letter.
Hyberpsycrow wrote:
If i was working for GGG and i had created something this bad, then i would cancel this league and give everyone who played this league a free loot box and post a "we are sorry" letter.

Thats the problem they don't think its bad.
Why am I still here
POE is just old, it's boring now. Time to move on.
If you can't control it, STOP.
deathspenalty wrote:

For everyone who wants to OPT out of the league, go play standard. That is why its there.
And just because, list of leagues where you could not opt out:

Lets see how this checks out I've not preconceived anything but my immediate feeling is this list is pretty disingenuous. Anyway:


I mean... you could run away from Exiles and do the rest of your map. So nah. Sure you also sometimes got lightning arrowed from offscreen lol.


Yeah this didn't have opt out but also it was literally 20% increased speed


Rares had mods, see running away from Exiles


So... you think strong boxes can't be ignored?


I recall lots of people really hating or loving the surprise bosses. I'm going to agree this had no real opt out but it also wasn't half or more of your entire map.


This had no downside and also can easily be opted out of.


Okay fair enough but can be opted out of by mitigating how and when you killed them if you weren't a complete 2Header.


Eh, I almost want to give you this one but the ghosts were so fucking stupid that I can't. All you had to do to "opt out" was play normally LOL. Besides the occasional stupid staged boss bullshit "surround the boss and script them into it"


Okay can't opt out of blue packs having mods not that anyone was freaked out by it.


these guys could be ignored


Could just not stand in them


Could just not collect them and not interact with the Altar


Didn't need to interact with parandus packs and they were VERY obvious/audible , but was one of the most gifty leagues in POE history so no one wanted to opt out anyway.


Can just fly past them what are you on about.


Could just one shot them for much of the league do you remember Necromancy Nets? You know what those were for? Thats right capping Beasts that you accidentally killed too fast. Even when they made them much more tanky you could just ignore them if you wanted so Nope.


Besides the odd map that started with a Intervention encounter you could literally just ignore them.

So what was that 2.5ish maybe 3 league where you can honestly say there was no opting out?

I dare say if you made Necro mod packs into a few rares/encounters that could be run past we wouldn't be considering Necropolis to be a league with no ability to opt out of it.

The problem is almost nothing in your list has anything remotely like a interface that must be read and understood or your entire map can be bricked with half a map worth of monsters that counter or one shot you or make the entire map miserable with quad HP.

I can quicksilver past a pack of glowing neon gold humming vibrating parandus mobs just fine. Not so with the necro UI.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Worst league, yet.
Why am I still here
this league would honestly be better if the ""CRAFTING"" portion of it DIDNT EXIST

seriously, just give us more fun allflames, and make sure theres always at least 1 'positive' mod in each zone.

And you have the choice to play with the mechanic.
Why am I still here
Last edited by Warvald#4362 on Apr 1, 2024, 12:16:21 AM
Hyberpsycrow wrote:
If i was working for GGG and i had created something this bad, then i would cancel this league and give everyone who played this league a free loot box and post a "we are sorry" letter.

It's not bad. You just don't get the direction of our game /s
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
Last edited by HeroEvermore#0498 on Apr 1, 2024, 12:17:51 AM
HeroEvermore wrote:
Hyberpsycrow wrote:
If i was working for GGG and i had created something this bad, then i would cancel this league and give everyone who played this league a free loot box and post a "we are sorry" letter.

It's not bad. You just don't get the direction of our game /s

Hardcore gaming ? XD i foresee softcore will get deleted and we get a temporary testing realm, but wait it seems that's already happening XD
We should not seek to use this power to change those around us, no... This power is a means for us to change ourselves. To be reborn as Wraeclast intends us to be. - The Slaying of the Gods //Oshabi//

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