After playing the demos today - PoE2 makes combat a lot more fun

PoE2 is slower so far

Game is likely not much slower or at all on launch.

Monsters got buffed and player classes deliberately undergeared to showcase the skills better for this demo event on ExileCon.
Skill tree could also not be used, so thats another thing. Also level 40ish, way before builds start popping of to make a real comparison.

Game will not be much slower at start and you will run with one main skill and one or two active supports that you often spam, to make it more efficient.

Nobody is going to do WoW rotations with 4-5 skills all the time like showcased in the demo. It's just a showcase after all (for a purpose).
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
Last edited by gandhar0 on Jul 29, 2023, 1:35:05 PM
mGravitus wrote:
Slowing down combat : every-time GGG moves in this direction, the majority of players dislike it.

Alot of players (including me) just simply want to spam 1 skill, slay juiced packs of magic mobs and get showered in loot. That is all. Lets be real the zoominess is 90% of the fun.

All this stuff about rolling, dodging, swapping weapons, using 5 skill rotations, a white pack takes 10 seconds to kill, and every rare mob takes 2 min to kill, and every boss has 6 skills to watch for and 4 different phases.. that is not where the MAGIC is at. That ain't it chief!

Maybe GGG could quell all this backlash by just releasing a late game char in POE2 and showing it blitzing some mobs.. because right now all we have is the the streamer gameplay showcases, which were frankly a BORING FIASCO - all they did was generate NEGATIVE HYPE.

On the other hand.. BRAVO for 3.22 could not be more hype for an autobattler :)

And herein we have the problem.

"90% of players" are not here for the Cookie Clicker zoominess. 90% of whiny Reddit jaggoffs are here for the zoominess.

"All this stuff about rolling, dodging, swapping weapons, using 5 skill rotations, a white pack taking 10 seconds to kill, rare mobs taking 2 min to kill, and every boss has 6 skills to watch for and 4 different phases" sounds fucking amazing. It's everything a significant chunk of us Non-Reddit People are after.

What drew a great many people to path of Exile was its incredible diversity of builds and customization. Problem: Path of Exile 1 does not have an incredible diversity of builds and customization. It tries to, really hard, and its developers obviously WANT it to have incredible diversity of builds and customization, but you don't win Path of Exile in the instance, when you're fighting the demon hordes of Wraeclast. You don't even win Path of Exile in the Path of Building interface, when you're planning your build.

Religion of Zoom Reddit jaggoffs "win" Path of Exile with one skill, and one skill only - "Can I flip the market hard enough to 'earn' the sort of gigajuiced currency I need to buy the sort of gigachad gear I need to outscale the game so hard that it literally doesn't matter what skill(s) I'm using because I could trivialize every single piece of content in the entire game with Heavy Strike?"

You're after the scaling, not the gameplay. There IS no "gameplay" at the level of outlandish, batshit, utterly out of control scaling Gigajuicers and Religion of Zoom afficionados insist on - you can't see what you're doing whatsoever, you have no idea what enemies are on the screen or what the mods on the map or the individual critters are, you're just overgeared to such an utterly outrageous extent that randomly clicking on the screen is enough to get you through. That level of actually-for-real insane scaling actively detracts from every other aspect of the game and makes Path of Exile 1 worse for a large number of players, not better.

It means creativity or cleverness in build creation is meaningless, and actual moment-to-moment gameplay skill is also meaningless. The only "skill" with any meaning is knowing all the weird unintuitive cheaty cheesy ways Religion of Zoom people have to milk currency from the aether to buy the sort of gear that eliminates the need to actually be good at Path of Exile.

Well, you can't do that in 2. Or at least we can all devoutly hope you can't do that in 2. You can certainly gear up to go fast as hell and scale up hard, but the days of outscaling the game so hard you can AFK every Uber encounter in it can disappear into history/stay strictly with Grampy PoE1. Those of us looking to Win PoE in the "character build" section of the game or even the "moment-to-moment combat" section of the game will get a chance to do precisely that.

