Worst league ever !

anti4z500 wrote:
serenbka wrote:
Sure worst...
Did you see drop rate for Divination scarabs?? ahahhahha 1 tier: 0.005% 2 tier: 0.035% wtf )))))))))))))))))))

no wonder i got only 3 scarabs tier 1 :D

considering that simple rewards got prob stealth nerf . since i find like 5 chaos orbs so for. and others league mechanics offer smaller currency stacks.

but i prob just imagining shit

To be honest, I would rather continue to buy compasses from TFT.
and these changes did not improve my life in POE, but rather worsened it.

P.S. And who will actually use these scarabs that cost as much as my house?
I play on Std league on full mirrored mf and i can't afford it =)
That is hide nerf.

These scarabs exist only for party play, ty GGG.....fffff
Last edited by serenbka#5734 on Apr 1, 2024, 8:33:51 AM
Snorkle_uk wrote:
anti4z500 wrote:
Aynix wrote:
Chris Wilson steps down as director of PoE
Mark, new director makes league
Its worst league in PoE history (at least when we look at numbers, like retention etc)
Oh boi, Im not sure if even another interviev with Ziz can save this.

no wonder leagues started to suck more as of late.

but jesus this league is worst i saw in a long time. forced league is just bad.

and god have mercy on new ppl that tried this league

chris didnt quit, it was a typo on some sort of government website in nz.

chris has not been the guy making the game for about 8 or 9 years. mark has been one of the main game designers for the majority of that time and has been a part of designing the majority of great things that have been added to the game over its life.

also majority of shit added/removed that no1 asked :)
Senju_Hyoketsu wrote:

I could easily do a way better job. Yes it's arrogant, but it's true. Give me one hour and I could draft up a much better league mechanic from my imagination alone... Seriously, you're paid to do it, and paid to spend hours on it. I can't, for the life of me, understand how a league like this can make it through, and in the state it's in right now.

When I read the word "Necropolis," I think of the literal meaning of the word, "City of the Dead." I want to EXPLORE that city of tombs and catacombs, not accumulate corpses and inter them myself. I could see an exploration-based model, similar to Delve perhaps, with that "endless dungeon" feel, spectral NPCs which appear from time to time to trade and such, or when certain conditions are met, and different areas with different sorts of things to find, such as the ancestral tombs of various lore-based families, each with a loot emphasis based on their particular penchants.

But, no. We got this fiddly shit, which was a non-starter for me. Better luck next time, mebbe. =9[.]9=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
I made one of the most enjoyable league starters I have ever made and I can't even enjoy it because the league mechanic is so punishing and completely unrewarding. Just let me turn it off entirely, it is an absolute negative with no upside at all.
ValfaderTV wrote:
I wouldn't say it's the worst league ever, but it sure is boring. Furthermore with the mute changes they introduced last league people are now trade banned for having said words. Not just any words, but simple stuff like "." or "AAAAAAAAAA" resulting in extensive mutes for days, weeks, months and even years in some cases. Not being able to chat is not really a big deal, but you can no longer trade, join public groups or even whisper people.

It's apparent that the rules that are in place for muting are completely random and are upheld at the whim of every GM.

In short I will not be spending any more money on this game until this changes.

(I received a received a 1 hour 20 minute mute - well deserved, then a day later a 24 hour mute that I most definitely did not deserve. I used a common English idiom in chat effectively telling people to "go away", and that was seen as hateful, meaning no 2x increase but a TWENTY TIMES increase in punishment.)

Don't give these people any money.

Soon as I saw this was being implemented I knew this would be happening over the most petty of things. In fact, it's one of the large reason I quit playing World of Warcraft. People would get muted for a single word. In Word of Warcraft people used it to be malicious to people they didn't like. A guild or something worked together to mute anyone they didn't like as a person. If the said anything in Trade Chat they would immediately be muted. See they automated how the mute works.

You actually think a GM did this??

If it's automated like it is in WoW and if lets say a Trade Discord wanted to target their rivals they can all work together to remove their competition.
Best league
for forum warriors
Worst league for
forum warriors
Trade offer:

PoE - Mobs do 304% more damage

You get - 1% extra chance of alteration orb drop.

I mean, shouldn't extra difficulty be rewarded with more items or at the very least more fun mechanics?

Also crafting in this league feels like a job.
IGN: Ziggro
ziggro wrote:
Trade offer:

PoE - Mobs do 304% more damage

You get - 1% extra chance of alteration orb drop.

I mean, shouldn't extra difficulty be rewarded with more items or at the very least more fun mechanics?

Also crafting in this league feels like a job.

Ouch, that stings. For 304% you should at least get alchs. Or fusings.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar

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