Content Update 3.23.0 -- Path of Exile: Affliction

I think these are the worst patch notes I have ever seen (been playing extensively since Breach league), and I've been dissatisfied in the past. There's no meta shakeup, do you know how long we have waited ? And no the gems don't fulfill that role sorry, stop coping.

1. League mechanic seems to be a mix between the delve cart and ghosting, meh looks extremely, extremely unfun. I need to follow some wisps in the darkness in order to ''buff'' some mobs in the map so that they drop more loot, are you kidding me.
2. The meta is NOT getting reshaped, people need to stop getting baited. The transfigured gems will equal to some of the helm lab enchant from old and/or alternate skill gems. In fact we lost boot, glove, helm enchant, and all alternate quality gems.
3. No nerfs to Deadeye, Pathfinder, Tornado Shot, Lightning Arrow, etc. Assassin and Gladiator still trash.
4. Ambush on the map device, Enraged strongbox still in the game, Crimson Temple still on the atlas... Another MF Deadeye strongbox meta.
5. Ultimatum, hahahaha. Did people asking for Ultimatum's return really run that mechanic more than 50 times ? Or even 200-300x ? Because it becomes boring and tedious real fast, and often you don't even get any good loot besides a stack of 5c... Overrated, rose-tinted glasses, mediocre mechanic at best.

I was so hyped for this league, like many other content creators and players, hoping for a real meta shake-up (true buffs and nerfs to outlier skills and ascendancies) as well as a fun league mechanic; but all hype is now gone. The direction taken by GGG regarding balance and meta shakeup is despicable, it's been the almost exact same for the past 2 years; same league starters, same endgame builds, same everything.
People need to stop spreading their ass cheeks for GGG to do what they want without saying anything.

I made the mistake of purchasing an MTX this month in anticipation, but I swear this will be the last time I ever buy something from your shop.

How hard can it be to significantly nerf/buff outliers skills and ascendancies twice per year, the exact way you used to do it in the past?!?!
Congratulations, you have officially become COMPLETELY out of touch with the game.

Seems more like a "you" problem than a "them" problem. I see a lot of excitement for this league. The whole COMPLETELY out of touch with the game is said more times than I can count before almost every league, yet the player numbers have been higher than ever over the last 2 leagues.
A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
Can anyone tell me where I will be able to go to farm "The Fortunate" now that Beach is gone? I actually liked farming that card because trading in the 12 cards for 2 div gave my monkey brain the serotonin I desired.
Great, Kaom's Spirit Gloves had to be nerfed, they were nearly mandatory and took gloves slot hostage.
I am super hyped for see Double Strike %60 more dps buff
Why Nerf RF into the grave makes zero sense...
NefffC wrote:
Can anyone tell me where I will be able to go to farm "The Fortunate" now that Beach is gone? I actually liked farming that card because trading in the 12 cards for 2 div gave my monkey brain the serotonin I desired.

You can farm it in Dunes, unless Dunes is gone at all. I think there was also another map where it dropped also.
This league is gonna be Fire.
Sieegfreed wrote:
PoE 2 looks bad, really bad, slow and like a mix of Diablo 4 + Soulslike, for me PoE's essence are being spoiled by this project...
Instead we shoud have a good massive and solid game...
We'll have the community divided and will be more recurrent for people (like me) skipe some leagues or even play others games instead... a pity...

PS: This ugly wings you gave in the drop was better than the entire set provided as challange reward... I miss when we had good rewards that "remember" the league instead all this random theme armour sets you have being doing...

If you desire you can play other games. Don't feel obligated to play something if it's not fun for you.

Btw, amazing League! The new transfigured gems seems great and the qualitys are now something more useful.

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