Worst league ever !

As soon as they revealed the league I knew it would be absolute unfun garbage.

I feel bad for the artists, sound designers etc ; for being forced to work on such a terrible league mechanic concept

The person who implemented this mechanic shouldn't be a game designer, I could come up with better in my sleep (seriously).
Affliction and Necropolis worst leagues ever. The current game design has slowly turned this game into a loot-shower fest, chase uniques are way too available; and obtaining chase items through stacked decks simply isn't fun. Rework stacked decks needed.
We aren't even one week in and people complain because they don't get instant gratification over "easy" 6x t1 items or currency shower rain like crazy.
This gen of gamer is really indeed spoiled, expectant and also lost hoho
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
I'm on the fence here.

The crafting part of the league seems... Dull. It introduces one simple question in my head:

"Why do we really need yet another convoluted way of crafting the exact gear we can craft through the old ways?"

I'm sure there are some new mods we can abuse here come late game, but do we really need a whole new crafting system for that, that doesn't really play well with any of the other systems? My answer here is "no", but again; we'll see what opens up when we get a little further down the line.

The jucing/mapping side of the league seems OK. EVERYTHING was going to seem a little bit dull after Affliction, so there's that. Anyhow, I'm having fun for now, that's all that matters, I guess.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
its been a LONG time since I piled onto a "league is bad" thread but this league reminds me of Talisman and Scourge in exactly the "who the hell thought this amount of RNG and effort for vendor trash rewards was okay" sort of way.

To give context: Crucible and Harvest are two of my all time banger leagues. I LIKE CRUCIBLE for fucks sake...

Hmmm maybe add crucible trees to this crafting system...
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Seems like im not alone to dislike this league..

Everything you all write is exactly the same i was thinking about but you posted it before i could :D

Like why do we need this crafting system, when its so bad designed.

Im no dev. but i could also come up with better stuff while sitting on the toilet.
The dev that made this league crafting system should be demoted or fired !

This league is Slow.boring, annoying and bad.
So far i havent got anything out of it..the monsters where a bit harder due to more damage mods from the lantern but big wubdidoo !! beside that, then i gained nothing and im soon in act 10. What a joke this league is.

But if 3 people out of 10 likes this league, then i hope these 3 people are big spenders and pays alot for skins. Cuz the 7 others prolly wont spend anything.
Pashid wrote:
We aren't even one week in and people complain because they don't get instant gratification over "easy" 6x t1 items or currency shower rain like crazy.
This gen of gamer is really indeed spoiled, expectant and also lost hoho

it is amusing to me these exact words have been shared on any popular game forum since 2003 when gamers complain the game isn't fun for them

(currently I think this league mechanic sucks)
I have yet to see a minion based corpse, do they exist?
Lantern would be just fine with a tweak or two. I like it as a one league and gone forever mechanic. It's way more suited to a game that's 10x slower than PoE because nothing you choose really matters. Should I move the +50% life bonus to this other pack of things that will explode in 0.1 seconds? Who cares? You just put the loot on the biggest thing or the thing with green arrows. If there's more to it than that then I don't get it and it's too convoluted for me.

The necropolis crafting is a disaster. I think it must have been added at the last minute because it was not ready for showtime. Even the list of "haunted" mods is extremely lackluster. There are only a small handful of them that are even more valuable than generic mods. It would be cool to have an "immune to penetration" armor you could wear for bossing but it's not worth the hassle.
I don't know what i hate the most about this league ... The fact that it's RNGfest with garbo or that we lost the skill ascendency from affliction league =/ I was planning to try a 50 k health RF but now i can't. Anyway im out already... Good luck with the league guys !
There should be an option to disable the lantern and opt out of the league mechanic.
This is kind of a mess right now, I just wanna do my maps without having to deal with it.

Rippy mobs, no loot, another disaster of a crafting system. Spring leagues are cursed, lol.

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