It's gonna be magnificent.
mGravitus wrote:
Slowing down combat : every-time GGG moves in this direction, the majority of players dislike it.

Alot of players (including me) just simply want to spam 1 skill, slay juiced packs of magic mobs and get showered in loot. That is all. Lets be real the zoominess is 90% of the fun.

All this stuff about rolling, dodging, swapping weapons, using 5 skill rotations, a white pack takes 10 seconds to kill, and every rare mob takes 2 min to kill, and every boss has 6 skills to watch for and 4 different phases.. that is not where the MAGIC is at. That ain't it chief!

This is basically how I feel as well.
I don't mind challenging mechanics that are similar to MMO bosses but I like my main skill to be spammable and what I focus on.
The new comet spell is awesome but the massive cast time and mana cost wont let you play that way.

I despise anything rotation-wise in ARPG's and general slowness in these games. It's not even fully that I suppose; but the above mostly. Stopping/stutter stepping to use a different skill for different types of mobs feels weird and awkward in ARPG games.

Idk, undecided still. The demo was not hype at all for me.
009Status wrote:

This is basically how I feel as well.
I don't mind challenging mechanics that are similar to MMO bosses but I like my main skill to be spammable and what I focus on.
The new comet spell is awesome but the massive cast time and mana cost wont let you play that way.

I despise anything rotation-wise in ARPG's and general slowness in these games. It's not even fully that I suppose; but the above mostly. Stopping/stutter stepping to use a different skill for different types of mobs feels weird and awkward in ARPG games.

Idk, undecided still. The demo was not hype at all for me.

Nothing they've announced so far states you can't do this. It's not actively encouraged/required anymore, no, but it's more than likely still quite possible to spend every resource in your build juicing one skill to the point where you don't really need other skills.

What they've done is make it actually possible to have multiple powerful primary skills for the players who enjoy that sort of gameplay. There's no longer an untenable opportunity cost in trying to have multiple active skills available to you. You can juice Arc to the point where you don't need anything else; I can use Arc as a sniper cannon, Ice Nova as a close-quarters defense and pack clearing skill, Manastorm as an intensifier, and a couple of other things for whatever else my build is weak at, and the two of us won't be at different power levels. Your build will be simpler, mine will be more versatile, but neither will be stronger. Whereas if I tried to do that in PoE1 I would be rendering my character unplayably weak.
A lot of people in this thread clearly play more mobile games than anything else.
Pretty disappointed overall so far. Can't even have a quicksilver flask in poe2 lol.
Moridin79 wrote:
Pretty disappointed overall so far. Can't even have a quicksilver flask in poe2 lol.

Good. Want more movement, invest in movement speed. Can't tell you how tired I am of movement speed being a dead stat in PoE because everybody replaces their feet with Shield Charge instead and cares solely about attack speed.
The thing is people playing the demo have no idea how the actual game is gonna be.

- They're playing a demo made for presentation purposes, where no zoom zoom gameplay is allowed and characters are weaker/mobs are harder.

- The demo gives no option to make builds

- The demo obviously doesn't show how high level chars/endgame feels like

Everyone into D2 like Arpgs knows endgame is all that matters. And nobody knows how that's gonna fell like. All we know is what devs said, and thay said POE 2 is gonna be a little slower than POE 1. It's a matter of how much you trust them, and what they actually mean by that.

imanubcake wrote:

They said that the characters in showcase are made weak intentionally so people can see what's actually happening.
And it was act3 with terrible gear. Ofc it looks way slower than what you expect.

I've never heard them say it. Can you prove it?

It's strange and confusing to advertise a game that isnt the same game being made.
I feel so conflicted, try to be positive and hyped about some of the skill and passive stuff, but all the live stream showcases scream tedium to me.
I'm not your typical zoomer, but I don't like long bossfights in my ARPG's, and whiel I already knew bosses were the biggest focus in PoE 2 I'm still having a hard time feeling great about long bossfights in literally every zone.
I might be an anomaly but I'd play PoE without MMO almost Souls-like bossfights.
We don't really know what our power will be, but it's hard to make it align to what I love.

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