PoB returning 'Account profile is private'

you guys get this fixed? I started having this problem recently and have been using pob since i started poe with 0 issues til just recently.
same issue here
IGN TylordRampage
Same here.

I enable all privacy checkbox, logout and wait 1 hour. Enable all, logout and wait 1 hour, but not resolve the problem.

Neither waiting 24 hours between enable and disable.

Neither with the POESESSID.
I am having this issue as well. made sure my account is no private, made sure i entered the correct account name ... not sure what to do now....
Last edited by ps7ekken on Jul 24, 2024, 10:42:02 PM
I am having this issue as well. made sure my account is no private, made sure i entered the correct account name ... not sure what to do now....

Hi Marcus DuCoeur,

I am able to import your profile + characters.

First in PoB select Xbox in the drop down from the default PC

Second when I pulled your account on the website your account shows a "+" in between your two names of your account.

Adding your account into PoB as such:

Last edited by ps7ekken on Jul 25, 2024, 3:13:48 AM
I am having this issue as well. made sure my account is no private, made sure i entered the correct account name ... not sure what to do now....

Hello, Marcus DuCoeur! I have looked into this for you and it seems your account is public.

I'm afraid that when it comes to third party applications we are unable to troubleshoot beyond our own systems.

I'm afraid that apart from suggesting that you double-check the information that you are entering is correct we are unable to troubleshoot further. One small suggestion is that as your account name contains a space you may possibly have to add a + symbol in the empty space.
Need help? Contact Support :)
ps7ekken wrote:
I am having this issue as well. made sure my account is no private, made sure i entered the correct account name ... not sure what to do now....

Hi Marcus DuCoeur,

I am able to import your profile + characters.

First in PoB select Xbox in the drop down from the default PC

Second when I pulled your account on the website your account shows a "+" in between your two names of your account.

Adding your account into PoB as such:

that worked! never thought about that. thank you :D
I have the same issue
Mozú wrote:
I have the same issue

Enter this in the PoB in the account name - Moz%C3%BA

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